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two goes of rum

  • 1 go

    ɡəu 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) gå, dra, reise
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) bli sendt, skulle sendes
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) gå (til); bli solgt
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) gå, føre
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) gå på
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) bli fjernet
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) gå, forløpe, utvikle seg
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) dra, gå
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) forsvinne
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) skal gjøre (noe)
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) ryke, gå
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) virke
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) bli (fordervet, osv.)
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) være, gå
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) høre hjemme, ha sin plass
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.)
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) bli brukt på/til
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) være lov
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) lage en lyd, si
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) lyde
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) gå bra, være en suksess
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) forsøk
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) futt, fart, pågangsmot
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) vellykket
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) eksisterende, nåværende, vanlig
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) klarsignal, grønt lys
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    subst. \/ɡəʊ\/
    1) ( hverdagslig) hendelse, sak, historie
    2) omgang, runde, kule
    3) futt, tæl, pågangsmot, krutt, smell, sving, klem
    4) ( hverdagslig) forsøk
    5) ( hverdagslig) glass, runde
    to glass rom, takk
    6) ( hverdagslig) suksess
    7) porsjon, dose
    all the go eller quite the go eller the go siste skrik, trendy, på moten
    at one go på første forsøk, på én gang, i strekk
    be on the go ( hverdagslig) være på farten, være i gang, være i bevegelse
    be (all) the go være motebevisst, følge siste mote
    from go to whoa fra begynnelse til slutt
    full of go eller have plenty of go full av fart
    have a go at something forsøke seg på noe, gjøre et forsøk på noe
    make a go of something lykkes med noe, ha fremgang med noe
    a near go nære på, på håret
    no go ( sport) tjuvstart ( overført) ingen vits i, nytteløst, feilslått, mislykket
    a rum go tøff behandling, hard medfart ( foreldet) en overraskende begivenhet, et merkelig utfall, en snodig affære
    that's a go eller here's a go litt av en røre, litt av en suppe
    verb ( went - gone) \/ɡəʊ\/
    1) dra, reise, gå, kjøre, ferdes
    2) gå på, delta i, være medlem av
    3) gå omkring (og være), forbli
    4) begi seg, dra av gårde, gå
    jeg skal hjem \/ jeg går hjem
    5) ( særlig om noe negativt) bli, endre tilstand
    6) strekke seg, lede, føre til, gå til
    is this the road that goes into town?
    7) ( om tid) gå, passere, forløpe
    8) ( om utfallet av noe) gå, lykkes
    how did your application go?
    9) være på farten, jobbe, stå på
    10) gjøre
    when you draw a bow you go like this...
    når du skal spenne buen gjør du slik...
    11) sette i gang, begynne
    go when you hear the bell!
    12) harmonere, passe til, passe sammen
    13) ( om maskiner e.l.) funksjonere, gå, være i gang
    14) ( om gjenstander) høre til, høre hjemme, ha sin plass, være, stå, ligge, henge
    where do you want your piano to go?
    15) ( hverdagslig) gå på do
    please, Sir! I have to go!
    16) bli solgt for
    17) gå tom for, slippe opp for, ta slutt, gå unna, bruke opp
    we'll have to stop at the next service station, the petrol's nearly gone
    vi må stoppe på neste bensinstasjon, det er nesten tomt for bensin
    18) forsvinne, gå tapt, ryke, gå i vasken
    19) avskaffes, oppheves, oppgis, ofres
    20) opphøre, ta slutt, gå over, gi seg
    21) avskjediges, slutte, måtte gå
    22) gå konkurs, gå over ende
    23) avta, svikte, gi etter
    24) dø, gå bort
    the old man went peacefully at 3 a.m.
    25) få plass, romme, gå ned, gå inn i
    26) ( matematikk) gå opp i
    27) ( om lyd) gå, lyde, kime, si, smelle
    the gun went bang!
    28) (om tekster, dikt, sanger e.l.) lyde, sies, gå
    the story goes that...
    det sies at...
    can you remember how that song goes?
    29) ( om valuta) være gangbar, være gyldig, gå
    amerikanske dollar går\/er gyldige nesten overalt
    30) være akseptabelt, være tillatt, være lov
    31) ha det siste ordet
    når jeg sier det, blir det slik
    32) gjøre, foreta, gjennomføre
    33) (amer., hverdagslig) strekke seg til
    I'll go $500 for a suit but no more
    jeg kan strekke meg til 500 dollar for en dress, men ikke mer
    34) (amer., hverdagslig) vedde, sette, melde
    I'll go $5 on the queen of hearts
    35) (amer., hverdagslig) holde ut
    36) (amer., hverdagslig) smake, ha lyst på
    37) (hverdagslig, ofte i indirekte tale) si
    so I go, what'd you do that for?
    og så sier jeg bare, hvorfor gjorde du det, 'a?
    as something goes hva angår
    she is not very old, as grandmothers go
    as things go som vanlig
    come and go secome, 2
    go about ( om rykter e.l.) gå, være i omløp, sirkulere, ryktes
    a rumour is going about...
    det ryktes at...
    ta en omvei
    ( sjøfart) gå baut, stagvende gå i gang med, sette i gang, gripe noe an
    utføre, skjøtte, passe
    go about with gå sammen med, henge sammen med, være sammen med
    go after gå etter, løpe etter
    forsøke å få tak i, forsøke å skaffe seg, være ute etter
    go against gå imot, motstå
    (om følelser, prinsipper) gå på tvers av ( om avgjørelser e.l.) gå imot, være i disfavør
    go ahead fortsette, gå på sette i gang, starte
    go ahead!
    sett i gang! \/ kjør i vei!
    gå (fort) fremover, rykke frem, vinne frem, gjøre fremskritt
    gå i forveien, dra i forveien
    ta ledelsen, gå forbi, passere
    (også overført)
    go along with være enig med, si seg enig i
    go all out ( hverdagslig) ta seg helt ut
    go all the way with være helt enig med ( sport) være på høyde med
    go around eller go round (spesielt amer., om fly) avbryte et landingsforsøk og prøve på nytt
    go around with gå sammen med, henge sammen med
    go at gyve løs på
    go back ( om klokken) bli stilt tilbake ha kjent hverandre lenge
    go back on svikte, gå tilbake på (hva en har sagt)
    go bad bli dårlig, bli bedervet
    go from bad to worse gå fra asken til ilden
    go down (om skip, fly) gå ned, synke, krasje tape, bli slått
    bli husket, bli skrevet ned
    ( overført) bli mottatt (av publikum)
    bli slukt, bli svelget, gli ned
    (amer., hverdagslig) skje
    (britisk, hverdagslig) fullføre studier (særlig ved Oxford eller Cambridge) (britisk, hverdagslig) bli satt i fengsel
    go down on somebody (vulgært, slang, om oralsex) sokke noen, suge noen, slikke noen
    go down with ( britisk) begynne å bli syk (av en spesifisert sykdom)
    go for bestemme seg for, velge
    how I wish he had gone for the other candidate!
    angripe, gå løs på
    bli solgt for, gå for
    gjelde, angå everyone
    everyone listen - that goes for you too, young man!
    go for it! ikke gi deg!
    go forward ( om klokken) bli stilt frem
    go in for delta, melde seg på
    like, gå på, delta i (regelmessig)
    go into kjøre inn i, kollidere gå inn på, undersøke
    ( matematikk) gå (opp) i
    how many times does 3 go into 18?
    go off (om våpen, bomber e.l.) eksplodere, antenne ( om alarm) gå
    ( hverdagslig) miste selvbeherskelsen, «gå i lufta» (spesielt britisk, om mat) bli dårlig, bli bedervet, bli sur (spesielt britisk, hverdagslig) miste lysten på, begynne å mislike
    ( om følelse) avta gradvis, gå over
    hun kunne ikke fortsette å arbeide der snakke ustoppelig, mase
    ( i gjengitt direkte tale) fortsette (å snakke) etter et kort opphold
    'I don't think so', she went on
    ( hverdagslig) kom igjen
    go on, tell him!
    hende, finne sted, skje, foregå
    ( ofte med infinitiv) gå videre, fortsette
    (hverdagslig, ofte negativt) like, ha noe til overs for, synes om
    go out ( om lys e.l.) slukne ( om tidevann) ebbe, avta, bli lavvann gå ut (av huset)
    være sammen med, ha følge med
    ( golf) spille de første ni hullene i en omgang på atten ( i kortspill) kaste kortene, kvitte seg med kortene en har på hånden
    go over gjennomgå
    can we go over the procedure once more, please
    gå over til, endre standpunkt, konvertere
    ( spesielt om en handling eller opptreden) bli godt mottatt, gå hjem hos (publikum)
    go round eller go around ( om hjul e.l.) gå rundt, dreie rundt ( om mat) rekke rundt, være tilstrekkelig
    ( overført) fungere, gå
    go through gjennomgå, lide
    gå igjennom, lete igjennom
    jeg måtte lete igjennom hele beholdningen for å finne boken du spurte etter
    gjennomføre, fullføre, ferdigstille, avslutte
    ( hverdagslig) bruke (opp)
    ( om bøker) bli utgitt (i flere opplag)
    (austr., hverdagslig) stikke av (fra en forpliktelse)
    go to! ( gammeldags) gi deg!
    go under ( om forretning e.l.) gå konkurs ( om person) gå dukken, dø, bryte sammen
    go up ( om et byggverk) bli reist eksplodere, antenne (plutselig)
    (britisk, hverdagslig) begynne ved et universitet (spesielt Oxford eller Cambridge)
    go with si seg enig med, gi tillatelse til ha et (seksuelt) forhold til
    go without være foruten, klare seg uten, forsake
    he gave his children what they wanted, even if he had to go without
    adj. \/ɡəʊ\/
    (romteknologi, hverdagslig) (start)klar

    English-Norwegian dictionary > go

  • 2 go

    I [gəu] 1. гл.; прош. вр. went, прич. прош. вр. gone
    а) идти, ехать, двигаться

    We are going too fast. — Мы идём слишком быстро.

    Who goes? Stand, or I fire. — Стой, кто идёт? Стрелять буду.

    The baby went behind his mother to play a hiding game. — Малыш решил поиграть в прятки и спрятался за маму.

    Go ahead, what are you waiting for? — Идите вперёд, чего вы ждёте?

    I'll go ahead and warn the others to expect you later. — Я пойду вперёд и предупрежу остальных, что вы подойдёте позже.

    My brother quickly passing him, went ahead, and won the match easily. — Мой брат быстро обогнал его, вышел вперёд и легко выиграл матч.

    As the roads were so icy, the cars were going along very slowly and carefully. — Так как дороги были покрыты льдом, машины продвигались очень медленно и осторожно.

    The deer has gone beyond the trees; I can't shoot at it from this distance. — Олень зашёл за деревья; я не могу попасть в него с этого расстояния.

    You've missed the bus, it just went by. — Ты опоздал на автобус, он только что проехал.

    Let's go forward to the front of the hall. — Давай продвинемся к началу зала.

    I have to go in now, my mother's calling me for tea. — Мне надо идти, мама зовёт меня пить чай.

    The car went into a tree and was severely damaged. — Машина влетела в дерево и была сильно повреждена.

    The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go on. — Полицейские осмотрели машины, а потом пропустили их.

    I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. — Я думаю, с такой простудой тебе лучше сидеть дома.

    It's dangerous here, with bullets going over our heads all the time. — Здесь опасно, пули так и свистят над головами.

    I fear that you cannot go over to the cottage. — Боюсь, что ты не сможешь сходить в этот коттедж.

    I spent a day or two on going round and seeing the other colleges. — Я провёл день или два, обходя другие колледжи.

    This material is so stiff that even my thickest needle won't go through. — Этот материал настолько плотный, что даже моя самая большая игла не может проткнуть его.

    Don't leave me alone, let me go with you! — Не бросай меня, позволь мне пойти с тобой!

    The piano won't go through this narrow entrance. — Фортепиано не пройдёт сквозь этот узкий вход.

    There is no such thing as a level street in the city: those which do not go up, go down. — В городе нет такого понятия как ровная улица: те, которые не идут вверх, спускаются вниз.

    to go on travels, to go on a journey, to go on a voyage — отправиться в путешествие

    He wants me to go on a cruise with him. — Он хочет, чтобы я отправился с ним в круиз.

    в) уходить, уезжать

    Please go now, I'm getting tired. — Теперь, пожалуйста, уходи, я устал.

    I have to go at 5.30. — Я должен уйти в 5.30.

    There was no answer to my knock, so I went away. — На мой стук никто не ответил, так что я ушёл.

    Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? — Почему художник бросил свою семью и уехал жить на остров в тропиках?

    At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. — В конце сцены убийца уходит, заслышав приближение полиции.

    г) пойти (куда-л.), уехать (куда-л.) с определённой целью

    to go to bed — идти, отправляться, ложиться спать

    to go to press — идти в печать, печататься

    You'd better go for the police. — Ты лучше сбегай за полицией.

    д) заниматься (чем-л.); двигаться определённым образом (что-л. делая)

    The bus goes right to the centre of town. — Автобус ходит прямо до центра города.

    The ship goes between the two islands. — Корабль курсирует между двумя островами.

    ж) разг. двигаться определённым образом, идти определённым шагом

    to go above one's ground — идти, высоко поднимая ноги

    а) следовать определённым курсом, идти (каким-л. путем) прям. и перен.

    the man who goes straight in spite of temptation — человек, который идёт не сбиваясь с пути, несмотря на соблазны

    She will never go my way, nor, I fear, shall I ever go hers. — Она никогда не будет действовать так, как я, и, боюсь, я никогда не буду действовать так, как она.

    б) прибегать (к чему-л.), обращаться (к кому-л.)
    3) ходить (куда-л.) регулярно, с какой-л. целью

    When I was young, we went to church every Sunday. — Когда я был маленьким, мы каждое воскресенье ходили в церковь.

    а) идти (от чего-л.), вести (куда-л.)

    The boundary here goes parallel with the river. — Граница идёт здесь вдоль реки.

    б) выходить (куда-л.)

    This door goes outside. — Эта дверь выходит наружу.

    5) происходить, случаться, развиваться, проистекать

    The annual dinner never goes better than when he is in the chair. — Ежегодный обед проходит лучше всего, когда он председательствует.

    The game went so strangely that I couldn't possibly tell. — Игра шла так странно, что и не рассказать.

    The election went against him. — Выборы кончились для него неудачно.

    What has gone of...? — Что стало, что произошло с...?

    Nobody in Porlock ever knew what has gone with him. — Никто в Порлоке так и не узнал, что с ним стало.


    The battery in this watch is going. — Батарейка в часах садится.

    Sometimes the eyesight goes forever. — Иногда зрение теряют навсегда.

    I could feel my brain going. — Я чувствовал, что мой ум перестаёт работать.

    You see that your father is going very fast. — Вы видите, что ваш отец очень быстро сдаёт.

    б) ломаться; изнашиваться ( до дыр)

    The platform went. — Трибуна обрушилась.

    About half past three the foremast went in three places. — Около половины четвёртого фок-мачта треснула в трёх местах.

    The dike might go any minute. — Дамбу может прорвать в любую минуту.

    My old sweater had started to go at the elbows. — Мой старый свитер начал протираться на локтях.

    в) быть поражённым болезнью, гнить (о растениях, урожае)

    The crop is good, but the potato is going everywhere. — Урожай зерновых хорош, а картофель начинает повсюду гнить.

    7) разг. умирать, уходить из жизни

    to go to one's own place — умереть, скончаться

    to go aloft / off the hooks / off the stocks / to (the) pot разг. — отправиться на небеса, протянуть ноги, сыграть в ящик

    Your brother's gone - died half-an-hour ago. — Ваш брат покинул этот мир - скончался полчаса назад.

    Hope he hasn't gone down; he deserved to live. — Надеюсь, что он не умер; он заслужил того, чтобы жить.

    The doctors told me that he might go off any day. — Доктора сказали мне, что он может скончаться со дня на день.

    I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. — Надеюсь, что мир станет лучше, когда меня не будет.

    а) вмещаться, подходить (по форме, размеру)

    The space is too small, the bookcase won't go in. — Здесь слишком мало места, книжный шкаф сюда не войдёт.

    Elzevirs go readily into the pocket. — Средневековые книги-эльзевиры легко входят в карман.

    The thread is too thick to go into the needle. — Эта нитка слишком толста, чтобы пролезть в игольное ушко.

    Three goes into fifteen five times. — Три содержится в пятнадцати пять раз.

    All the good we can find about him will go into a very few words. — Всё хорошее, что мы в нём можем найти, можно выразить в нескольких словах.

    б) соответствовать, подходить (по стилю, цвету, вкусу)

    This furniture would go well in any room. — Эта мебель подойдёт для любой комнаты.

    I don't think these colours really go, do you? — Я не думаю, что эти цвета подходят, а ты как думаешь?

    Oranges go surprisingly well with duck. — Апельсины отлично подходят к утке.

    That green hat doesn't go with the blue dress. — Эта зелёная шляпа не идёт к синему платью.

    в) помещаться (где-л.), постоянно храниться (где-л.)

    This box goes on the third shelf from the top. — Эта коробка стоит на третьей полке сверху.

    This book goes here. — Эта книга стоит здесь (здесь её место).

    He's short, as jockeys go. — Он довольно низкого роста, даже для жокея.

    "How goes it, Joe?" - "Pretty well, as times go." — "Как дела, Джо?" - "По нынешним временам вполне сносно".

    10) быть посланным, отправленным (о письме, записке)

    I'd like this letter to go first class. — Я хотел бы отправить это письмо первым классом.

    11) проходить, пролетать ( о времени)

    This week's gone so fast - I can't believe it's Friday already. — Эта неделя прошла так быстро, не могу поверить, что уже пятница.

    Time goes so fast when you're having fun. — Когда нам весело, время бежит.

    Summer is going. — Лето проходит.

    One week and half of another is already gone. — Уже прошло полторы недели.

    а) пойти (на что-л.), быть потраченным (на что-л.; о деньгах)

    Whatever money he got it all went on paying his debt. — Сколько бы денег он ни получил, всё уходило на выплату долга.

    Your money went towards a new computer for the school. — Ваши деньги пошли на новый компьютер для школы.

    Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent. — На арендную плату должно уходить не более четверти дохода.

    б) уменьшаться, кончаться (о запасах, провизии)

    We were worried because the food was completely gone and the water was going fast. — Мы беспокоились, так как еда уже кончилась, а вода подходила к концу.

    The cake went fast. — Пирог был тут же съеден.

    All its independence was gone. — Вся его независимость исчезла.

    One of the results of using those drugs is that the will entirely goes. — Одно из последствий приёма этих лекарств - полная потеря воли.

    This feeling gradually goes off. — Это чувство постепенно исчезает.

    They can fire me, but I won't go quietly. — Они могут меня уволить, но я не уйду тихо.

    а) издавать (какой-л.) звук

    to go bang — бахнуть, хлопнуть

    to go crash / smash — грохнуть, треснуть

    Clatter, clatter, went the horses' hoofs. — Цок, цок, цокали лошадиные копыта.

    Something seemed to go snap within me. — Что-то внутри меня щёлкнуло.

    Crack went the mast. — Раздался треск мачты.

    Patter, patter, goes the rain. — Кап, кап, стучит дождь.

    The clock on the mantelpiece went eight. — Часы на камине пробили восемь.

    а) иметь хождение, быть в обращении ( о деньгах)
    б) циркулировать, передаваться, переходить из уст в уста

    Now the story goes that the young Smith is in London. — Говорят, что юный Смит сейчас в Лондоне.


    My only order was, "Clear the road - and be damn quick about it." What I said went. — Я отдал приказ: "Очистить дорогу - и, чёрт возьми, немедленно!" Это тут же было выполнено.

    He makes so much money that whatever he says, goes. — У него столько денег, что всё, что он ни скажет, тут же выполняется.

    - from the word Go

    anything goes, everything goes разг. — всё дозволено, всё сойдёт

    Around here, anything goes. — Здесь всё разрешено.

    Anything goes if it's done by someone you're fond of. — Всё сойдёт, если это всё сделано тем, кого ты любишь.

    в) ( go about) начинать (что-л.; делать что-л.), приступать к (чему-л.)

    She went about her work in a cold, impassive way. — Холодно, бесстрастно она приступила к своей работе.

    The church clock has not gone for twenty years. — Часы на церкви не ходили двадцать лет.

    All systems go. — Всё работает нормально.

    She felt her heart go in a most unusual manner. — Она почувствовала, что сердце у неё очень странно бьётся.

    18) продаваться, расходиться (по какой-л. цене)

    to go for a song — идти за бесценок, ничего не стоить

    There were perfectly good coats going at $23! —Там продавали вполне приличные куртки всего за 23 доллара.

    Going at four pounds fifteen, if there is no advance. — Если больше нет предложений, то продаётся за четыре фунта пятнадцать шиллингов.

    This goes for 1 shilling. — Это стоит 1 шиллинг.

    The house went for very little. — Дом был продан за бесценок.

    19) позволить себе, согласиться (на какую-л. сумму)

    Lewis consented to go as high as twenty-five thousand crowns. — Льюис согласился на такую большую сумму как двадцать пять тысяч крон.

    I'll go fifty dollars for a ticket. — Я позволю себе купить билет за пятьдесят долларов.

    20) разг. говорить
    21) эвф. сходить, сбегать ( в туалет)

    He's in the men's room. He's been wanting to go all evening, but as long as you were playing he didn't want to miss a note. (J. Wain) — Он в туалете. Ему туда нужно было весь вечер, но пока вы играли, он не хотел пропустить ни одной нотки.

    22) ( go after)
    а) следовать за (кем-л.); преследовать

    Half the guards went after the escaped prisoners, but they got away free. — На поиски беглецов отправилась половина гарнизона, но они всё равно сумели скрыться.

    б) преследовать цель; стремиться, стараться (сделать что-л.)

    Jim intends to go after the big prize. — Джим намерен выиграть большой приз.

    I think we should go after increased production this year. — Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производство.

    в) посещать в качестве поклонника, ученика или последователя
    23) ( go against)
    а) противоречить, быть против (убеждений, желаний); идти вразрез с (чем-л.)

    to go against the grain, go against the hair — вызывать внутренний протест, быть не по нутру

    I wouldn't advise you to go against the director. — Не советую тебе перечить директору.

    It goes against my nature to get up early in the morning. — Рано вставать по утрам противно моей натуре.

    The run of luck went against Mr. Nickleby. (Ch. Dickens) — Удача отвернулась от мистера Никльби.

    б) быть не в пользу (кого-л.), закончиться неблагоприятно для (кого-л.; о соревнованиях, выборах)

    One of his many law-suits seemed likely to go against him. — Он, судя по всему, проигрывал один из своих многочисленных судебных процессов.

    If the election goes against the government, who will lead the country? — Если на выборах проголосуют против правительства, кто же возглавит страну?

    24) ( go at) разг.
    а) бросаться на (кого-л.)

    Our dog went at the postman again this morning. — Наша собака опять сегодня набросилась на почтальона.

    Selina went at her again for further information. — Селина снова набросилась на неё, требуя дополнительной информации.

    The students are really going at their studies now that the examinations are near. — Экзамены близко, так что студенты в самом деле взялись за учёбу.

    25) ( go before)
    а) представать перед (чем-л.), явиться лицом к лицу с (чем-л.)

    When you go before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. — Когда ты выступаешь в суде, ты должен говорить чистую правду.

    б) предлагать (что-л.) на рассмотрение

    Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week. — Совет директоров рассмотрит ваше предложение на следующей неделе.

    26) ( go behind) не ограничиваться (чем-л.)
    27) ( go between) быть посредником между (кем-л.)

    The little girl was given a bar of chocolate as her payment for going between her sister and her sister's boyfriend. — Младшая сестра получила шоколадку за то, что была посыльной между своей старшей сестрой и её парнем.

    28) ( go beyond)
    а) превышать, превосходить (что-л.)

    The money that I won went beyond my fondest hopes. — Сумма, которую я выиграл, превосходила все мои ожидания.

    Be careful not to go beyond your rights. — Будь осторожен, не превышай своих прав.

    б) оказаться трудным, непостижимым (для кого-л.)

    I was interested to hear the speaker, but his speech went beyond me. — Мне было интересно послушать докладчика, но его речь была выше моего понимания.

    I don't think this class will be able to go beyond lesson six. — Не думаю, что этот класс сможет продвинуться дальше шестого урока.

    - go beyond caring
    - go beyond endurance
    - go beyond a joke
    29) (go by / under) называться

    to go by / under the name of — быть известным под именем

    Our friend William often goes by Billy. — Нашего друга Вильяма часто называют Билли.

    He went under the name of Baker, to avoid discovery by the police. — Скрываясь от полиции, он жил под именем Бейкера.

    30) ( go by) судить по (чему-л.); руководствоваться (чем-л.), действовать в соответствии с (чем-л.)

    to go by the book разг. — действовать в соответствии с правилами, педантично выполнять правила

    You can't go by what he says, he's very untrustworthy. — Не стоит судить о ситуации по его словам, ему нельзя верить.

    You make a mistake if you go by appearances. — Ты ошибаешься, если судишь о людях по внешнему виду.

    I go by the barometer. — Я пользуюсь барометром.

    Our chairman always goes by the rules. — Наш председатель всегда действует по правилам.

    31) ( go for)
    а) стремиться к (чему-л.)

    I think we should go for increased production this year. — Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производительность.

    б) выбирать; любить, нравиться

    The people will never go for that guff. — Людям не понравится эта пустая болтовня.

    She doesn't go for whiskers. — Ей не нравятся бакенбарды.

    в) разг. наброситься, обрушиться на (кого-л.)

    The black cow immediately went for him. — Чёрная корова немедленно кинулась на него.

    The speaker went for the profiteers. — Оратор обрушился на спекулянтов.

    г) становиться (кем-л.), действовать в качестве (кого-л.)

    I'm well made all right. I could go for a model if I wanted. — У меня отличная фигура. Я могла бы стать манекенщицей, если бы захотела.

    д) быть принятым за (кого-л.), считаться (кем-л.), сходить за (кого-л.)

    He goes for a lawyer, but I don't think he ever studied or practised law. — Говорят, он адвокат, но мне кажется, что он никогда не изучал юриспруденцию и не работал в этой области.

    е) быть действительным по отношению к (кому-л. / чему-л.), относиться к (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    that goes for me — это относится ко мне; это мое дело

    I don't care if Pittsburgh chokes. And that goes for Cincinnati, too. (P. G. Wodehouse) — Мне всё равно, если Питсбург задохнётся. То же самое касается Цинциннати.

    - go for broke
    - go for a burton
    32) ( go into)
    а) входить, вступать; принимать участие

    He wanted to go into Parliament. — Он хотел стать членом парламента.

    He went eagerly into the compact. — Он охотно принял участие в сделке.

    The Times has gone into open opposition to the Government on all points except foreign policy. — “Таймс” встал в открытую оппозицию к правительству по всем вопросам, кроме внешней политики.

    take part, undertake
    б) впадать ( в истерику); приходить ( в ярость)

    the man who went into ecstasies at discovering that Cape Breton was an island — человек, который впал в экстаз, обнаружив, что мыс Бретон является островом

    I nearly went into hysterics. — Я был на грани истерики.

    в) начинать заниматься (чем-л. в качестве профессии, должности, занятия)

    He went keenly into dairying. — Он активно занялся производством молочных продуктов.

    He went into practice for himself. — Он самостоятельно занялся практикой.

    Hicks naturally went into law. — Хикс, естественно, занялся правом.

    г) носить (о стиле в одежде; особенно носить траур)

    to go into long dresses, trousers, etc. — носить длинные платья, брюки

    She shocked Mrs. Spark by refusing to go into full mourning. — Она шокировала миссис Спарк, отказываясь носить полный траур.

    д) расследовать, тщательно рассматривать, изучать

    We cannot of course go into the history of these wars. — Естественно, мы не можем во всех подробностях рассмотреть историю этих войн.

    - go into details
    - go into detail
    - go into abeyance
    - go into action
    33) ( go off) разлюбить (что-л.), потерять интерес к (чему-л.)

    I simply don't feel anything for him any more. In fact, I've gone off him. — Я просто не испытываю больше к нему никаких чувств. По существу, я его разлюбила.

    34) ( go over)
    а) перечитывать; повторять

    The schoolboy goes over his lesson, before going up before the master. — Ученик повторяет свой урок, прежде чем отвечать учителю.

    He went over the explanation two or three times. — Он повторил объяснение два или три раза.

    б) внимательно изучать, тщательно рассматривать; проводить осмотр

    We went over the house thoroughly before buying it. — Мы тщательно осмотрели дом, прежде чем купить его.

    I've asked the garage people to go over my car thoroughly. — Я попросил людей в сервисе тщательно осмотреть машину.

    Harry and I have been going over old letters. — Гарри и я просматривали старые письма.

    We must go over the account books together. — Нам надо вместе проглядеть бухгалтерские книги.

    35) ( go through)

    It would take far too long to go through all the propositions. — Изучение всех предложений займёт слишком много времени.

    б) пережить, перенести (что-л.)

    All that men go through may be absolutely the best for them. — Все испытания, которым подвергается человек, могут оказаться для него благом.

    в) проходить (какие-л. этапы)

    The disease went through the whole city. — Болезнь распространилась по всему городу.

    д) осматривать, обыскивать

    The girls were "going through" a drunken sailor. — Девицы обшаривали пьяного моряка.

    е) износить до дыр (об одежде, обуви)
    ж) поглощать, расходовать (что-л.)
    36) ( go to)
    а) обращаться к (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    She need not go to others for her bons mots. — Ей нет нужды искать у других остроумные словечки.

    б) переходить к (кому-л.) в собственность, доставаться (кому-л.)

    The house went to the elder son. — Дом достался старшему сыну.

    The money I had saved went to the doctors. — Деньги, которые я скопил, пошли на докторов.

    The dukedom went to his brother. — Титул герцога перешёл к его брату.

    And the Oscar goes to… — Итак, «Оскар» достаётся…

    в) быть составной частью (чего-л.); вести к (какому-л. результату)

    These are the bones which go to form the head and trunk. — Это кости, которые формируют череп и скелет.

    Whole gardens of roses go to one drop of the attar. — Для того, чтобы получить одну каплю розового масла, нужны целые сады роз.

    This only goes to prove the point. — Это только доказывает утверждение.

    г) составлять, равняться (чему-л.)

    Sixteen ounces go to the pound. — Шестнадцать унций составляют один фунт.

    How many go to a crew with you, captain? — Из скольких человек состоит ваша команда, капитан?

    д) брать на себя (расходы, труд)

    Don't go to any trouble. — Не беспокойтесь.

    Few publishers go to the trouble of giving the number of copies for an edition. — Немногие издатели берут на себя труд указать количество экземпляров издания.

    The tenant went to very needless expense. — Арендатор пошёл на абсолютно ненужные расходы.

    37) ( go under) относиться (к какой-л. группе, классу)

    This word goes under G. — Это слово помещено под G.

    38) ( go with)
    а) быть заодно с (кем-л.), быть на чьей-л. стороне

    My sympathies went strongly with the lady. — Все мои симпатии были полностью на стороне леди.

    б) сопутствовать (чему-л.), идти, происходить вместе с (чем-л.)

    Criminality habitually went with dirtiness. — Преступность и грязь обычно шли бок о бок.

    в) понимать, следить с пониманием за (речью, мыслью)

    The Court declared the deed a nullity on the ground that the mind of the mortgagee did not go with the deed she signed. — Суд признал документ недействительным на том основании, что кредитор по закладной не понимала содержания документа, который она подписала.

    г) разг. встречаться с (кем-л.), проводить время с (кем-л. - в качестве друга, подружки)

    The "young ladies" he had "gone with" and "had feelin's about" were now staid matrons. — "Молодые леди", с которыми он "дружил" и к которым он "питал чувства", стали солидными матронами.

    39) ( go upon)
    а) разг. использовать (что-л.) в качестве свидетельства или отправного пункта

    You see, this gave me something to go upon. — Видишь ли, это дало мне хоть что-то, с чего я могу начать.

    б) брать в свои руки; брать на себя ответственность

    I cannot bear to see things botched or gone upon with ignorance. — Я не могу видеть, как берутся за дела либо халтурно, либо ничего в них не понимая.

    40) (go + прил.)

    He went dead about three months ago. — Он умер около трех месяцев назад.

    She went pale. — Она побледнела.

    He went bankrupt. — Он обанкротился.

    б) продолжать (какое-л.) действие, продолжать пребывать в (каком-л.) состоянии

    We both love going barefoot on the beach. — Мы оба любим ходить босиком по пляжу.

    Most of their work seems to have gone unnoticed. — Кажется, большая часть их работы осталась незамеченной.

    The powers could not allow such an act of terrorism to go unpunished. — Власти не могут допустить, чтобы террористический акт прошёл безнаказанно.

    It seems as if it were going to rain. — Такое впечатление, что сейчас пойдёт дождь.

    Lambs are to be sold to those who are going to keep them. — Ягнята должны быть проданы тем, кто собирается их выращивать.

    42) (go and do smth.) разг. пойти и сделать что-л.

    The fool has gone and got married. — Этот дурак взял и женился.

    He might go and hang himself for all they cared. — Он может повеситься, им на это абсолютно наплевать.

    Oh, go and pick up pizza, for heaven's sake! — Ради бога, пойди купи, наконец, пиццу.

    - go across
    - go ahead
    - go along
    - go away
    - go back
    - go before
    - go by
    - go down
    - go forth
    - go forward
    - go together

    to go back a long way — давно знать друг друга, быть давними знакомыми

    to go short — испытывать недостаток в чём-л.; находиться в стеснённых обстоятельствах

    to go the way of nature / all the earth / all flesh / all living — скончаться, разделить участь всех смертных

    to let oneself go — дать волю себе, своим чувствам

    Go to Jericho / Bath / Hong Kong / Putney / Halifax! — Иди к чёрту! Убирайся!

    - go far
    - go bush
    - go ape
    - go amiss
    - go dry
    - go astray
    - go on instruments
    - go a long way
    - go postal
    - Go to!
    - Go to it!
    - let it go at that
    - go like blazes
    - go with the tide
    - go with the times
    - go along with you!
    - go easy
    - go up King Street
    - go figure
    - go it
    - go the extra mile
    - go to the wall
    2. сущ.; разг.
    1) движение, хождение, ходьба; уст. походка

    He has been on the go since morning. — Он с утра на ногах.

    а) ретивость, горячность ( первоначально о лошадях); напористость, энергичность; бодрость, живость; рвение

    The job requires a man with a lot of go. — Для этой работы требуется очень энергичный человек.

    Physically, he is a wonderful man - very wiry, and full of energy and go. — Физически он превосходен - крепкий, полный энергии и напористости.

    б) энергичная деятельность; тяжелая, требующая напряжения работа

    Believe me, it's all go with these tycoons, mate. — Поверь мне, приятель, это все деятельность этих заправил.

    3) разг. происшествие; неожиданный поворот событий (то, которое вызывает затруднения)

    queer go, rum go — странное дело, странный поворот событий


    Let me have a go at fixing it. — Дай я попробую починить это.

    - have a go
    б) соревнование, борьба; состязание на приз ( в боксе)

    Cost me five dollars the other day to see the tamest kind of a go. There wasn't a knockdown in ten rounds. — На днях я потратил пять долларов, чтобы увидеть самое мирное состязание. За десять раундов не было ни одного нокдауна.

    в) приступ, припадок ( о болезни)
    а) количество чего-л., предоставляемое за один раз
    б) разг. бокал ( вина); порция ( еды)

    "The score!" he burst out. "Three goes o' rum!" (R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island) — А деньги? - крикнул он. - За три кружки! (пер. Н. Чуковского)

    б) карт. "Мимо" (возглас игрока, объявляющего проход в криббидже)
    7) разг.
    а) успех, успешное дело
    б) соглашение, сделка

    all the go, quite the go — последний крик моды

    first go — первым делом, сразу же

    II [gɔ] сущ.; япон.
    го (настольная игра, в ходе которой двое участников по очереди выставляют на доску фишки-"камни", стремясь окружить "камни" противника своими и захватить как можно большую территорию)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > go

  • 3 go

    I. 1. отивам, ходя
    2. вървя, ходя, минавам
    who GOes there? кой e там? кой e? to GO the sbortest way минавам по/вземам най-краткия път
    3. движа се, вървя, в движение съм, работя, в действие съм (за механизъм)
    бия (за cъpце), в обръщение съм (за пари)
    to set GOing пускам в действие, задвижвам
    to keep GOing поддържам в действие, вървя си, продължавам
    to keep the conversation/fire GOing поддържам разговора/огъня
    to keep someone GOing in/with something поддържам/постоянно снабдявам някого с нещо, не оставям някого да му липсва нещо
    4. вървя, минавам, напредвам, развивам се, (пре) успявам
    how GOes it? how are things GOing? разг. как си? как е (работата)? if all GOes well (with us) ако всичко върви добре, ако не ни се случи нещо (лошо)
    the case went for/against him делото бете решено в негова полза/вреда
    5. отивам си, вървя си, тръгвам, (за) почвам
    we mist GO/be GOing now трябва да си вървим/да тръгваме
    they are all gone всички си отидоха
    GO! сп. тръгвай! (при стартиране)
    be gone! ост. отивай си! махай се! Here GOes! хайде! почваме! there you GO again! пак започна! from tile word GO от самото начало
    6. изчезвам, изгубвам се, прен. отивам, свършвам се, изчерпвам се, пропадам, загивам, бивам махнат/отстранен/уволнен
    it has/is all gone всичко се свърши, нищо няма вече
    all hope is gone изчезна/пропадна всяка надежда
    that's the way the money GOes сто как отиват парите
    that clause will have to GO тази клауза трябва да се махне
    I wish the pain would GO да можеше да престане болката
    the car was the first luxury to GO колата беше първият лукс, от който се лишиха
    7. пропадам, срутвам се, счупвам се, рухвам, скъсвам се, продънвам се, фалирам
    8. минавам (за време)
    he has still two months to GO остават му още два месеца
    9. звъня, бия, удрям
    10. навършвам (години)
    be is/has gone forty има/навършил e вече четиридесет (години)
    11. вървя, минавам, водя (за път и пр.), простирам се (за планини и пр.), стигам
    12. Ставам достатъчио дълъг/голям съм, побирам се, влизам, деля се
    the belt won't GO round her waist коланът не става
    the plank just GOes across the brook дъската тъкмо стига да се прекоси потокът
    делено на - 2 into 6 GOes 3 times - 6 делено на 2 е 3
    13. стои, слага се
    these books GO on the top shelf тези книги стоят/се слагат на най-горната полица
    14. продавам се, харча се, вървя
    to be GOing cheap продава се eвтино
    that's not dear as things GO това не e скъпо за днешните цени
    GOing! GOing! gone! продава се! продава се! продадено! (при търг. придружено от три удара на чукчето)
    15. вървя, приемам се, валиден съм, минавам
    everything GOes here всичко минава/се приема тук
    do British pounds GO here? тук вървят ли английски лири
    16. глася, съм (за текст, мелодия и пр.)
    this is how the tune GOes ето как e мелодията
    17. бивам даден/оставен/завещан, падам се (някому), ставам притежание (to)
    victory always GOes to the strong победата винаги e на силния
    honours do not always GO to the most deserving невинаги най-достойният получава почестите
    18. допринасям, служа, необходим съм
    qualities that GO to make a great man качества, необходими, за да бъде човек велик
    19. само в pres р има, намира се, дава се, предлага се, сервира се
    there is a cold supper GOing downstairs долу има/се сервира студена вечеря
    if you hear of any jobs GOing ако чуеш, че има някъде работа
    20. съм, ходя, намирам се, живея (в някакво обичайно състояние)
    to GO in fear of one's life живея с постоянен страх за живота си
    to GO with young бременна съм (за животно)
    21. последван от прил. или израз ставам
    to GO blind ослепявам
    to GO into a faint/a swoon припадам
    II. 1. движение
    on the GO в движение
    2. енергия, предприемчивост, замах, въодушевление, прен. пълна пара
    to be full of GO, to have plenty of GO енергичен съм, имам замах
    3. опит, удар, замах
    to have a GO at something опитвам се да направя нещо
    let's have a GO! дай да опитаме! at one GO на един път, с един удар, наведнъж
    first GO още от първия опит/път
    4. чаша питие
    two more GOes of whiskey още две чаши уиски
    5. пристъп (но болест) 6. неочакван/неприятен обрат/положение/случка
    here's a rum/pretty GO стана тя, каквато стана
    that was a near GO едва отървахме кожата
    it was a capital GO чудесно стана така
    7. сделка, споразумение
    is it a GO? съгласен ли си? it is a GO дадено
    it's no GO безсмислено/невъзможно e, тая няма да я бъде
    high heels are all the GO високите токове ca последна мода/много модерни
    the great/the little GO последният/първият изпит за бакалавърска степен в Кеймбридж
    to make a GO of сполучвам, успявам, потръгва ми (в брак, предприятие, начинание и пр.)
    III. 1. в изправност, изправен
    2. моден
    3. напредничав
    IV. n вид японска игра
    * * *
    {gou} v (went {went}; gone {gъn}) 1. отивам, ходя; 2. вървя, хието; 2) подхожда(2) {gou} n (pl goes {gouz}) разг. 1. движение; on the go в движе{3} {gou} а 1. в изправност; изправен; 2. моден; 3. напредничав.{4} {gou} n вид японска игра.
    * * *
    ходя; тръгвам; отивам; пристъп; вървя; протичам; движа; движение; замах; енергия; залагам;
    * * *
    1. 1 Ставам достатъчио дълъг/голям съм, побирам се, влизам, деля се 2. 1 бивам даден/оставен/завещан, падам се (някому), ставам притежание (to) 3. 1 вървя, минавам, водя (за път и пр.), простирам се (за планини и пр.), стигам 4. 1 вървя, приемам се, валиден съм, минавам 5. 1 глася, съм (за текст, мелодия и пр.) 6. 1 допринасям, служа, необходим съм 7. 1 продавам се, харча се, вървя 8. 1 само в pres р има, намира се, дава се, предлага се, сервира се 9. 1 стои, слага се 10. 2 into 6 goes 3 times 6 делено на 2 е 3 11. 2 последван от прил. или израз ставам 12. 20. съм, ходя, намирам се, живея (в някакво обичайно състояние) 13. all hope is gone изчезна/пропадна всяка надежда 14. be gone! ост. отивай си! махай се! here goes! хайде! почваме! there you go again! пак започна! from tile word go от самото начало 15. be is/has gone forty има/навършил e вече четиридесет (години) 16. do british pounds go here? тук вървят ли английски лири 17. everything goes here всичко минава/се приема тук 18. first go още от първия опит/път 19. go! сп. тръгвай! (при стартиране) 20. going! going! gone! продава се! продава се! продадено! (при търг. придружено от три удара на чукчето) 21. he has still two months to go остават му още два месеца 22. here's a rum/pretty go стана тя, каквато стана 23. high heels are all the go високите токове ca последна мода/много модерни 24. honours do not always go to the most deserving невинаги най-достойният получава почестите 25. how goes it? how are things going? разг. как си? как е (работата)? if all goes well (with us) ако всичко върви добре, ако не ни се случи нещо (лошо) 26. i wish the pain would go да можеше да престане болката 27. i. отивам, ходя 28. if you hear of any jobs going ако чуеш, че има някъде работа 29. ii. движение 30. iii. в изправност, изправен 31. is it a go? съгласен ли си? it is a go дадено 32. it has/is all gone всичко се свърши, нищо няма вече 33. it was a capital go чудесно стана така 34. it's no go безсмислено/невъзможно e, тая няма да я бъде 35. iv. n вид японска игра 36. let's have a go! дай да опитаме! at one go на един път, с един удар, наведнъж 37. on the go в движение 38. qualities that go to make a great man качества, необходими, за да бъде човек велик 39. that clause will have to go тази клауза трябва да се махне 40. that was a near go едва отървахме кожата 41. that's not dear as things go това не e скъпо за днешните цени 42. that's the way the money goes сто как отиват парите 43. the belt won't go round her waist коланът не става 44. the car was the first luxury to go колата беше първият лукс, от който се лишиха 45. the case went for/against him делото бете решено в негова полза/вреда 46. the great/the little go последният/първият изпит за бакалавърска степен в Кеймбридж 47. the plank just goes across the brook дъската тъкмо стига да се прекоси потокът 48. there is a cold supper going downstairs долу има/се сервира студена вечеря 49. these books go on the top shelf тези книги стоят/се слагат на най-горната полица 50. they are all gone всички си отидоха 51. this is how the tune goes ето как e мелодията 52. to be full of go, to have plenty of go енергичен съм, имам замах 53. to be going cheap продава се eвтино 54. to go blind ослепявам 55. to go in fear of one's life живея с постоянен страх за живота си 56. to go into a faint/a swoon припадам 57. to go with young бременна съм (за животно) 58. to have a go at something опитвам се да направя нещо 59. to keep going поддържам в действие, вървя си, продължавам 60. to keep someone going in/with something поддържам/постоянно снабдявам някого с нещо, не оставям някого да му липсва нещо 61. to keep the conversation/fire going поддържам разговора/огъня 62. to make a go of сполучвам, успявам, потръгва ми (в брак, предприятие, начинание и пр.) 63. to set going пускам в действие, задвижвам 64. two more goes of whiskey още две чаши уиски 65. victory always goes to the strong победата винаги e на силния 66. we mist go/be going now трябва да си вървим/да тръгваме 67. who goes there? кой e там? кой e? to go the sbortest way минавам по/вземам най-краткия път 68. бия (за cъpце), в обръщение съм (за пари) 69. вървя, минавам, напредвам, развивам се, (пре) успявам 70. вървя, ходя, минавам 71. движа се, вървя, в движение съм, работя, в действие съм (за механизъм) 72. енергия, предприемчивост, замах, въодушевление, прен. пълна пара 73. звъня, бия, удрям 74. изчезвам, изгубвам се, прен. отивам, свършвам се, изчерпвам се, пропадам, загивам, бивам махнат/отстранен/уволнен 75. минавам (за време) 76. моден 77. навършвам (години) 78. напредничав 79. опит, удар, замах 80. отивам си, вървя си, тръгвам, (за) почвам 81. пристъп (но болест) неочакван/неприятен обрат/положение/случка 82. пропадам, срутвам се, счупвам се, рухвам, скъсвам се, продънвам се, фалирам 83. сделка, споразумение 84. чаша питие
    * * *
    go [gou] I. v ( went [went]; gone[gɔn]) 1. отивам; ходя; минавам, вървя, пътешествам; I'll \go and see him in the morning ще отида да го видя утре сутринта; to \go to school ( the theatre, a concert, work) отивам (ходя) на училище (театър, концерт, работа); to \go by train ( bus, plane) отивам (пътувам) с влак (автобус, самолет); to \go on a journey пътувам; to \go places излизам, ходя (на кино и пр.); to \go the shortest way поемам най-краткия път; 2. движа се, в движение съм; работя, в действие съм (за механизъм); бие (за сърце); в обращение е (за пари); the clock won't \go часовникът не работи; how is your car \going? как е колата ти? to \go (at) fifty miles an hour движа се с петдесет мили в час; to set \going задвижвам; to keep \going поддържам в действие; вървя си, продължавам; to keep s.o. \going in ( with) s.th. поддържам (постоянно снабдявам) някого с нещо, не оставям да му липсва нещо; to be \going strong цъфтя, не ми личат годините; 3. вървя, минавам, напредвам, развивам се; (пре)успявам; how \goes it? how are things \going? разг. как си? как вървят работите? it is sure to \go не може да не успее (да не излезе добре), непременно ще успее; he will \go far ( a long way) той ще преуспее, ще стигне далеч; if all \goes well with us ако всичко върви добре, ако не ни се случи нещо (лошо); the case went for ( against) him делото беше решено в негова полза (вреда); to \go ( over) big sl имам голям успех; 4. отивам си, вървя си, тръгвам; (за)почвам; we must \go (be \going) now трябва да си вървим (да тръгваме); they are all \gone всички си отидоха; \go! сп. тръгвай! (при стартиране); be \gone! ост. отивай си, махай се! here \goes! хайде! почваме! \go again! пак захвана! from the word \go от самото начало; 5. изчезвам, изгубвам се, прен. отивам; свършвам се, изчерпвам се; пропадам, загивам; бивам махнат (отстранен, уволнен); the battery has \gone акумулаторът се е изтощил; his hearing ( sight) is \going слухът (зрението) му отслабна; my umbrella is \gone чадърът ми изчезна няма); he is \gone пропадна, загина; it has (is) all \gone всичко се свърши, нищо няма вече; all his money \goes on charity всичките му пари отиват за благотворителност; that clause will have to \go тази клауза трябва да се махне; the car was the first luxury to \go колата беше първият лукс, от който се лишиха; drink must \go трябва да оставиш пиенето, пиенето трябва да престане; to \go the way of all things ( flesh) (разг. to \go west) пропадам, умирам; няма го; 6. пропадам, срутвам се, рухвам; скъсвам се; продънвам се; търпя крах; фалирам; in the flood the fence went in three places от наводнението оградата се срути на три места; 7. минава (за време); he has still two weeks to \go остават му още две седмици; 8. звъни, бие, удря; it has just \gone 12 току-що удари (би) 12; how \goes the time? разг. колко е часът? 9. навършвам ( години); she is ( has) \gone fifty тя има вече петдесет (години); 10. развалям се, повреждам се; счупвам се; the clutch on this car has \gone съединителят на тази кола се е повредил; 11. вървя, минавам; водя, стигам, простирам се; the road \goes to the city пътят води до центъра на града; the differences \go deep различията са дълбоки; 12. става, достатъчно дълъг (голям) е; побира се, минава; влиза, дели се; the plank just \goes across the brook дъската тъкмо стига да се прекоси потокът; 8 \goes into 24 three times 24, делено на 8, е три; 13. стои, слага се; these spoons \go in that drawer тези лъжици стоят (се държат) в онова чекмедже; 14. водя се, слагам, спазвам (by); a good rule to \go by добро правило, по което да се водиш (което да следваш); 15. продава се, харчи се, търси се, върви; в обращение е; these bags are \going well тези чанти вървят (се продават добре); that's not expensive as things \go това не е скъпо за днешните цени; the picture went for 200 pounds картината се продаде за 200 лири; \going! \going! \gone! продава се! продава се! продадено! (при търг, придружено от три удара на чукчето); 16. правя (някакво движение, гримаса, шум и пр.); to \go bang разг. трясва, избухва, експлодира; to \go crack разг. пуква, прасва; to \go flop разг. провалям се; to \go smash into s.th. трясвам се в нещо; to \go see-saw люшкам се, неустойчив съм, колебая се; 17. гласи, казва, е (за текст, мелодия и пр.); this is how the tune \goes ето как е мелодията; as the saying \goes както се казва; the story \goes that she has a rich uncle разправят, че тя има богат чичо; 18. бива даден (оставен, завещан), пада се (to); the house went to his son къщата стана собственост на сина му; victory always \goes to the strong победата е винаги на силния; 19. допринася, служи; необходим е; qualities that \go to make a great man качества, необходими за един велик човек; that \goes to make life happier това допринася да стане животът по-щастлив, това прави живота по-щастлив; 20. само в pres p има, намира се, дава се; предлага се, сервира се; there is a cold supper \going downstairs долу има (се сервира) студена вечеря; 21. съм, ходя, намирам се, живея (в някакво обичайно състояние); he \goes bi the name of John наричат го Джон; 22. последван от прилагателно или израз ставам; to \gomad ( crazy) полудявам; to \go bad разваля се (за храна и пр.); to \go ape ( over) подлудявам, лудвам, откачам, луд съм (по); to \go bankrupt банкрутирам, фалирам; to \go cold all over цял изстивам (изтръпвам); to \go into a faint ( a swoon) припадам; to \go to pieces рухвам (и прен.); to \go to ruin разрушавам се, рухвам; to \go to the bad пропадам морално; 23. само в progr forms изразява: 1) близко бъдеще; do you think it's \going to rain? мислиш ли, че ще вали? 2) намерение; are you \going to tell him or not? имаш ли намерение да му казваш или не? 3) решителност; I'm not \going to be deceived няма да позволя да ме (из)мамят; 24. c ger: 1) ходя, отивам да, вземам да (изразява неудоволствие от някаква постъпка или навик); don't \go telling me lies да не вземеш да ме лъжеш; 2) ходя (на ски, лов и пр.); to \go shopping ( swimming) отивам да пазарувам (плувам); to \go begging тръгвам (отивам) на просия, прен. не се харчи (търси), никой го не ще; 25. c and и друг глагол вземам, та ( неодобр.); she went and got married тя взе, та се ожени; 26. карти залагам; обявявам; to \go the limit прен. прекалявам го, отивам много далеч; to \go the whole hog прен. отивам докрай; to \go one better надминавам ( than); превъзхождам; изпреварвам; отивам по-далеч; to \go flop sl претърпявам поражение, провалям се, не успявам; to \go all out sl напрягам всички сили; to \go it sl отдавам се на живот, живея си; to \go it alone ам. действам сам срещу всички; поемам цялата отговорност; to \go at it bald-headed действам енергично, решително; \go it! разг. хайде де, покажи какво можеш! to \go a long way има голямо значение (влияние); трае дълго; свършва много работа; to be \going some sl напредвам бързо; to \go o.'s own gait вървя по собствения си път, действам самостоятелно; tо let \go (от)пускам; to let o.s. \go отпускам се; to let o.s. \go on a subject разпростирам се (говоря надълго и нашироко) по даден въпрос; to \go west разг. умирам, отивам на онзи свят; well, let it \go at that хайде, нека мине; така да бъде; от мен да мине; \go fly a kite ( jump in the lake, lay an egg, lay a brick) грубо я не се бъркай! изчезвай! върви по дяволите! you can \go hang може да вървиш по дяволите; just \go and try! само се опитай! ( заканително); \go to bye-bye! дет. върви да спинкаш (нанкаш)! \go while the \going is good върви си, докато е време (по живо по здраво); as far as it \goes такъв, какъвто е, докъдето стига; there he ( she) \goes ето го (я), полюбувай му (ѝ) се (изразява учудване или неодобрение); it \goes without saying от само себе си се разбира, не ще и дума; what he says \goes каквото той каже, това става; той заповядва (командва); where do we \go from here? какво ще правим после? а, сега накъде? II. n разг. (pl goes [gouz]) 1. движение; ход; on the \go в движение; 2. енергия, въодушевление, стръв, предприемчивост, замах; to be full of \go, to have plenty of \go пълен съм с енергия; 3. опит, удар, замах; to have a \go at s.th. опитвам се да направя нещо; let's have a \go! дай да опитаме! at one \go на един път, с един удар; first \go още от първия път; 4. порция (чаша) питие; глътка; 5. пристъп, припадък (на болест); 6. непредвидено положение (случка); неочакван обрат; it was a near \go едва отървахме кожата; 7. успех, успешно предприятие; to make a \go of успявам в, правя да преуспее; to be on the \go 1) готвя се да си ходя (да си вървя, да тръгвам); 2) на крак съм; в движение съм, зает съм; върша нещо; 3) sl пийнал съм; ( it's) no \go нищо не става, не върви, безсмислено е; безнадеждно е; it's a \go става, решено е, договорихме се; quite the \go последен вик на модата, нещо по което всички се увличат; the little \go първият изпит за бакалавърска степен при хуманитарните науки (в Кембридж); it's your \go твой ред е; it's all \go разг. претрупан съм с работа, много съм зает; to give s.o. (s.th.) the \go-by sl пренебрегвам, игнорирам някого (нещо).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > go

  • 4 AT

    I) prep.
    A. with dative.
    I. Of motion;
    1) towards, against;
    Otkell laut at Skamkatli, bowed down to S.;
    hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge against A.;
    Brynjólfr gengr alit at honum, quite up to him;
    þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters with him;
    3) to, at;
    koma at landi, to come to land;
    ganga at dómi, to go into court;
    4) along (= eptir);
    ganga at stræti, to walk along the street;
    dreki er niðr fór at ánni (went down the river) fyrir strauminum;
    refr dró hörpu at ísi, on the ice;
    5) denoting hostility;
    renna (sœkja) at e-m, to rush at, assault;
    gerði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog;
    6) around;
    vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a veil round one’s head;
    bera grjót at e-m, to heap stones upon the body;
    7) denoting business, engagement;
    ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after horses, watching sheep;
    fara at landskuldum, to go collecting rents.
    II. Of position, &c.;
    1) denoting presence at, near, by, upon;
    at kirkju, at church;
    at dómi, in court;
    at lögbergi, at the hill of laws;
    2) denoting participation in;
    vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, wedding;
    3) ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at;
    kvalararnir, er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him;
    var þar at kona nökkur at binda (was there busy dressing) sár manna;
    4) with proper names of places (farms);
    konungr at Danmörku ok Noregi, king of;
    biskup at Hólum, bishop of Holar;
    at Helgafelli, at Bergþórshváli;
    5) used ellipt. with a genitive, at (a person’s) house;
    at hans (at his house) gisti fjölmenni mikit;
    at Marðar, at Mara’s home;
    at hins beilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church;
    at Ránar, at Ran’s (abode).
    III. Of time;
    1) at, in;
    at upphafi, at first, in the beginning;
    at skilnaði, at parting, when they parted;
    at páskum, at Easter;
    at kveldi, at eventide;
    at fjöru, at the ebb;
    at flœðum, at the floodtide;
    2) adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr’;
    at ári komanda, next year;
    at vári, er kemr, next spring;
    generally with ‘komanda’ understood;
    at sumri, hausti, vetri, vári, next summer, &c.;
    3) used with an absolute dative and present or past part.;
    at sér lifanda, duing his lifetime;
    at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all;
    at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the hearing of the chief;
    at upprennandi sólu, at sunrise;
    at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks are past;
    at honum önduðum, after his death;
    4) denoting uninterrupted succession, after;
    hverr at öðrum, annarr at öðrum, one after another;
    skildu menn at þessu, thereupon, after this;
    at því (thereafter) kómu aðrar meyjar.
    IV. fig. and in various uses;
    1) to, into, with the notion of destruction or change;
    brenna (borgina) at ösku, to burn to ashes;
    verða at ormi, to become a snake;
    2) for, as;
    gefa e-t at gjöf, as a present;
    eiga e-n at vin, to have one as friend;
    3) by;
    taka sverð at hjöltum, by the hilt;
    draga út björninn at hlustunum, by the ears;
    kjósa at afli, álitum, by strength, appearrance;
    auðigr at fé, wealthy in goods;
    vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face;
    5) as a law term, on the grounds of, by reason of;
    ryðja ( to challenge) dóm at mægðum, kvið at frændsemi;
    6) as a paraphrase of a genitive;
    faðir, móðir at barni (= barns, of a child);
    aðili at sök = aðili sakar;
    7) with adjectives denoting colour, size, age, of;
    hvítr, svartr, rauðr at lit, while, black, red of colour;
    mikill, lítill at stœrð, vexti, tall, small of stature;
    tvítugr at aldri, twenty years of age;
    kýr at fyrsta, öðrum kálfi, a cow that has calved once, twice;
    8) determining the source from which anything comes, of, from;
    Ari nam ok marga frœði at Þuríði (from her);
    þiggja, kaupa, geta, leigja e-t at e-m, to receive, buy, obtain, borrow a thing from one;
    hafa veg (virðing) styrk at e-m, to derive honour, power, from one;
    9) according, to, after (heygðr at fornum sið);
    at ráði allra vitrustu manna, by the advice of;
    at landslögum, by the law of the land;
    at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave;
    10) in adverbial phrases;
    gróa (vera grœddr) at heilu, to be quite healed;
    bíta af allt gras at snøggu, quite bare;
    at fullu, fully;
    at vísu, surely;
    at frjálsu, freely;
    at eilífu, for ever and ever;
    at röngu, at réttu, wrongly, rightly;
    at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same;
    at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent.
    B. with acc., after, upon (= eptir);
    sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, to take the inheritance after his father;
    at þat (= eptir þat), after that, thereafter;
    connected with a past part. or a., at Gamla fallinn, after the fall of Gamli;
    at Hrungni dauðan, upon the death of Hrungnir.
    1) as the simple mark of the infinitive, to;
    at ganga, at ríða, at hlaupa, to walk, to ride, to run;
    2) in an objective sense;
    hann bauð þeim at fara, sitja, he bade (ordered) them to go, sit;
    gefa e-m at eta, at drekka, to give one to eat, to drink;
    3) denoting design or purpose, in order to (hann gekk í borg at kaupa silfr).
    1) demonstrative particle before a comparative, the, all the, so much the;
    hón grét at meir, she wept the more;
    þykkir oss at líkara, all the more likely;
    þú ert maðr at verri (so much the worse), er þú hefir þetta mælt;
    2) rel. pron., who, which, that (= er);
    þeir allir, at þau tíðindi heyrðu, all those who heard;
    sem þeim er títt, at ( as is the custom of those who) kaupferðir reka.
    conj., that;
    1) introducing a subjective or objective clause;
    þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, it happened once that H.;
    vilda ek, at þú réðist austr í fjörðu, I should like you to go;
    2) relative to svá, denoting proportion, degree;
    svá mikill lagamaðr, at, so great a lawyer, that;
    3) with subj., denoting end or purpose, in order that (skáru þeir fyrir þá (viz. hestana) melinn, at þeir dœi eigi af sulti);
    4) since, because, as (= því at);
    5) connected with þó, því, svá;
    þó at (with subj.), though, although;
    því at, because, for;
    svá at, so that;
    6) temp., þá at (= þá er), when;
    þegar at (= þegar er), as soon as;
    þar til at (= þar til er), until, till;
    áðr at (= á. en), before;
    7) used superfluously after an int. pron. or adv.;
    Ólafr spurði, hvern styrk at hann mundi fá honum, what help he was likely to give him;
    in a relative sense; með fullkomnum ávexti, hverr at (which) þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða.
    negative verbal suffix, = ata; var-at, was not.
    odda at, Yggs at, battle.
    * * *
    and að, prep., often used ellipt. dropping the case and even merely as an adverb, [Lat. ad; Ulf. at = πρός and παρά, A. S. ät; Engl. at; Hel. ad = apud; O. H. G. az; lost in mod. Germ., and rare in Swed. and Dan.; in more freq. use in Engl. than any other kindred language, Icel. only excepted]:—the mod. pronunciation and spelling is (); this form is very old, and is found in Icel. vellum MSS. of the 12th century, e. g. aþ, 623. 60; yet in earlier times it was sounded with a tenuis, as we may infer from rhymes, e. g. jöfurr hyggi at | hve ek yrkja fat, Egill: Sighvat also makes it rhyme with a t. The verse by Thorodd—þar vastu at er fjáðr klæðið þvat (Skálda 162)—is hardly intelligible unless we accept the spelling with an aspirate (), and say that þvað is = þvá = þváði, lavabat; it may be that by the time of Thorodd and Ari the pure old pronunciation was lost, or is ‘þvat’ simply the A. S. þvât, secuit? The Icelanders still, however, keep the tenuis in compounds before a vowel, or before h, v, or the liquids l, r, thus—atyrða, atorka, athöfn, athugi, athvarf, athlægi; atvinna, atvik; atlaga, atlíðanði ( slope), atriði, atreið, atróðr: but aðdjúpr, aðfinsla (critic), aðferð, aðkoma, aðsókn, aðsúgr (crowding), aðgæzla. In some words the pronunciation is irregular, e. g. atkvæði not aðkv-; atburðr, but aðbúnaðr; aðhjúkran not athjúkran; atgörvi not aðgörfi. At, to, towards; into; against; along, by; in regard to; after.
    Mostly with dat.; rarely with acc.; and sometimes ellipt.—by dropping the words ‘home,’ ‘house,’ or the like—with gen.
    A. LOC.
    I. WITH MOTION; gener. the motion to the borders, limits of an object, and thus opp. to frá:
    1. towards, against, with or without the notion of arrival, esp. connected with verbs denoting motion (verba movendi et eundi), e. g. fara, ganga, koma, lúta, snúa, rétta at…; Otkell laut at Skamkatli, O. louted (i. e. bowed down) towards S., Nj. 77, Fms. xi. 102; sendimaðrinn sneri ( turned) hjöltum sverðsins at konungi, towards the king, i. 15; hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge towards A., Nj. 220; rétta e-t at e-m, to reach, hand over, Ld. 132; ganga at, to step towards, Ísl. ii. 259.
    2. denoting proximity, close up to, up to; Brynjólfr gengr … allt at honum, B. goes quite up to him, Nj. 58; Gunnarr kom þangat at þeim örunum, G. reached them even there with his arrows, 115; þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters, id.; reið maðr at þeim (up to them), 274; þeir höfðu rakit sporin allt at ( right up to) gammanum, Fms. i. 9; komu þeir at sjó fram, came down to the sea, Bárð. 180.
    3. without reference to the space traversed, to or at; koma at landi, to land, Ld. 38, Fms. viii. 358; ríða at dyrum, Boll. 344; hlaupa at e-m, to run up to, run at, Fms. vii. 218, viii. 358; af sjáfarganginum er hann gekk at landinu, of the surf dashing against the shore, xi. 6; vísa ólmum hundi at manni, to set a fierce hound at a man, Grág. ii. 118; leggja e-n at velli, to lay low, Eg. 426, Nj. 117; hníga at jörðu, at grasi, at moldu, to bite the dust, to die, Njarð. 378; ganga at dómi, a law term, to go into court, of a plaintiff, defendant, or bystander, Nj. 87 (freq.)
    4. denoting a motion along, into, upon; ganga at stræti, to walk along the street, Korm. 228, Fms. vii. 39; at ísi, on the ice, Skálda 198, Fms. vii. 19, 246, viii. 168, Eb. 112 new Ed. (á is perh. wrong); máttu menn ganga bar yfir at skipum einum, of ships alone used as a bridge, Fas. i. 378; at höfðum, at nám, to trample on the slain on the battle-field, Lex. Poët.; at ám, along the rivers; at merkiósum, at the river’s mouth, Grág. ii. 355; at endilöngu baki, all along its back, Sks. 100.
    5. denoting hostility, to rush at, assault; renna at, hlaupa at, ganga, fara, ríða, sækja, at e-m, (v. those words), whence the nouns atrenna, athlaup, atgangr, atför, atreið, atsókn, etc.
    β. metaph., kom at þeim svefnhöfgi, deep sleep fell on them, Nj. 104. Esp. of weather, in the impers. phrase, hríð, veðr, vind, storm görir at e-m, to be overtaken by a snow storm, gale, or the like; görði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog, Bárð. 171.
    6. denoting around, of clothing or the like; bregða skikkju at höfði sér, to wrap his cloak over his head, Ld. 62; vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a snood round her head, 188; sauma at, to stick, cling close, as though sewn on; sauma at höndum sér, of tight gloves, Bs. i. 453; kyrtill svá þröngr sem saumaðr væri at honum, as though it were stitched to him, Nj. 214; vafit at vándum dreglum, tight laced with sorry tags, id.; hosa strengd fast at beini, of tight hose, Eg. 602; hann sveipar at sér iðrunum ok skyrtunni, he gathers up the entrails close to him and the skirt too, Gísl. 71; laz at síðu, a lace on the side, to keep the clothes tight, Eg. 602.
    β. of burying; bera grjót at einum, to heap stones upon the body, Eg. 719; var gör at þeim dys or grjóti, Ld. 152; gora kistu at líki, to make a coffin for a body, Eb. 264, Landn. 56, Ld. 142.
    γ. of summoning troops or followers; stefna at sér mönnum, to summon men to him, Nj. 104; stefna at sér liði, Eg. 270; kippa mönnum at sér, to gather men in haste, Ld. 64.
    7. denoting a business, engagement; ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after after horses, watching sheep, Glúm. 362, Nj. 75; fara at fé, to go to seek for sheep, Ld. 240; fara at heyi, to go a-haymaking, Dropl. 10; at veiðum, a-hunting; at fuglum, a-fowling; at dýrum, a-sbooting; at fiski, a-fishing; at veiðiskap, Landn. 154, Orkn. 416 (in a verse), Nj. 25; fara at landskuldum, to go a-collecling rents, Eg. 516; at Finnkaupum, a-marketing with Finns, 41; at féföngum, a-plundering, Fms. vii. 78; ganga at beina, to wait on guests, Nj. 50; starfa at matseld, to serve at table, Eb. 266; hitta e-n at nauðsynjum, on matters of business; at máli, to speak with one, etc., Fms. xi. 101; rekast at e-m, to pursue one, ix. 404; ganga at liði sér, to go suing for help, Grág. ii. 384.
    β. of festivals; snúa, fá at blóti, veizlu, brullaupi, to prepare for a sacrificial banquet, wedding, or the like, hence at-fangadagr, Eb. 6, Ld. 70; koma at hendi, to happen, befall; ganga at sínu, to come by one’s own, to take it, Ld. 208; Egill drakk hvert full er at honum kom, drained every horn that came to him, Eg. 210; komast at keyptu, to purchase dearly, Húv. 46.
    8. denoting imaginary motion, esp. of places, cp. Lat. spectare, vergere ad…, to look or lie towards; horfði botninn at höfðanum, the bight of the bay looked toward the headland, Fms. i. 340, Landn. 35; also, skeiðgata liggr at læknum, leads to the brook, Ísl. ii. 339; á þann arminn er vissi at sjánum, on that wing which looked toward the sea, Fms. viii. 115; sár þau er horft höfðu at Knúti konungi, xi. 309.
    β. even connected with verbs denoting motion; Gilsáreyrr gengr austan at Fljótinu, G. extends, projects to F. from the east, Hrafh. 25; hjá sundi því, er at gengr þingstöðinni, Fms. xi. 85.
    II. WITHOUT MOTION; denoting presence at, near, by, at the side of, in, upon; connected with verbs like sitja, standa, vera…; at kirkju, at church, Fms. vii. 251, K. f). K. 16, Ld. 328, Ísl. ii. 270, Sks. 36; vera at skála, at húsi, to be in, at home, Landn. 154; at landi, Fms. i. 82; at skipi, on shipboard, Grág. i. 209, 215; at oldri, at a banquet, inter pocula; at áti, at dinner, at a feast, inter edendum, ii. 169, 170; at samförum ok samvistum, at public meetings, id.; at dómi, in a court; standa (to take one’s stand) norðan, sunnan, austan, vestan at dómi, freq. in the proceedings at trials in lawsuits, Nj.; at þingi, present at the parliament, Grág. i. 142; at lögbergi, o n the hill of laws, 17, Nj.; at baki e-m, at the back of.
    2. denoting presence, partaking in; sitja at mat, to sit at meat, Fms. i. 241; vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, nuptials, Nj. 51, Ld. 70: a law term, vera at vígi, to be an accessory in manslaying, Nj. 89, 100; vera at e-u simply means to be about, be busy in, Fms. iv. 237; standa at máli, to stand by one in a case, Grág. ii. 165, Nj. 214; vera at fóstri, to be fostered, Fms. i. 2; sitja at hégóma, to listen to nonsense, Ld. 322; vera at smíð, to be at one’s work, Þórð. 62: now absol., vera at, to go on with, be busy at.
    3. the law term vinna eið at e-u has a double meaning:
    α. vinna eið at bók, at baugi, to make an oath upon the book by laying the band upon it, Landn. 258, Grág., Nj.; cp. Vkv. 31, Gkv. 3. 3, Hkv. 2. 29, etc.: ‘við’ is now used in this sense.
    β. to confirm a fact (or the like) by an oath, to swear to, Grág. i. 9, 327.
    γ. the law phrase, nefna vátta at e-u, of summoning witnesses to a deed, fact, or the like; nefna vátta at benjum, to produce evidence, witnesses as to the wounds, Nj., Grág.; at görð, Eg. 738; at svörum, Grág. i. 19: this summoning of witnesses served in old lawsuits the same purpose as modern pleadings and depositions; every step in a suit to be lawful must be followed by such a summoning or declaration.
    4. used ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at; kvalararnir er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him; þar varstu at, you were there present, Skálda 162; at várum þar, Gísl. (in a verse): as a law term ‘vera at’ means to be guilty, Glúm. 388; vartattu at þar, Eg. (in a verse); hence the ambiguity of Glum’s oath, vask at þar, I was there present: var þar at kona nokkur ( was there busy) at binda sár manna, Fms. v. 91; hann var at ok smíðaði skot, Rd. 313; voru Varbelgir at ( about) at taka af, þau lög …, Fms. ix. 512; ek var at ok vafk, I was about weaving, xi. 49; þeir höfðu verit at þrjú sumur, they had been busy at it for three summers, x. 186 (now very freq.); koma at, come in, to arrive unexpectedly; Gunnarr kom at í því, G. came in at that moment; hvaðan komtú nú at, whence did you come? Nj. 68, Fms. iii. 200.
    5. denoting the kingdom or residence of a king or princely person; konungr at Danmörk ok Noregi, king of…, Fms. i. 119, xi. 281; konungr, jarl, at öllum Noregi, king, earl, over all N., íb. 3, 13, Landn. 25; konungr at Dyflinni, king of Dublin, 25; but í or yfir England!, Eg. 263: cp. the phrase, sitja at landi, to reside, of a king when at home, Hkr. i. 34; at Joini, Fms. xi. 74: used of a bishop; biskup at Hólum, bishop of Hólar, Íb. 18, 19; but biskup í Skálaholti, 19: at Rómi, at Rome, Fbr. 198.
    6. in denoting a man’s abode (vide p. 5, col. 1, l. 27), the prep. ‘at’ is used where the local name implies the notion of by the side of, and is therefore esp. applied to words denoting a river, brook, rock, mountain, grove, or the like, and in some other instances, by, at, e. g. at Hofi (a temple), Landn. 198; at Borg ( a castle), 57; at Helgafelli (a mountain), Eb. constantly so; at Mosfelli, Landn. 190; at Hálsi (a hill), Fms. xi. 22; at Bjargi, Grett. 90; Hálsum, Landn. 143; at Á ( river), 296, 268; at Bægisá, 212; Giljá, 332; Myrká, 211; Vatnsá, id.; þverá, Glúm. 323; at Fossi (a ‘force’ or waterfall), Landn. 73; at Lækjamoti (waters-meeting), 332; at Hlíðarenda ( end of the lithe or hill), at Bergþórshváli, Nj.; at Lundi (a grove), at Melum (sandhill), Landn. 70: the prep. ‘á’ is now used in most of these cases, e. g. á Á, á Hofi, Helgafelli, Felli, Hálsi, etc.
    β. particularly, and without any regard to etymology, used of the abode of kings or princes, to reside at; at Uppsölum, at Haugi, Alreksstöðum, at Hlöðum, Landn., Fms.
    γ. konungr lét kalla at stofudyrum, the king made a call at the hall door, Eg. 88; þeir kölluðu at herberginu, they called at the inn, Fms. ix. 475.
    7. used ellipt. with a gen., esp. if connected with such words as gista, to be a guest, lodge, dine, sup (of festivals or the like) at one’s home; at Marðar, Nj. 4; at hans, 74; þingfesti at þess bóanda, Grág. i. 152; at sín, at one’s own home, Eg. 371, K. Þ. K. 62; hafa náttstað at Freyju, at the abode of goddess Freyja, Eg. 603; at Ránar, at Ran’s, i. e. at Ran’s house, of drowned men who belong to the queen of the sea, Ran, Eb. 274; at hins heilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church, Fms. vi. 63: cp. ad Veneris, εις Κίμωνος.
    B. TEMP.
    I. at, denoting a point or period of time; at upphafi, at first, in the beginning, Ld. 104; at lyktum, at síðustu, at lokum, at last; at lesti, at last, Lex. Poët., more freq. á lesti; at skilnaði, at parting, at last, Band. 3; at fornu, in times of yore, formerly, Eg. 267, D. I. i. 635; at sinni, as yet, at present; at nýju, anew, of present time; at eilífu, for ever and ever; at skömmu, soon, shortly, Ísl. ii. 272, v. l.
    II. of the very moment when anything happens, the beginning of a term; denoting the seasons of the year, months, weeks, the hours of the day; at Jólum, at Yule, Nj. 46; at Pálmadegi, on Palm Sunday, 273; at Páskum, at Easter; at Ólafsvöku, on St. Olave’s eve, 29th of July, Fms.; at vetri, at the beginning of the winter, on the day when winter sets in, Grág. 1. 151; at sumarmálum, at vetrnáttum; at Tvímánaði, when the Double month (August) begins, Ld. 256, Grág. i. 152; at kveldi, at eventide, Eg. 3; at því meli, at that time; at eindaga, at the term, 395; at eykð, at 4 o’clock p. m., 198; at öndverðri æfi Abra hams, Ver. II; at sinni, now at once, Fms. vi. 71; at öðruhverju, every now and then.
    β. where the point of time is marked by some event; at þingi, at the meeting of parliament (18th to the 24th of June), Ld. 182; at féránsdómi, at the court of execution, Grág. i. 132, 133; at þinglausnum, at the close of the parliament (beginning of July), 140; at festarmálum, eðr at eiginorði, at betrothal or nuptials, 174; at skilnaði, when they parted, Nj. 106 (above); at öllum minnum, at the general drinking of the toasts, Eg. 253; at fjöru, at the ebb; at flæðum, at flood tide, Fms. viii. 306, Orkn. 428; at hrörum, at an inquest, Grág. i. 50 (cp. ii. 141, 389); at sökum, at prosecutions, 30; at sinni, now, as yet, v. that word.
    III. ellipt., or adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr,’ of the future time:
    1. ellipt., komanda or the like being understood, with reference to the seasons of the year; at sumri, at vetri, at hausti, at vári, next summer, winter…, Ísl. ii. 242; at miðju sumri, at ári, at Midsummer, next year, Fas. i. 516; at miðjum vetri, Fms. iv. 237,
    2. adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr;’ at ári komanda, Bárð. 177; at vári er kemr, Dipl. iii. 6.
    IV. used with an absolute dat. and with a pres. part.:
    1. with pres. part.; at morni komanda, on the coming morrow, Fms. i. 263; at sér lifanda, in vivo, in his life time, Grág. ii. 202; at þeim sofundum, illis dormientibus, Hkr. i. 234; at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all, Fms. x. 329; at úvitanda konungi, illo nesciente, without his knowledge, 227; at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the chief’s bearing, 235.
    2. of past time with a past part. (Lat. abl. absol.); at hræjum fundnum, on the bodies being found, Grág. ii. 87; at háðum dómum ok föstu þingi, during the session, the courts being set, i. 484; at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks past, Band. 13; at svá búnu, so goru, svá komnu, svá mæltu (Lat. quibus rebus gestis, dictis, quo facto, dicto, etc.), v. those words; at úreyndu, without trial, without put ting one to the test, Ld. 76; at honum önduðum, illo mortuo.
    3. ellipt. without ‘at;’ en þessum hlutum fram komnum, when all this has been done, Eb. 132.
    V. in some phrases with a slight temp, notion; at görðum gildum, the fences being strong, Gþl. 387; at vörmu spori, at once, whilst the trail is warm; at úvörum, unawares, suddenly, Nj. 95, Ld. 132; at þessu, at this cost, on that condition, Eb. 38, Nj. 55; at illum leiki, to have a narrow escape, now við illan leik, Fms. ix. 473; at því, that granted, Grág. ii. 33: at því, at pessu, thereafter, thereupon, Nj. 76.
    2. denoting succession, without interruption, one after another; hverr at öðrum, annarr maðr at öðrum, aðrir at öðrum; eina konu at annarri, Eg. 91, Fms. ii. 236, vi. 25, Bs. i. 22, 625. 80, H. E. i. 522.
    C. METAPH. and in various cases:
    I. denoting a transformation or change into, to, with the notion of destruction; brenna at ösku, at köldum kolum, to burn to ashes, to be quite destroyed, Fms. i. 105, Edda 3, Sturl. ii. 51: with the notion of transformation or transfiguration, in such phrases as, verða at e-u, göra e-t at e-u, to turn it into:
    α. by a spell; verða at ormi, to become a snake, Fms. xi. 158; at flugdrekum, Gullþ. 7; urðu þau bönd at járni, Edda 40.
    β. by a natural process it can often be translated by an acc. or by as; göra e-n at urðarmanni, to make him an outlaw, Eg. 728; græða e-n at orkumlamanni, to heal him so as to maim him for life, of bad treatment by a leech, Eb. 244: in the law terms, sár görist at ben, a wound turning into a ben, proving to be mortal, Grág., Nj.; verða at ljúgvætti, to prove to be a false evidence, Grág. i. 44; verða at sætt, to turn into reconciliation, Fms. i. 13; göra e-t at reiði málum, to take offence at, Fs. 20; at nýjum tíðindum, to tell as news, Nj. 14; verða fátt at orðum, to be sparing of words, 18; kveðr (svá) at orði, to speak, utter, 10; verða at þrifnaði, to geton well, Fms. vii. 196: at liði, at skaða, to be a help or hurt to one; at bana, to cause one’s death, Nj. 223, Eg. 21, Grág. ii. 29: at undrum, at hlátri, to become a wonder, a laughing-stock, 623. 35, Eg. 553.
    II. denoting capacity, where it may be translated merely by as or for; gefa at Jólagjöf, to give for a Christmas-box, Eg. 516; at gjöf, for a present; at erfð, at láni, launum, as an inheritance, a loan; at kaupum ok sökum, for buying and selling, Ísl. ii. 223, Grág. i. 423; at solum, ii. 204; at herfangi, as spoil or plunder; at sakbótum, at niðgjöldum, as a compensation, weregeld, i. 339, ii. 171, Hkr. ii. 168; taka at gíslingu, to take as an hostage, Edda 15; eiga e-n at vin, at óvin, to have one as friend or foe, illt er at eiga þræl at eingavin, ‘tis ill to have a thrall for one’s bosom friend (a proverb), Nj. 77; fæða, eiga, at sonum (syni), to beget a son, Edda 8, Bs. i. 60 (but eiga at dóttur cannot be said); hafa möttul at yfirhöfn, Fms. vii. 201; verða nökkut at manni (mönnum), to turn out to be a worthy man; verða ekki at manni, to turn out a worthless person, xi. 79, 268.
    2. in such phrases as, verða at orðum, to come towards, Nj. 26; var þat at erindum, Eg. 148; hafa at veizlum, to draw veizlur ( dues) from, Fms. iv. 275, Eg. 647; gora e-t at álitum, to take it into consideration, Nj. 3.
    III. denoting belonging to, fitting, of parts of the whole or the like; vóru at honum (viz. the sword) hjölt gullbúin, the sword was ornamented with a hilt of gold, Ld. 330; umgörð at ( belonging to) sverði, Fs. 97 (Hs.) in a verse; en ef mór er eigi at landinu, if there be no turf moor belonging to the land, Grág. ii. 338; svá at eigi brotnaði nokkuð at Orminum, so that no harm happened to the ship Worm, Fms. x. 356; hvatki er meiðir at skipinu eðr at reiðinu eðr at viðum, damage done t o …, Grág. ii. 403; lesta ( to injure) hús at lásum, við eðr torfi, 110; ef land hefir batnað at húsum, if the land has been bettered as to its buildings, 210; cp. the phrase, göra at e-u, to repair: hamlaðr at höndum eðr fótum, maimed as to hands or feet, Eg. 14; heill at höndum en hrumr at fótum, sound in band, palsied in foot, Fms. vii. 12; lykill at skrá, a key belonging, fitting, to the latch; hurð at húsi; a key ‘gengr at’ ( fits) skrá; and many other phrases. 2. denoting the part by which a thing is held or to which it belongs, by; fá, taka at…, to grasp by …; þú tókt við sverði hans at hjöltunum, you took it by the bill, Fms. i. 15; draga út björninn at hlustum, to pull out the bear by the ears, Fas. ii. 237; at fótum, by the feet, Fms. viii. 363; mæla ( to measure) at hrygg ok at jaðri, by the edge or middle of the stuff, Grág. i. 498; kasta e-m at höfði, head foremost, Nj. 84; kjósa e-n at fótum, by the feet alone, Edda 46; hefja frændsemi at bræðrum, eða at systkynum, to reckon kinship by the brother’s or the sister’s side, Grág. i. 28; kjósa at afli, at álitum, by strength, sight, Gs. 8, belongs rather to the following.
    IV. in respect of, as regards, in regard to, as to; auðigr at fé, wealthy of goods, Nj. 16, 30, 51; beztir hestar at reið, the best racehorses, 186; spekingr at viti, a man of great intellect, Ld. 124; vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face, Nj. 30, Bs. i. 61; kvenna vænst at ásjónu ok vits munum, of surpassing beauty and intellect, Ld. 122; fullkominn at hyggju, 18; um fram aðra menn at vinsældum ok harðfengi, of surpassing popularity and hardihood, Eb. 30.
    2. a law term, of challenging jurors, judges, or the like, on account of, by reason of; ryðja ( to challenge) at mægðum, guðsifjum, frændsemi, hrörum …; at leiðarlengd, on account of distance, Grág. i. 30, 50, Nj. (freq.)
    3. in arithm. denoting proportion; at helmingi, þriðjungi, fjórðungi, tíunda hluta, cp. Lat. ex asse, quadrante, for the half, third… part; máttr skal at magni (a proverb), might and main go together, Hkr. ii. 236; þú munt vera at því mikill fræðimaðr á kvæði, in the same proportion, as great, Fms. vi. 391, iii. 41; at e-s hluta, at… leiti, for one’s part, in turn, as far as one is con cerned, Grág. i. 322, Eg. 309, Fms. iii. 26 (freq.): at öðrum kosti, in the other case, otherwise (freq.) More gener., at öllu, öngu, in all (no) respects; at sumu, einhverju, nokkru, partly; at flestu, mestu, chiefly.
    4. as a paraphrase of a genitive; faðir, móðir at barni (= barns); aðili at sök (= sakar a.); morðingi at barni (= barns), faðerni at barni (barns); illvirki at fé manna (cp. Lat. felo de se), niðrfall at sökum (saka), land gangr at fiskum (fiska), Fms. iv. 274, Grág. i. 277, 416, N. G. L. i. 340, K. Þ. K. 112, Nj. 21.
    5. the phrase ‘at sér,’ of himself or in himself, either ellipt. or by adding the participle görr, and with the adverbs vel, ilia, or the like; denoting breeding, bearing, endowments, character …; væn kona, kurteis ok vel at sér, an accomplished, well-bred, gifted lady, Nj. I; vitr maðr ok vel at sér, a wise man and thoroughly good in feeling and bearing, 5; þú ert maðr vaskr ok vel at þér, 49; gerr at sér, accomplished, 51; bezt at sér görr, the finest, best bred man, 39, Ld. 124; en þó er hann svá vel at sér, so generous, Nj. 77; þeir höfðingjar er svá vóru vel at sér, so noble-minded, 198, Fms. i. 160: the phrase ‘at sér’ is now only used of knowledge, thus maðr vel að sér means clever, a man of great knowledge; illa að sér, a blockhead.
    6. denoting relations to colour, size, value, age, and the like; hvitr, svartr, grár, rauðr … at lit, white, swarthy, gray, red … of colour, Bjarn. 55, 28, Ísl. ii. 213, etc.; mikill, lítill, at stærð, vexti, tall, small of size, etc.; ungr, gamall, barn, at aldri, young, old, a child of age; tvítugr, þrítugr … at aldri, twenty, thirty … years of age (freq.): of animals; kyr at fyrsta, öðrum … kálfi, a cow having calved once, twice…, Jb. 346: value, amount, currency of money, kaupa e-t at mörk, at a mark, N. G. L. 1. 352; ok er eyririnn at mörk, amounts to a mark, of the value of money, Grág. i. 392; verðr þá at hálfri murk vaðmála eyrir, amounts to a half a mark, 500.
    β. metaph. of value, connected with verbs denoting to esteem, hold; meta, hafa, halda at miklu, litlu, vettugi, engu, or the like, to hold in high or low esteem, to care or not to care for (freq.): geta e-s at góðu, illu, öngu, to mention one favourably, unfavourably, indifferently … (freq.), prop. in connection with. In many cases it may be translated by in; ekki er mark at draumum, there is no meaning in dreams, no heed is to be paid to dreams, Sturl. ii. 217; bragð er at þá barnið finnr, it goes too far, when even a child takes offence (a proverb): hvat er at því, what does it mean? Nj. 11; hvert þat skip er vöxtr er at, any ship of mark, i. e. however small, Fms. xi. 20.
    V. denoting the source of a thing:
    1. source of infor mation, to learn, perceive, get information from; Ari nam ok marga fræði at Þuríði, learnt as her pupil, at her hands, as St. Paul at the feet of Gamaliel, (just as the Scotch say to speer or ask at a person); Ari nam at Þorgeiri afraðskoll, Hkr. (pref.); nema kunnáttu at e-m, used of a pupil, Fms. i. 8; nema fræði at e-m, xi. 396.
    2. of receiving, acquiring, buying, from; þiggja e-t at e-m, to receive a thing at his hands, Nj. 51; líf, to be pardoned, Fms. x. 173; kaupa land at e-m, to buy it from, Landn. 72, Íb. II, (now af is more freq. in this sense); geta e-t at e-m, to obtain, procure at one’s hands, impetrare; þeirra manna er þeir megu þat geta at, who are willing to do that, Grág. i. I; heimta e-t at e-m (now af), to call in, demand (a debt, money), 279; fala e-t at e-m (now af), to chaffer for or cheapen anything, Nj. 73; sækja e-t at e-m, to ask, seek for; sækja heilræði ok traust at e-m, 98; leiga e-t at e-m (now af), to borrow, Grág. ii. 334; eiga e-t (fé, skuld) at e-m, to be owed money by any one, i. 399: metaph. to deserve of one, Nj. 113; eiga mikit at e-m, to have much to do with, 138; hafa veg, virðing, styrk, at, to derive honour, power from, Fms. vi. 71, Eg. 44, Bárð. 174; gagn, to be of use, Ld. 216; mein, tálma, mischief, disadvantage, 158, 216, cp. Eg. 546; ótta, awe, Nj. 68.
    VI. denoting conformity, according to, Lat. secundum, ex, after; at fornum sið, Fms. i. 112; at sögn Ara prests, as Ari relates, on his authority, 55; at ráði allra vitrustu manna, at the advice of, Ísl. ii. 259, Ld. 62; at lögum, at landslögum, by the law of the land, Grág., Nj.; at líkindum, in all likelihood, Ld. 272; at sköpum, in due course (poet.); at hinum sama hætti, in the very same manner, Grág. i. 90; at vánum, as was to be expected, Nj. 255; at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave, Eg. 35; úlofi, Grág. ii. 215; at ósk, vilja e-s, as one likes…; at mun, id. (poet.); at sólu, happily (following the course of the sun), Bs. i. 70, 137; at því sem …, as to infer from …, Nj. 124: ‘fara, láta, ganga at’ denotes to yield, agree to, to comply with, give in, Ld. 168, Eg. 18, Fms. x. 368.
    VII. in phrases nearly or quite adverbial; gróa, vera græddr, at heilu, to be quite healed, Bárð. 167, Eb. 148; bíta at snöggu, to bite it bare, Fms. xi. 6; at þurru, till it becomes dry, Eb. 276; at endilöngu, all along, Fas. ii; vinnast at litlu, to avail little, 655 x. 14; at fullu, fully, Nj. 257, Hkr. i. 171; at vísu, of a surety, surely, Ld. 40; at frjálsu, freely, 308; at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same, Hom. 80, Nj. 267; at röngu, wrongly, 686 B. 2; at hófi, temperately, Lex. Poët.; at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent; at hringum, utterly, all round, (rare), Fms. x. 389; at einu, yet, Orkn. 358; svá at einu, því at einu, allt at einu, yet, however, nevertheless.
    VIII. connected with comparatives of adverbs and adjectives, and strengthening the sense, as in Engl. ‘the,’ so much the more, all the more; ‘at’ heldr tveimr, at ek munda gjarna veita yðr öllum, where it may be translated by so much the more to two, as I would willingly grant it to all of you; hon grét at meir, she grat (wept) the more, Eg. 483; þykir oss at líkara, all the more likely, Fms. viii. 6; þess at harðari, all the harder, Sturl. iii. 202 C; svá at hinn sé bana at nær, Grág. ii. 117; at auðnara, at hólpnara, the more happy, Al. 19, Grett. 116 B; þess at meiri, Fms. v. 64; auvirðismaðr at meiri, Sturl. ii. 139; maðr at vaskari, id.; at feigri, any the more fey, Km. 22; maðr at verri, all the worse, Nj. 168; ok er ‘at’ firr…, at ek vil miklu heldr, cp. Lat. tantum abest… ut, Eg. 60.
    β. following after a negation; eigi at síðr, no less, Nj. 160, Ld. 146; eigi… at meiri maðr, any better, Eg. 425, 489; erat héra at borgnara, any the better off for that, Fms. vii. 116; eigi at minni, no less for that, Edda (pref.) 146; eigi at minna, Ld. 216, Fms. ix. 50; ekki at verri drengr, not a bit worse for that, Ld. 42; er mér ekki son minn at bættari, þótt…, 216; at eigi vissi at nær, any more, Fas. iii. 74.
    IX. following many words:
    1. verbs, esp. those denoting, a. to ask, enquire, attend, seek, e. g. spyrja at, to speer (ask) for; leita at, to seek for; gæta, geyma at, to pay attention to; huga, hyggja at; hence atspurn, to enquire, aðgæzla, athugi, attention, etc.
    β. verbs denoting laughter, play, joy, game, cp. the Engl. to play at …, to laugh at …; hlæja, brosa at e-u, to laugh, smile at it; leika (sér) at e-u, to play at; þykja gaman at, to enjoy; hæða, göra gys at …, to make sport at …
    γ. verbs denoting assistance, help; standa, veita, vinna, hjálpa at; hence atstoð, atvinna, atverk:—mode, proceeding; fara at, to proceed, hence atför and atferli:—compliance; láta, fara at e-u, v. above:— fault; e-t er at e-u, there is some fault in it, Fms. x. 418; skorta at e-u, to fall short of, xi. 98:—care, attendance; hjúkra at, hlýja at, v. these words:—gathering, collecting; draga, reiða, flytja, fá at, congerere:—engagement, arrival, etc.; sækja at, to attack; ganga at, vera at, to be about; koma at, ellipt. to arrive: göra at, to repair: lesta at, to impair (v. above); finna at, to criticise (mod.); telja at, id.: bera at, to happen; kveða at e-m, to address one, 625. 15, (kveða at (ellipt.) now means to pronounce, and of a child to utter (read) whole syllables); falla at, of the flood-tide (ellipt.): metaph. of pains or straits surrounding one; þreyngja, herða at, to press hard: of frost and cold, with regard to the seasons; frjósa at, kólna at, to get really cold (SI. 44), as it were from the cold stiffening all things: also of the seasons themselves; hausta, vetra að, when the season really sets in; esp. the cold seasons, ‘sumra at’ cannot be used, yet we may say ‘vára að’ when the spring sets in, and the air gets mild.
    δ. in numberless other cases which may partly be seen below.
    2. connected ellipt. with adverbs denoting motion from a place; norðan, austan, sunnan, vestan at, those from the north, east…; utan at, innan at, from the outside or inside.
    3. with adjectives (but rarely), e. g. kærr, elskr, virkr (affectionate), vandr (zealous), at e-m; v. these words.
    TEMP.: Lat. post, after, upon, esp. freq. in poetry, but rare in prose writers, who use eptir; nema reisi niðr at nið (= maðr eptir mann), in succession, of erecting a monument, Hm. 71; in prose, at þat. posthac, deinde, Fms. x. 323, cp. Rm., where it occurs several times, 2, 6, 9, 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 35; sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, has to take the inheritance after his father, Grág. i. 170 new Ed.; eiga féránsdóm at e-n, Grág. i. 89; at Gamla fallinn, after the death of G., Fms. x. 382; in Edda (Gl.) 113 ought to be restored, grét ok at Oð, gulli Freyja, she grat (wept) tears of gold for her lost husband Od. It is doubtful if it is ever used in a purely loc. sense; at land, Grág. (Sb.)ii. 211, is probably corrupt; at hönd = á hönd, Grág. (Sb.) i. 135; at mót = at móti, v. this word.
    ☞ In compounds (v. below) at- or að- answers in turn to Lat. ad- or in- or con-; atdráttr e. g. denotes collecting; atkoma is adventus: it may also answer to Lat. ob-, in atburðr = accidence, but might also be compared with Lat. occurrere.
    and að, the mark of the infinitive [cp. Goth. du; A. S. and Engl. to; Germ. zu]. Except in the case of a few verbs ‘at’ is always placed immediately before the infinitive, so as to be almost an inseparable part of the verb.
    I. it is used either,
    1. as, a simple mark of the infinitive, only denoting an action and independent of the subject, e. g. at ganga, at hlaupa, at vita, to go, to run, to know; or,
    2. in an objective sense when following such verbs as bjóða segja…, to invite, command …; hann bauð þeim at ganga, at sitja, be bade, ordered them to go, sit, or the like; or as gefa and fá; gefa e-m at drekka, at eta, to give one to drink or to eat, etc. etc.
    β. with the additional notion of intention, esp. when following verba cogitandi; hann ætlaði, hafði í hyggju at fara, he had it in his mind to go (where ‘to go’ is the real object to ætlaði and hafði í hyggju).
    3. answering to the Gr. ινα, denoting intention, design, in order to; hann gékk í borg at kaupa silfr, in order to buy, Nj. 280; hann sendi riddara sína með þeim at varðveita þær, 623. 45: in order to make the phrase more plain, ‘svá’ and ‘til’ are frequently added, esp. in mod. writers, ‘svá at’ and contr. ‘svát’ (the last however is rare), ‘til at’ and ‘til þess at,’ etc.
    II. in the earlier times the infin., as in Greek and Lat., had no such mark; and some verbs remain that cannot be followed by ‘at;’ these verbs are almost the same in Icel. as in Engl.:
    α. the auxiliary verbs vil, mun ( μέλλω), skal; as in Engl. to is never used after the auxiliaries shall, will, must; ek vil ganga, I will go; ek mun fara, (as in North. E.) I mun go; ek skal göra þat, I shall do that, etc.
    β. the verbs kunna, mega, as in Engl. I can or may do, I dare say; svá hygginn at hann kunni fyrir sökum ráða, Grág. ii. 75; í öllu er prýða má góðan höfðingja, Nj. 90; vera má, it may be; vera kann þat, id.: kunnu, however, takes ‘at’ whenever it means to know, and esp. in common language in phrases such as, það kann að vera, but vera kann þat, v. above.
    γ. lata, biðja, as in Engl. to let, to bid; hann lét (bað) þá fara, he let (bade) them go.
    δ. þykkja, þykjast, to seem; hann þykir vera, he is thought to be: reflex., hann þykist vera, sibi videtur: impers., mér þykir vera, mibi videtur, in all cases without ‘at.’ So also freq. the verbs hugsa, hyggja, ætla, halda, to think, when denoting merely the act of thinking; but if there be any notion of intention or purpose, they assume the ‘at;’ thus hann ætlaði, hugði, þá vera góða menn, he thought them to be, acc. c. inf.; but ætlaði at fara, meant to go, etc.
    ε. the verbs denoting to see, bear; sjá, líta, horfa á … ( videre); heyra, audire, as in Engl. I saw them come, I heard him tell, ek sá þá koma, ek heyrði hann tala.
    ζ. sometimes after the verbs eiga and ganga; hann gékk steikja, be went to roast, Vkv. 9; eiga, esp. when a mere periphrasis instead of skal, móður sína á maðr fyrst fram færa (better at færa), Grág. i. 232; á þann kvið einskis meta, 59; but at meta, id. l. 24; ráða, nema, göra …, freq. in poetry, when they are used as simple auxiliary verbs, e. g. nam hann sér Högna hvetja at rúnum, Skv. 3. 43.
    η. hljóta and verða, when used in the sense of must (as in Engl. he must go), and when placed after the infin.of another verb; hér muntu vera hljóta, Nj. 129; but hljóta at vera: fara hlýtr þú, Fms. 1. 159; but þú hlýtr at fara: verða vita, ii. 146; but verða at vita: hann man verða sækja, þó verðr (= skal) maðr eptir mann lifa, Fms. viii. 19, Fas. ii. 552, are exceptional cases.
    θ. in poetry, verbs with the verbal neg. suffix ‘-at,’ freq. for the case of euphony, take no mark of the infinitive, where it would be indispensable with the simple verb, vide Lex. Poët. Exceptional cases; hvárt sem hann vill ‘at’ verja þá sök, eða, whatever he chooses, either, Grág. i. 64; fyrr viljum vér enga kórónu at bera, en nokkut ófrelsi á oss at taka, we would rather bear no crown than …, Fms. x. 12; the context is peculiar, and the ‘at’ purposely added. It may be left out ellipt.; e. g. þá er guð gefr oss finnast (= at finnast), Dipl. ii. 14; gef honum drekka (= at drekka), Pr. 470; but mostly in unclassical writers, in deeds, or the like, written nastily and in an abrupt style.
    and að, conj. [Goth. þatei = οτι; A. S. þät; Engl. that; Germ, dass; the Ormul. and Scot. at, see the quotations sub voce in Jamieson; in all South-Teutonic idioms with an initial dental: the Scandinavian idioms form an exception, having all dropped this consonant; Swed. åt, Dan. at]. In Icel. the Bible translation (of the 16th century) was chiefly based upon that of Luther; the hymns and the great bulk of theol. translations of that time were also derived from Germany; therefore the germanised form það frequently appears in the Bible, and was often employed by theol. authors in sermons since the time of the Reformation. Jón Vidalin, the greatest modern Icel. preacher, who died in 1720, in spite of his thoroughly classical style, abounds in the use of this form; but it never took root in the language, and has never passed into the spoken dialect. After a relative or demonstr. pronoun, it freq. in mod. writers assumes the form eð, hver eð, hverir eð, hvað eð, þar eð. Before the prep. þú (tu), þ changes into t, and is spelt in a single word attú, which is freq. in some MS.;—now, however, pronounced aððú, aððeir, aððið …, = að þú…, with the soft Engl. th sound. It gener. answers to Lat. ut, or to the relat. pron. qui.
    I. that, relative to svá, to denote proportion, degree, so…, that, Lat. tam, tantus, tot…, ut; svá mikill lagamaðr, at…, so great a lawyer, that…, Nj. 1; hárið svá mikit, at þat…, 2; svá kom um síðir því máli, at Sigvaldi, it came so far, that…, Fms. xi. 95, Edda 33. Rarely and unclass., ellipt. without svá; Bæringr var til seinn eptir honum, at hann … (= svá at), Bær. 15; hlífði honum, at hann sakaði ekki, Fas. iii. 441.
    II. it is used,
    1. with indic, in a narrative sense, answering partly to Gr. οτι, Lat. quod, ut, in such phrases as, it came to pass, happened that …; þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, Nj. 2; þat var á palmdrottinsdag, at Ólafr konungr gékk út um stræti, Fms. ii. 244.
    2. with subj. answering to Lat. acc. with infin., to mark the relation of an object to the chief verb, e. g. vilda ek at þú réðist, I wished that you would, Nj. 57.
    β. or in an oblique sentence, answering to ita ut…; ef svá kann verða at þeir láti…, if it may be so that they might…, Fms. xi. 94.
    γ. with a subj. denoting design, answering to ϊνα or Lat. ut with subj., in order that; at öll veraldar bygðin viti, ut sciat totus orbis, Stj.; þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, at þeir dæi eigi af sulti, ut ne fame perirent, Nj. 265; fyrsti hlutr bókarinnar er Kristindómsbálkr, at menn skili, in order that men may understand, Gþl. p. viii.
    III. used in connection with conjunctions,
    1. esp. þó, því, svá; þó at freq. contr. þótt; svát is rare and obsolete.
    α. þóat, þótt (North. E. ‘thof’), followed by a subjunctive, though, although, Lat. etsi, quamquam (very freq.); þóat nokkurum mönnum sýnist þetta með freku sett… þá viljum vér, Fms. vi. 21: phrases as, gef þú mér þó at úverðugri, etsi indignae (dat.), Stj. MS. col. 315, are unclass., and influenced by the Latin: sometimes ellipt. without ‘þó,’ eigi mundi hón þá meir hvata göngu sinni, at (= þóat) hon hraeddist bana sinn, Edda 7, Nj. 64: ‘þó’ and ‘at’ separated, svarar hann þó rétt, at hann svari svá, Grág. i. 23; þó er rétt at nýta, at hann sé fyrr skorinn, answering to Engl. yetthough, Lat. attamenetsi, K. Þ. K.
    β. því at, because, Lat. nam, quia, with indic.; því at allir vóru gerfiligir synir hans, Ld. 68; því at af íþróttum verðr maðr fróðr, Sks. 16: separated, því þegi ek, at ek undrumst, Fms. iii. 201; því er þessa getið, at þat þótti, it i s mentioned because …, Ld. 68.
    γ. svá at, so that, Lat. ut, ita ut; grátrinn kom upp, svá at eingi mátti öðrum segja, Edda 37: separated, so … that, svá úsvúst at …, so bad weather, that, Bs. i. 339, etc.
    2. it is freq. used superfluously, esp. after relatives; hver at = hverr, quis; því at = því, igitur; hverr at þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða, Fms. v. 159; hvern stvrk at hann mundi fá, 44; ek undrumst hvé mikil ógnarraust at liggr í þér, iii. 201; því at ek mátti eigi þar vera elligar, því at þar var kristni vel haldin, Fas. i. 340.
    IV. as a relat. conj.:
    1. temp, when, Lat. quum; jafnan er ( est) mér þá verra er ( quum) ek fer á braut þaðan, en þá at ( quum) ek kem, Grett. 150 A; þar til at vér vitum, till we know, Fms. v. 52; þá at ek lýsta (= þá er), when, Nj. 233.
    2. since, because; ek færi yðr (hann), at þér eruð í einum hrepp allir, because of your being all of the same Rape, Grág. i. 260; eigi er kynlegt at ( though) Skarphéðinn sé hraustr, at þat er mælt at…, because (since) it is a saying that…, Nj. 64.
    V. in mod. writers it is also freq. superfluously joined to the conjunctions, ef að = ef, si, (Lv. 45 is from a paper MS.), meðan að = meðan, dum; nema að, nisi; fyrst að = fyrst, quoniam; eptir að, síðan að, postquam; hvárt að = hvárt, Lat. an. In the law we find passages such as, þá er um er dæmt eina sök, at þá eigu þeir aptr at ganga í dóminn, Grág. i. 79; ef þing ber á hina helgu viku, at þat á eigi fyrir þeim málum at standa, 106; þat er ok, at þeir skulu reifa mál manna, 64; at þeir skulu með váttorð þá sök sækja, 65: in all these cases ‘at’ is either superfluous or, which is more likely, of an ellipt. nature, ‘the law decrees’ or ‘it is decreed’ being understood. The passages Sks. 551, 552, 568, 718 B, at lokit (= at ek hefi lokit), at hugleitt (= at ek hefi h.), at sent (= at ek hefi sent) are quite exceptional.
    and að, an indecl. relat. pronoun [Ulf. þatei = ος, ος αν, οστις, οσπερ, οιος, etc.; Engl. that, Ormul. at], with the initial letter dropped, as in the conj. at, (cp. also the Old Engl. at, which is both a conj. and a pronoun, e. g. Barbour vi. 24 in Jamieson: ‘I drede that his gret wassalage, | And his travail may bring till end, | That at men quhilc full litil wend.’ | ‘His mestyr speryt quhat tithings a t he saw.’—Wyntoun v. 3. 89.) In Icel. ‘er’ (the relat. pronoun) and ‘at’ are used indifferently, so that where one MS. reads ‘er,’ another reads ‘at,’ and vice versâ; this may easily be seen by looking at the MSS.; yet as a rule ‘er’ is much more freq. used. In mod. writers ‘at’ is freq. turned into ‘eð,’ esp. as a superfluous particle after the relative pron. hverr (hver eð, hvað eð, hverir eð, etc.), or the demonstr. sá (sá eð, þeir eð, hinir eð, etc.):—who, which, that, enn bezta grip at ( which) hafði til Íslands komið, Ld. 202; en engi mun sá at ( cui) minnisamara mun vera, 242; sem blótnaut at ( quae) stærst verða, Fms. iii. 214; þau tiðendi, at mér þætti verri, Nj. 64, etc. etc.
    n. collision (poët.); odda at, crossing of spears, crash of spears, Höfuðl. 8.
    β. a fight or bait of wild animals, esp. of horses, v. hesta-at and etja.
    the negative verbal suffix, v. -a.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AT

  • 5 go

    1. [gəʋ] n (pl goes [gəʋz]) разг.
    1. ход, ходьба; движение

    come and go - хождение туда и сюда /взад и вперёд/

    the boat rolled gently with the come and go of small waves - лодка мягко покачивалась на мелких волнах

    to be on the go - быть в движении /в работе/

    he is always on the go - он всегда в движении; он никогда не сидит без дела

    he has two books on the go at the moment - в настоящее время он работает (одновременно) над двумя книгами

    2. обстоятельство, положение; неожиданный поворот дел

    a near go - опасное /рискованное/ положение; ≅ быть на волосок от гибели /провала, разорения и т. п./

    here's a pretty go!, what a go! - ≅ весёленькая история!, хорошенькое дельце!

    it's a queer /rum/ go - странное дело

    3. попытка

    to have a go at - попытаться, рискнуть, попытать счастья

    she was staying for another go - она осталась, чтобы сделать ещё одну попытку

    let's have another go at this problem - давай ещё раз попробуем разобраться в этом деле

    he had several goes at the examination before he passed - он не смог сдать экзамен с первого захода

    4. 1) приступ
    2) порция ( еды или вина)
    3) что-л. выполненное за один раз
    5. сделка, соглашение

    it's a go! - идёт!, по рукам, решено!, договорились!

    6. разг. энергия, воодушевление; рвение; увлечение
    7. разг. успех; удача; успешное предприятие

    to make a go of it - амер. добиться успеха, преуспеть

    he is convinced that he can make a go of it - он уверен, что добьётся в этом деле успеха

    no go - бесполезный, безнадёжный

    it's no go! - не пойдёт!, невозможно!

    8. редк. походка
    9. ход ( в игре); бросок ( в спортивных играх)

    to give smb. the go - дать кому-л. сигнал или разрешение действовать; ≅ дать «добро»

    quite /all/ the go - последний крик моды; предмет всеобщего увлечения

    first go - первым делом, сразу же

    at a go - сразу, зараз

    the great [little] go - студ. последний [первый] экзамен на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук ( в Кембридже и Оксфорде)

    he was a drag on me from the word go - с самого начала он был для меня обузой

    2. [gəʋ] a амер. разг.
    быть в состоянии готовности; работать (безотказно) (об аппаратуре и т. п.)

    you are go for landing - ≅ разрешается посадка

    she was suddenly in a go condition - она внезапно почувствовала, что готова ко всему

    3. [gəʋ] v (went; gone)
    1. идти, ходить

    to go slowly [quickly] - идти медленно [быстро]

    to go slow - а) идти медленно, не торопиться; б) быть осмотрительным; [ср. тж. ]

    cars go on the road - по дороге едут /ездят/ машины

    to go upstairs [downstairs] - подыматься [спускаться] по лестнице

    they went over the river - они перешли /переправились через/ реку

    he went to visit /to see/ her - он пошёл навестить /проведать/ её

    to go in single file [in pairs] - идти по одному [парами]

    you go first - а) вы идите первым /вперёд/; б) проходите, пожалуйста; в) ваш первый ход

    2. направляться, следовать; ехать, поехать

    to go to the country - поехать за город /в деревню, на дачу/ [см. тж. ]

    to go abroad - поехать за границу [см. тж. ]

    to go to France [to London] - поехать во Францию [в Лондон]

    to go on a journey - поехать в путешествие; совершать путешествие

    to go for a ride /a drive/ - поехать /отправиться/ на прогулку (особ. верхом, на велосипеде, в автомобиле)

    to go on a visit - поехать /отправиться/ с визитом; поехать погостить

    to go to a party - пойти в гости /на вечеринку, на вечер/

    to go on a tour - а) отправиться /пуститься/ в путешествие; б) отправляться на гастроли /в турне/

    to go (some) places - амер. разг. ездить /ходить/ по разным местам

    3. 1) ездить, путешествовать, передвигаться (каким-л. способом)

    to go by land [by water] - ехать по суше [по воде]

    to go by train [by bus, by tram, by rail, by steamer] - ехать поездом [автобусом, трамваем, по железной дороге, пароходом]

    to go in a carriage [in a motor-car, in a ship, in a tram, in a trolley-bus] - ехать в экипаже [в автомобиле, на пароходе, в трамвае, в троллейбусе]

    to go on foot - ходить /идти/ пешком

    2) ходить, курсировать
    4. 1) уходить, уезжать

    we came at six and went at nine - мы пришли в шесть, а ушли в девять

    it is time for us to go - нам пора уходить /идти, уезжать/

    I'll be going now - ну, я пошёл

    I must be going now, I must be gone - теперь мне нужно уходить

    she is gone - она ушла /уехала/, её нет

    be gone!, get you gone! - уходи!

    2) отходить, отправляться

    when does the train go? - когда отходит поезд?

    the train goes from platform 5 - поезд отходит от платформы №5

    one, two, three - go!, ready, steady, go! - внимание... приготовиться... марш!

    5. 1) двигаться, быть в движении

    I'd prefer to sit the way the train is going - я бы предпочёл сидеть по ходу поезда

    to set smth. going - привести что-л. в движение

    2) двигаться с определённой скоростью

    the train was going (at) fifty miles an hour - поезд шёл со скоростью 50 миль в час

    to go at full drive /tilt/ - идти полным ходом

    6. 1) работать, действовать, функционировать (о машине и т. п.)

    my watch is going too fast [slow] - мои часы слишком спешат [отстают]

    the engine went beautifully all day - весь день машина работала превосходно

    how do I make the washing machine go? - как включить стиральную машину?

    2) жить, действовать, функционировать ( о человеке)

    he manages to keep going - он как-то тянет, ему удаётся держаться

    7. 1) тянуться, проходить, пролегать, простираться

    mountains that go from east to west - горы, тянущиеся /простирающиеся/ с востока на запад

    how far does the road go? - далеко ли тянется эта дорога?

    2) дотягиваться; доходить

    I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground - мне нужна верёвка, которую можно опустить с верхнего этажа до земли

    8. 1) протекать, проходить

    time goes quickly - время идёт быстро /летит/

    vacation goes quickly - не успеваешь оглянуться, а отпуск кончился

    2) протекать; завершаться каким-л. образом

    how is the evening going? - как проходит вечер?

    how did the interview go? - как прошло интервью?

    I hope all goes well with you - надеюсь, что у вас всё хорошо

    how did the voting go? - как завершилось голосование?; каковы результаты голосования?

    nobody knows how matters will go - никто не знает, как пойдут дела

    what made the party go? - что обеспечило успех вечера?

    9. 1) исчезать; проходить
    2) исчезнуть, пропасть

    his hat has gone - у него исчезла /пропала/ шляпа

    where's my pen? It's gone (off my desk) - где моя ручка? Она исчезла (с моего стола)

    10. распространяться; передаваться
    11. передаваться (по телеграфу и т. п.)

    this message will go by mail /by post, in the post/ - это сообщение пойдёт по почте

    12. иметь хождение, быть в обращении
    13. (обыкн. to) идти (на что-л.); брать на себя (что-л.); решаться (на что-л.)

    to go to a lot of [great] trouble to do smth. - приложить много [массу] усилий, чтобы сделать что-л.

    he will not even go to the trouble of doing that - он не захочет даже и попытаться сделать это

    to go so far as to say that! - дойти до того, чтобы сказать это!

    14. 1) податься; рухнуть; сломаться, расколоться

    the platform went - трибуна рухнула /обрушилась/

    first the sail went and then the mast - сперва подался парус, а затем и мачта

    there goes another button! - ну вот, ещё одна пуговица отлетела!

    the fuse [bulb] went - перегорела пробка [лампочка]

    the engine in the old car finally went - мотор в старой машине окончательно пришёл в негодность

    2) потерпеть крах, обанкротиться
    3) отменяться, уничтожаться

    this clause of the bill will have to go - эта статья законопроекта должна быть отменена /не должна быть принята/

    whatever is not done yet must simply go - всё, что не сделано, придётся оставить как есть

    4) (обыкн. с must, can, have to) отказываться; избавляться

    the car must go, we can't afford it - от машины придётся отказаться, она нам не по карману

    15. 1) быть расположенным, следовать в определённом порядке
    2) храниться, находиться (где-л.); становиться ( на определённое место)

    where is this carpet to go? - куда постелить этот ковёр?

    3) (into, under) умещаться, укладываться (во что-л.)

    the thread is too thick to go into the needle - нитка слишком толстая, чтобы пролезть в иголку

    how many pints go into a gallon? - сколько пинт содержится в одном галлоне?

    4) (обыкн. to) равняться
    16. заканчиваться определённым результатом

    I don't know whether the case goes for me or against me - я не знаю ещё, удастся ли мне выиграть процесс

    which way will the decision go? - как всё решится?

    17. 1) гласить, говорить

    I don't exactly remember how the words go - я точно не помню, как это там сказано

    how does the story go? - что там дальше в рассказе?

    the story goes that he was murdered - говорят, что его убили

    2) звучать (о мелодии и т. п.)

    the tune goes something like this... - вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив

    how does that song go? - напомните мне мотив этой песни

    ducks go❝quack❞ - утки делают «кряк-кряк»

    the guns went❝boom❞ - «бабах!» грохнули пушки [см. тж. III А 2, 4)]

    18. 1) звонить

    I hear the bells going - я слышу, как звонят колокола

    2) бить, отбивать время
    19. умирать, гибнуть

    she is gone - она погибла, она умерла

    my grandmother went peacefully in the night - моя бабушка тихо скончалась ночью

    after George went, she moved into a smaller house - когда Джордж умер, она переехала в дом поменьше

    he is dead and gone - разг. он уже в могиле

    20. 1) пройти, быть принятым
    2) быть приемлемым

    here anything goes - разг. здесь всё сойдёт; здесь ты можешь делать, что твоей душе угодно

    21. разг. выдерживать, терпеть
    22. справляться, одолевать
    23. ходить определённым шагом

    to go narrow [wide] - идти узким [широким] шагом ( о лошади)

    to go above the ground - уст. ходить, высоко подымая ноги

    24. спариваться
    II А
    1. 1) участвовать ( в доле)

    to go halves [shares, snacks, амер. fifty-fifty, уст. snips], to go share and share alike - делить поровну /пополам/; принять участие наравне (с кем-л.)

    2) амер. разг. ставить (какую-л. сумму); рисковать (какой-л. суммой)

    how much do you go? - а) сколько вы ставите?; б) на сколько вы спорите?

    2. 1) пропадать, слабеть (о слухе, сознании и т. п.)

    my voice has gone because of my cold - от простуды я потеряла голос /у меня сел голос/

    2) разг. износиться ( об одежде)
    3. редк.
    1) сохраняться ( о пище)

    butter goes better in the refrigerator - масло сохраняется лучше в холодильнике

    2) носиться (о ткани, одежде и т. п.)
    4. быть ритмичными ( о стихах)
    5. получать ( пособие)

    to go on the parish - получать приходское пособие по бедности, жить за счёт прихожан

    to go on the dole - получать пособие по бедности; перейти на пособие

    II Б
    1. to be going to do smth.
    1) собираться, намереваться сделать что-л.

    we were going to France but we changed our minds - мы хотели поехать во Францию, но передумали

    she is going to spend holidays at a rest-home - она решила провести свои каникулы в доме отдыха

    he is not going to be cheated - он не допустит, чтобы его обманули

    2) ожидаться (о каком-л. событии)

    I'm going to be sick! - меня сейчас вырвет!

    she felt she was going to be ill - она чувствовала, что заболевает

    2. to go and do smth. разг. взять да сделать что-л.; пойти и сделать что-л.

    to go and fetch smb., smth. - сходить за кем-л., чем-л.

    you've gone and torn my dress - ну вот, вы порвали мне платье

    there now! if I haven't gone and lost my ticket! - и надо же было мне потерять билет!

    3. to go about smth. /doing smth./
    1) заниматься чем-л.

    she went about her work with energy - она энергично занималась своими делами

    we must go about it carefully - а) это надо делать осторожно; б) за это надо браться осторожно

    2) приниматься за что-л.

    how does one go about getting seats? - что нужно делать, чтобы достать билеты /места/?

    he didn't know how to go about building a boat - он не знал, как подступиться к строительству лодки

    4. to go at smth. энергично взяться за что-л.

    let's go at this problem in a different way - давайте попробуем решить эту проблему по-другому

    he went at his breakfast as if he'd never eaten for a week - он набросился на завтрак так, будто не ел целую неделю

    5. to go at smb. набрасываться, бросаться на кого-л.
    6. to go against smth.
    1) двигаться против чего-л.

    to go against the tide - плыть против течения [см. тж. ]

    2) идти вразрез с чем-л., противоречить чему-л.

    she went against her mother's wishes - она не послушалась своей матери; она поступила наперекор своей матери

    3) юр. оспаривать что-л.; спорить против чего-л.
    7. to go against smb. быть против кого-л.; не подходить кому-л.

    it goes against me - это противно мне, это противоречит моим убеждениям

    8. to go behind smth. пересматривать, рассматривать заново, изучать (основания, данные)
    9. to go beyond smth. выходить за пределы чего-л., превышать что-л.
    10. to go by /on/ smth.
    1) судить по чему-л.
    2) руководствоваться чем-л., следовать чему-л.

    it is a good rule to go by - вот хорошее правило, которым следует руководствоваться

    I shall go entirely by what the doctor says - я буду делать всё, что говорит врач

    we were just going on what you yourself had said - мы как раз действовали в соответствии с тем, что вы сами говорили

    that's all the police had to go on to catch the killer - вот и все улики, которые были у полиции и по которым она должна была поймать убийцу

    11. to go after smth., smb. домогаться чего-л., кого-л.

    he is going after Jane - он ухаживает /бегает/ за Джейн

    12. to go for smb.
    1) разг. наброситься, обрушиться на кого-л.

    suddenly the lion went for his keeper - внезапно лев набросился на служителя

    my wife went for me because I was late for dinner - жена выругала меня за то, что я опоздал к обеду

    2) слыть кем-л.; быть принятым за кого-л.

    he went for an old man among the youth - молодёжь принимала его за старика /считала его стариком/

    3) разг. увлекаться кем-л.; влюбиться в кого-л.

    I don't go for men of his type - мне такие мужчины, как он, не нравятся

    13. to go for smth.
    1) разг. заменить что-л., сойти за что-л.

    this synthetic material may easily go for pure wool - эта искусственная ткань может легко сойти за чистую шерсть

    2) стремиться к чему-л.; добиваться чего-л.

    will you go for the prize? - ты будешь бороться за призовое место?

    when you offer him sweets he goes for the biggest one - когда ему предлагают конфеты, он всегда тянется за самой большой

    3) увлекаться чем-л.

    do you go for modern music? - вы любите современную музыку?

    14. to go for /at/ certain sum of money продаваться по определённой цене

    to go for nothing - продаваться за бесценок [см. тж. II Б 15]

    the books went for a shilling [for so little] - книги были проданы за шиллинг [так дёшево]

    there were good coats going at £50 - по 50 фунтов продавали хорошие пальто

    going for £10!, going!, going!, gone! - продаётся за 10 фунтов!, 10 фунтов - раз!, 10 фунтов - два!, 10 фунтов - три! продано (за 10 фунтов)

    15. to go to /in/ smth. расходоваться, уходить на что-л.

    half our money goes on food and clothes for the children - половина наших денег уходит на еду и одежду для детей

    his time goes in watching television - он всё своё время тратит на телевизор

    to go for nothing - пропасть, уйти впустую [см. тж. II Б 14]

    16. to go to smth., smb.
    1) обращаться к чему-л., на кого-л.

    his eyes went to her - он взглянул на неё, он обратил свой взгляд на неё

    2) прибегать к помощи; обращаться (к кому-л.)

    to go to law /to court/ - обращаться в суд

    to go to law with smb. - возбуждать дело в суде против кого-л.

    17. to go to smth. становиться кем-л.

    to go to the stage - стать актёром, пойти в актёры

    to go to the streets - стать проституткой, пойти на панель

    to go to school - ходить в школу; стать учеником, учиться в школе

    to go to college [to the university] - стать [быть] студентом, учиться в колледже [в университете]

    18. to go to smb.
    1) быть проданным кому-л.

    the house went to the one who made the highest offer - дом продали тому, кто предложил самую высокую цену

    going to the gentleman in the third row! going, going, gone! - продано джентльмену в третьем ряду! продано - раз!, продано - два!, продано - три!

    2) доставаться кому-л.
    19. to go through smth.
    1) тщательно, пункт за пунктом разбирать что-л.
    2) проделать, сделать что-л.

    let's go through the rehearsal without any interruptions - давайте проведём репетицию без всяких помех

    3) пройти, быть принятым где-л. (о проекте, предложении)

    the plan must go through several stages - план должен пройти несколько инстанций

    4) испытывать что-л., подвергаться чему-л.

    the country has gone through too many wars - эта страна перенесла слишком много войн

    5) выдержать столько-то изданий ( о книге)
    6) обыскивать, обшаривать что-л.

    he went through his pockets looking for the key - он обыскал все карманы в поисках ключа

    7) растратить, израсходовать (состояние, деньги и т. п.)

    he quickly went through his fortune [his savings] - он быстро растратил /промотал/ своё состояние [свои сбережения]

    20. to go into smth.
    1) тщательно разбирать что-л., вникать во что-л.; расследовать, рассматривать что-л.

    to go into details /particulars/ - вдаваться в подробности

    2) избирать (профессию и т. п.)

    to go into business - избрать карьеру делового человека; стать дельцом

    to go into Parliament [into the Cabinet] - стать членом парламента [кабинета министров]

    3) вступить в организацию, стать членом общества
    4) надевать

    she goes into woollen stockings in September - с сентября она начинает носить шерстяные чулки

    21. to go before /to/ smb., smth.
    1) предстать перед кем-л., чем-л.

    you will go before the board of directors - вы предстанете перед советом директоров

    2) передавать на рассмотрение кому-л., чему-л.

    your suggestion will go before the committee - о вашем предложении доложат комиссии

    can this question go direct to the minister? - нельзя ли этот вопрос поставить непосредственно перед министром?

    22. to go with smb.
    1) сопровождать кого-л., идти вместе с кем-л.

    shall I go with you? - хотите я пойду с вами?

    2) быть заодно, соглашаться с кем-л.
    23. to go with smth.
    1) подходить к чему-л., гармонировать с чем-л.; соответствовать чему-л.

    the blue scarf goes well with your blouse - этот голубой шарф красиво сочетается с вашей блузкой

    2) относиться к чему-л., быть связанным с чем-л.

    five acres of land go with the house - продаётся дом с прилегающим к нему участком в пять акров

    3) быть связанным с чем-л.; соответствовать чему-л.

    the salary that goes with an office - жалованье, соответствующее занимаемой должности

    24. to go without smth.
    1) обходиться без чего-л.
    2) не иметь чего-л.

    to go without money - не иметь денег, быть без денег

    25. to go by /under/ name быть известным под каким-л. именем

    to go by /under/ the name of... - быть известным под именем...

    he went under a pseudonym - он был известен под псевдонимом, он носил псевдоним

    26. to go under smb.'s name приписываться кому-л. ( об авторстве)

    that play generally goes under the name of Shakespeare - обычно эту пьесу приписывают Шекспиру

    27. 1) to go to make up smth. составлять что-л., входить в состав чего-л.

    items which go to make up the total - пункты, из которых складывается целое

    2) to go to the making of smth., smb. быть необходимым для чего-л., кого-л.

    what qualities go to the making of a pilot? - какие качества необходимы пилоту?

    dressings that go to making a good salad - приправа, необходимая, чтобы приготовить вкусный салат

    28. to go into state приходить в какое-л. состояние
    29. to go into condition входить в какое-л. положение

    to go into anchor - мор. становиться на якорь

    to go into the assault - воен. идти в атаку

    to go into bivouac - воен. располагаться биваком

    30. ... as smth., smb. goes... как что-л. заведено...;... как другие

    as things go - разг. при сложившихся обстоятельствах, как это водится, в нынешних условиях

    that's not bad as things go - при существующем положении вещей это не так уж плохо

    31. to go to show that... свидетельствовать

    it all goes to show that he cannot be trusted - всё это свидетельствует о том, что ему нельзя доверять

    your behaviour goes to prove that... - ваше поведение служит доказательством того, что...

    32. smth. is going иметься, продаваться, подаваться и т. п.

    come along, there are ices going - идём скорее, подают мороженое

    I'll have what's going - дайте мне, что у вас есть

    are there any jobs going? - здесь есть работа?

    are there any houses going? - здесь продают(ся) дома?

    III А
    1. в сочетании с последующим герундием выражает действие, соответствующее значению герундия:

    to go (out) hunting /shooting/ - отправляться /ходить/ на охоту

    to go out fishing [duck-shooting] - отправляться на рыбную ловлю [охотиться на уток]

    to go shopping - отправляться за покупками; ходить по магазинам

    he goes frightening people with his stories - он постоянно пугает людей своими рассказами

    don't go doing that! - разг. не смей делать этого!

    don't go saying that! - разг. не болтай ерунды!

    1) находиться в каком-л. положении или состоянии

    to go free - быть свободным /незанятым/

    to go hungry /empty/ - (вечно) быть /ходить/ голодным

    to go armed - быть /ходить/ вооружённым, носить оружие

    the differences between them go deep - их разногласия имеют глубокие корни

    to go in fear (of smth.) - жить в вечном страхе (перед чем-л.)

    to go strong - держаться, сохранять силу, не сдаваться

    to be six months gone (with child) - быть на седьмом месяце (беременности)

    to go native см. native II 2

    2) делаться, становиться

    to go bad - испортиться; сгнить, прогнить, протухнуть

    to go dry - высыхать, становиться сухим [см. тж. ]

    she /her hair/ is going grey - она седеет

    to go mad /mental/ - сойти с ума

    to go queer in the head - а) помешаться; б) почувствовать головокружение

    to go wrong - а) сбиться с пути, встать на ложный путь; ошибаться; поступать неправильно; б) не выйти, не получиться; в) испортиться, перестать работать; разладиться; г) испортиться, протухнуть ( о пище)

    he went hot and cold - его бросало то в жар, то в холод

    a man gone ninety years of age - человек, которому за 90

    to go Conservative - стать /сделаться/ консерватором

    to go apprentice - сделаться подмастерьем /учеником/

    3) оставаться в каком-л. положении

    to go unpunished - быть /оставаться/ безнаказанным

    to go free /scot-free/ - оставаться свободным

    4) издавать внезапный или отчётливый звук

    to go pop - выстрелить, грохнуть, бахнуть

    to go snap - треснуть; с треском сломаться

    to go flop - а) хлопнуться, плюхнуться; б) потерпеть неудачу, провалиться

    to go fut, to go phut - а) лопнуть; б) сорваться, провалиться, лопнуть; потерпеть крах, неудачу; кончиться ничем; в) испортиться, сломаться

    to go to bed /to sleep/ - ложиться спать

    to go to bye-bye - детск. идти бай-бай

    to go the round of - а) совершать обход; б) циркулировать (о слухах и т. п.); переходить или передаваться из уст в уста

    to go foreign - мор. жарг. уйти в заграничное плавание

    to go far - а) хватить надолго; those potatoes won't go far when there are 10 people to feed - картофеля надолго не хватит, раз надо кормить целых десять человек; б) зайти далеко; перейти границы (принятого, допустимого); you've gone too far! - ну, это ты хватил!, в) многого добиться; the boy is clever and will go far - мальчик умный и многого добьётся

    to go a long /good, great/ way - а) далеко пойти; б) далеко зайти, хватить через край; в) хватить надолго, быть достаточным (о деньгах, продуктах)

    far gone - а) в последней стадии ( болезни); б) совершенно безумный; в) сильно пьяный; опьяневший

    as /so/ far as it goes - поскольку дело касается, что касается, что до

    it will go hard /ill/ with him - ему придётся плохо /туго/

    to go smb. better - превзойти /перещеголять, затмить/ кого-л.

    to go dry - амер. а) запретить продажу спиртных напитков; б) отказаться от употребления спиртных напитков; стать трезвенником; [см. тж. III А 2, 2)]

    to go wet - амер. а) разрешить продажу спиртных напитков; б) начать пить

    to go steady - иметь постоянного возлюбленного /-ую возлюбленную/

    to go bail - а) юр. становиться поручителем, поручиться или внести залог (за кого-л.); б) разг. ручаться

    go bail that... - ручаюсь, что...

    to go downhill - а) катиться по наклонной плоскости; б) ухудшаться (о здоровье, материальном положении)

    to go abroad - получить известность [см. тж. I 2], распространиться ( о слухах)

    to go to the country - распустить парламент и назначить новые выборы [см. тж. I 2]

    to go to Canossa - пойти в Каноссу, публично унижаться (перед кем-л.), испрашивая прощение

    to let /to leave/ go - а) выпускать из рук; б) (от)пускать, выпускать; освобождать; let me go! - отпустите меня!; в) пропускать; г) перестать думать, выбросить из головы

    let it go at that! - довольно!, будет!, пусть это так и останется!

    I've let my music go - я запустил музыку, я перестал заниматься музыкой

    to let judgement go by default - юр. заочно решить в пользу истца ( ввиду неявки ответчика)

    go easy /slow/! - осторожнее!, потише! [ср. тж. I 1]

    to go easy on smth. - амер. быть тактичным в отношении чего-л.; проявлять осторожность в отношении чего-л.

    to go solid - амер. полит. жарг. придерживаться одного мнения, действовать единодушно

    to be going some - амер. быстро /успешно/ продвигаться вперёд

    to be going strong - а) быть полным сил; процветать; б) поступать безрассудно /опрометчиво/

    to go one's (own) way /gate/ - идти своим путём, действовать самостоятельно, поступать по-своему

    to go with the current /the tide, the stream, the crowd/ - плыть по течению

    to go with the times /the tides/ - идти в ногу со временем

    to go against the stream /the tide/ - а) идти /плыть/ против течения; б) работать в неблагоприятных условиях; действовать, преодолевая сопротивление /оппозицию/; [см. тж. II Б 6 1)]

    to go on one's marks - спорт. выходить на старт

    as you go!, as she goes! - мор. так держать!

    to go down the drain - быть истраченным впустую [см. тж. drain I ]

    to go over the top - а) воен. разг. идти в атаку ( из траншей); б) ринуться в атаку, начать решительно действовать, сделать решительный шаг

    to let oneself go - дать волю своим чувствам; разойтись, увлечься

    to go off the deep end - а) волноваться, приходить в возбуждение; б) амер. действовать сгоряча, принять необдуманное решение

    to go out of one's mind /senses/ - а) сойти с ума, рехнуться, лишиться рассудка; б) быть вне себя от волнения

    to go off one's head /груб. chump, nut/, to go round the bend - сойти с ума, помешаться, рехнуться, спятить; обезуметь, вести себя как безумный

    to go off at a tangent - сорваться, странно себя повести или высказаться

    to go off the hooks - а) умереть, протянуть ноги; б) сойти с ума, рехнуться, спятить; в) сбиться с пути, свихнуться

    to go out of the world - умереть, покинуть бренный мир

    to go the way of all the earth /flesh/, to go beyond the veil, to go home, to go to one's last /long/ home, to go to glory, to go to heaven, to go to one's long rest, to go to one's own place, to go over to the majority умереть, скончаться, разделить участь всех смертных, отправиться на тот свет, отправиться к праотцам, уйти на покой, покинуть этот бренный мир

    to go west - а) закатываться ( о солнце); б) умереть, скончаться; в) исчезнуть, пропасть

    to go (all) to pieces /rack and ruin, smash/ - а) развалиться; разбиться вдребезги, разлететься на части /на куски/; б) подорвать своё здоровье, выйти из строя; в) обанкротиться; вылететь в трубу; трещать по всем швам; г) погибнуть, пропасть

    to go to blazes /to hell, to pot, to the devil, to the dogs/, to go to pigs and whistles - разориться; погибнуть; вылететь в трубу; провалиться, пойти ко всем чертям, пойти прахом

    go to blazes /to Bath, to hell, to Jericho, to pot, to the devil, to thunder, to Hanover, to Halifax, to Putney, to Tunbridge, to grass/! - пошёл к чёрту!, убирайся к чёрту!

    go fly a kite!, go jump in the lake!, go lay an egg!, go lay a brick!, go sit on a tack - амер. груб. проваливай!, не мешай!

    to go the pace - а) мчаться, нестись во весь опор; б) прожигать жизнь, вести бурный образ жизни

    to go all out - а) напрягать все силы, стараться изо всех сил; ≅ из кожи вон лезть; б) бежать изо всех сил

    to go out of hand - а) выходить из повиновения; б) действовать тотчас же /немедленно, без подготовки/; в) амер. действовать опрометчиво /необдуманно, неосторожно/; проявлять несдержанность; г) завершать, оканчивать

    to go all /to great/ lengths - идти на всё

    to go the whole hog - а) делать (что-л.) основательно, доводить ( дело) до конца; б) ни перед чем не останавливаться, идти на всё

    to go (home) to smb.'s heart - опечалить /огорчить/ кого-л.

    to go home - а) доходить до сердца; найти отклик в душе; б) доходить до сознания

    to go on a bat /the batter, the bend, the bust, the spree, the razzle-dazzle/ - закутить, запить, загулять

    go while the going's good - убирайтесь подобру-поздорову /пока не поздно/

    to go it - а) действовать энергично; прилагать все усилия; б) говорить очень откровенно; в) обрушивать артиллерийский огонь

    go it! - ≅ давай, давай!, валяй! ( выражает поощрение к действию)

    to go it alone - действовать в одиночку, брать на себя всю ответственность

    if no one can help, I'll go it alone - если никто не может помочь, я буду действовать сам /я сделаю всё сам/

    to go it blind - действовать вслепую; поступать опрометчиво

    go along with you! - а) проваливайте!; убирайтесь; б) хватит!, не несите вздора!

    there you go! - ну (вот) поехал(а)!, опять (выражает досаду, недовольство)

    there he [she] goes! - ≅ полюбуйтесь на него [на неё]!, хорош [хороша]!, как разошёлся [разошлась]!, нечего сказать!, ну и картина! ( восклицание удивления или неодобрения)

    don't you go all polite on me! - откуда такая вежливость?

    there it goes! - ≅ смотри(те)!, слушай(те)! (восклицание, чтобы привлечь внимание слушателя)

    here goes! - а) ну, начали!; б) была не была!

    go by! - карт. пас!

    that /it/ goes for all of us - тут мы все заодно; мы все так считаем /думаем/

    it /that/ goes without saying - само собой разумеется, совершенно очевидно

    how goes it? - как дела?; как поживаете?; что слышно новенького?

    how goes the world with you? - как идут у вас дела?

    to go a-begging /begging/ - а) не иметь спроса /рынка/; б) быть вакантным ( о должности)

    to go a-wool-gathering - быть рассеянным, витать в облаках

    to go against the grain /the hair/ - быть не по вкусу /не по душе, не по нутру/; раздражать

    to go to seed - а) пойти в семена; перестать развиваться; б) прийти в упадок; в) морально опуститься

    go like this with your left foot! - сделай левой ногой так!

    to go like blazes - мчаться, нестись во весь опор

    to go like sixty /split/ - амер. мчаться, нестись во весь опор

    НБАРС > go

  • 6 AF

    * * *
    prep. w. dat.
    I. Of place:
    1) off, from;
    G. hljóp af hesti sínum, G. jumped off his horse;
    ganga af mótinu, to go away from the meeting;
    Flosi kastaði af sér skikkjunni, threw off his cloak;
    Gizzur gekk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from the south-west;
    hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he had taken off his shoes;
    Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off;
    tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms;
    bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus;
    hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession;
    vil ek þú vinnir af þér skuldina, work off the debt;
    muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand;
    rísa af dauða, to rise from the dead;
    vakna af draumi, to awaken from a dream;
    lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse;
    vindr stóð af landi, the wind blew from the land;
    2) out of;
    verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world;
    gruflar hón af læknum, she scrambles out of the brook;
    Otradalr var mjök af vegi, far out of the way.
    Connected with út; föstudaginn fór út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town.
    II. Of time; past, beyond:
    af ómagaaldri, able to support oneself, of age;
    ek em nú af léttasta skeiði, no longer in the prime of life;
    þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, when seven weeks of summer are past;
    var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past.
    III. In various other relations:
    1) þiggja lið af e-m, to receive help from one;
    hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy;
    vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of one;
    féll þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s men fell there;
    þá eru þeir útlagir ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their goðorð;
    þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim;
    ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to give up;
    2) off, of;
    höggva fót, hönd, af e-m, to cut off one’s foot, hand;
    vil ek, at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, whatever you like of the stores;
    þar lá forkr einn ok brotit af endanum, with the point broken off;
    absol., beit hann höndina af, bit the hand off;
    fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off;
    3) of, among;
    hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum, the most promising of the young men;
    4) with;
    hláða, (ferma) skip af e-u, to load (freight) a ship with;
    fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring;
    5) of (= ór which is more frequent);
    húsit var gert af timbr stokkum, was built of trunks of trees;
    6) fig., eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him;
    hvat hefir þú gert af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar?;
    7) denoting parentage, descent, origin;
    ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, are descended from them;
    kominn af Trójumönnum, descended from the Trojans;
    8) by, of (after passive);
    ek em sendr hingat af Starkaði, sent hither by;
    ástsæll af landsmónnum, beloved of;
    9) on account of, by reason of, by;
    úbygðr at frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold;
    ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds;
    af ástæld hans, by his popularity;
    af því, therefore;
    af hví, wherefor why;
    af því at, because;
    10) by means of, by;
    framfœra e-n af verkum sínum, by means of his own labour;
    af sínu fé, by one’s own means;
    absol., hann fekk af hina mestu sœmd, derived great honour from it;
    11) with adjectives, in regard to;
    mildr af fé, liberal of money;
    góðr af griðum, merciful;
    12) used absol. with a verb, off away;
    hann bað hann þá róa af fjörðinn, to row the firth off;
    ok er þeir höfðu af fjörðung, when they had covered one forth of the way;
    sofa af nóttina, to sleep the night away.
    * * *
    prep. often used elliptically by dropping the case, or even merely adverbially, [Ulf. af; A. S. and Engl. of, off; Hel. ab; Germ. ab; Gr. άπό; Lat. a, ab.] With dat. denoting a motion a loco; one of the three prepp. af, ór, frá, corresponding to those in locoá, í, við, and ad locumá, í, at. It in general corresponds to the prepp. in locoá, or in locum til, whilst ór answers more to í; but it also frequently corresponds to yfir, um or í. It ranges between ór and frá, generally denoting the idea from the surface of, while ór means from the inner part, and frá from the outer part or border. The motion from a hill, plain, open place is thus denoted by af; by ór that from an enclosed space, depth, cavity, thus af fjalli, but ór of a valley, dale; af Englandi, but ór Danmörk, as mörk implies the notion of a deep wood, forest. The wind blows af landi, but a ship sets sail frá landi; frá landi also means a distance from: af hendi, of a glove, ring; ór hendi, of whatever has been kept in the hand (correl. to á hendi and í hendi). On the other hand af is more general, whilst frá and ór are of a more special character; frá denoting a departure, ór an impulse or force; a member goes home af þingi, whereas ór may denote an inmate of a district, or convey the notion of secession or exclusion from, Eb. 105 new Ed.; the traveller goes af landi, the exile ór landi: taka e-t af e-m is to take a thing out of one’s hand, that of taka frá e-m to remove out of one’s sight, etc. In general af answers to Engl. of, off, ór to out of, and frá to from: the Lat. prepp. ab, de, and ex do not exactly correspond to the Icelandic, yet as a rule ór may answer to ex, af sometimes to ab, sometimes to de. Of, off, from among; with, by; on account of by means of, because of concerning, in respect of.
    A. Loc.
    I. With motion, off, from:
    1. prop. corresp. to á,
    α. konungr dró gullhring af hendi sér (but á hendi), Ld. 32; Höskuldr lætr bera farm af skipi, unload the ship (but bera farm á skip), id.; var tekit af hestum þeirra, they were unsaddled, Nj. 4; Gunnarr hafði farit heiman af bæ sínum, he was away from home, 82; Gunnarr hljóp af hesti sínum, jumped off his horse (but hl. á hest), 83; hlaupa, stökkva af baki, id., 112, 264 ; Gunnarr skýtr til hans af boganum, from the bow, where af has a slight notion of instrumentality, 96; flýja af fundinum, to fly from off the battle-field, 102; ríða af Þríhyrningshálsum, 206; út af Langaholti, Eg. 744 ; sunnan ór Danmörk ok af Saxlandi, 560; ganga af mótinu, to go from the meeting, Fms. vii. 130; af þeirra fundi reis María upp ok fór, 625. 85 ; Flosi kastaði af ser skikkjunni, threw his cloak off him (but kasta á sik),Nj. 176; taka Hrungnis fót af honum, of a load, burden, Edda 58; land þat er hann fiskði af, from which he set off to fish, Grág. i. 151, is irregular, frá would suit better; slíta af baki e-s, from off one’s back, ii. 9 ; bera af borði, to clear the table, Nj. 75.
    β. where it more nearly answers to í; þeir koma af hafi, of sailors coming in (but leggja í haf), Nj. 128 ; fara til Noregs af Orkneyjum (but í or til O.), 131; þeim Agli fórst vel ok komu af hafi i Borgarfjörð, Eg. 392 ; hann var útlagi ( outlawed) af Noregi, where ór would be more regular, 344; af Islandi, of a traveller, Fms. x. 3; búa her af báðum ríkjunum, to take a levy from, 51; hinir beztu bændr ór Norðlendingafjórðungi ok af Sunnlendingafjórðungi, the most eminent Southerners and Northerners, 113; Gizzurr gékk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from south-west, Sturl. ii. 219; prestar af hvárutveggja biskupsdæmi, from either diocess, Dipl. ii. 11; verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world, 623. 21; gruflar hon af læknum, scrambles out of the brook, Ísl. ii. 340; Egill kneyfði af horninu í einum drykk, drained off the horn at one draught, literally squeezed every drop out of it, Eg. 557; brottuaf herbúðunurn, Fms. x. 343.
    γ. of things more or less surrounding the subject, corresp. to yfir or um; láta þeir þegar af sér tjöldin, break off, take down the tents in preparing for battle, Eg. 261; kyrtillinn rifnaði af honum, his coat burst, caused by the swollen body, 602; hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he untied his shoes (but binda á sik), 716; Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off, of one clinging to one’s body, 747; tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms, Fms. vii. 39. Of putting off clothes; fara af kápu, Nj. 143; far þú eigi af brynjunni, Bs. i. 541; þá ætlaði Sigurðr at fara af brynjunni, id.; þá var Skarphéðinn flettr af klæðunum, Nj. 209: now more usually fara or klæðum, fötum, exuere, to undress.
    δ. connected with út; föstudaginn for út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town, Nj. 274; ganga út af kirkjunni, to go out of the church, now út úr, Fms. vii. 107: drekki hann af þeirri jörðunni, of something impregnated with the earth, Laekn. 402.
    ε. more closely corresponding to frá, being in such cases a Latinism (now frá); bréf af páfa, a pope’s bull, Fms. x. 6; rit af hánum, letter from him, 623. 52; bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus, Bs. i. 712; farið þér á brautu af mér í eilífan eld, Hom. 143; brott af drottins augliti, Stj. 43.
    ζ. denoting an uninterrupted continuity, in such phrases as land aflandi, from land to land, Eg. 343, Fas. ii. 539; skip af skipl. from ship to ship, Fms. v. 10; brann hvat af öðru, one after another, of an increasing fire, destroying everything, i. 128; brandr af brandi brenn, funi kveykist af funa, one from another, Hm. 56; hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession, also hverr at öðrum, Eb. 272, 280 (where at in both passages).
    2. metaph., at ganga af e-m dauðum, to go from, leave one dead on the spot, of two combatants; en hann segiz bani hins ef hann gekk af dauðum manni, Grág. ii. 88, Hkr. 1. 327; undr þykir mér er bróðir þinn vildi eigi taka af þér starf þetta, would not take this toil from thee, Nj. 77; þegnar hans glöddust af honum, were fain of him, Fms. x. 380; at koma þeim manni af sér er settr var á fé hans, to get rid of, Ld. 52; vil ek þú vinriir af þér skuldina, work off the debt, Njarð. 366; reka af sér, to repel, Sturl. ii. 219; hann á þá sonu er aldri munu af oss ganga, who will never leave us, whom we shall never get rid of, Fas. i. 280; leysa e-n af e-u, to relieve, 64; taka e-n af lífi, to kill, Eg. 48, 416, Nj. 126; af lífdögum, Fms. vii. 204; ek mun ná lögum af því máli, get the benefit of the law in this case, Eg. 468; muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand, 414; rísa af dauða, to rise from death, Fms. ii. 142; guð bætti honum þó af þessi sótt, healed him of this sickness, ix. 390; vakna af sýn, draumi, svefni, to awaken from a vision, dream, sleep, 655 xxxii. I, Gísl. 24, Eb. 192, Fas. i. 41. Rather with the notion out of, in the phrase af sér etc., e. g. sýna e-t af scr, to shew, exhibit a disposition for or against, Ld. 18; gera mikit af sér, to shew great prowess, Ísl. ii. 368; éf þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, unless you make more of thyself, Edda 32; Svipdagr hafði mikit af sér gert, fought bravely, Fas. i. 41; góðr (illr) af sér, good ( bad) of oneself, by nature; mikill af sjálfum sér, proud, bold, stout, Nj. 15; ágætastr maðr af sjálfum sér, the greatest hero, Bret.: góðr af ser, excellent, Hrafn. 7; but, on the contrary, af sér kominn, ruinous, in decay; this phrase is used of old houses or buildings, as in Bs. i. 488 = Sturl. l. c.; af sér kominn af mæði can also be said of a man fallen off from what he used to be; kominn af fotum fram, off his legs from age, Sturl. i. 223, Korm. 154 (in a verse).
    1. denoting direction from, but at the same time continuous connection with an object from which an act or thing proceeds, from; tengja skip hvárt fram af stafni annars, to tie the ships in a line, stem to stern, Fms. i. 157, xi. 111; svá at þeir tóku út af borðum, jutted out of the boards, of rafters or poles, iv. 49; stjarna ok af sem skaft, of a comet, ix. 482; lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse, Grág. ii. 264; hon svarar af sínu sæti sem álpt af baru, Fás. i. 186; þar er sjá mátti utau af firði, af þjóðleið, that might be seen from the fareway on the sea when sailing in the firth, Hkr. ii. 64; þá mun hringt af (better at) Burakirkju, of bells rung at the church, Fms. xi. 160; gengr þar af Meðalfellsströnd, projects from, juts out, of a promontory, Ld. 10.
    2. denoting direction alone; upp af víkinni stóð borg mikil, a burg inland from the inlet, Eg. 161; lokrekkja innar af seti, a shut bed inward from the benches in the hall, Ísl. ii. 262; kapella upp af konungs herbergjum, upwards from, Fms. x. 153; vindr stóð af landi, the wind stood off the land, Bárð. 166.
    β. metaph., stauda af e-u, vide VI. 4.
    γ. ellipt., hallaði af norðr, of the channel, north of a spot, Boll. 348; also, austr af, suðr af, vestr af, etc.
    3. denoting absence; þingheyendr skulu eigi vera um nótt af þingi ( away from the meeting), eðr lengr, þá eru þeir af þingi ( away from (be meeting) ef þeir eru or ( out of) þingmarki, Grág. i. 25; vera um nótt af várþingi, 115; meðan hann er af landi héðan, abroad, 150.
    β. metaph., gud hvíldi af öllum verkum sínum á sjaunda degi, rested from his labours, Ver. 3.
    4. denoting distance; þat er komit af þjóðleið, out of the high road, remote, Eg. 369; af þjóðbraut, Grág. ii. 264, i. 15; Otradalr (a farm) var mjök af vegi, far out of the way, Háv. 53.
    B. TEMP, past, from, out of, beyond:
    1. of a person’s age, in the sense of having past a period of life; af ómaga aldri, of age, able to support oneself, Grág. i. 243; af aeskualdri, stricken in years, having past the prime of life, Eg. 202; lítið af barnsaldri, still a child, Ld. 74; ek em nú af léttasia skeiði, no longer in the prime of life, Háv. 40.
    2. of a part or period of time, past; eigi síðar en nótt er af þingi, a night of the session past, Grág. i. 101; þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, seven weeks past of the summer, 182; tíu vikur af sumri, Íb. 10; var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past, Háv. 41; mikið af vetri, much of the winter was past, Fas. ii. 186; þriðjungr af nótt, a third of the night past, Fms. x. 160; stund af degi, etc.; tveir mánoðr af sumri, Gþl. 103.
    3. in adverbial phrases such as, af stundu, soon; af bragði, at once; af tómi, at leisure, at ease; af nýju, again; af skyndingu, speedily; af bráðungu, in a hurry, etc.
    C. In various other relations:
    I. denoting the passage or transition of an object, concrete or abstract, of, from.
    1. where a thing is received, derived from, conferred by a person or object; þiggja lið af e-m, to derive help from, Edda 26; taka traust af e-m, to receive support, comfort from, Fms. xi. 243; taka mála af e-m, to be in one’s pay, of a soldier, Eg. 266; halda land af e-m, to hold land of any one, 282; verða viss af e-m, to get information from, 57, Nj. 130; taka við sök af manni (a law term), to undertake a case, suit, Grág. i. 142; hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy, ii. 374; vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of, Vd. 88 (old Ed., the new reads frá), Fs. 45; afla matar af eyjum, to derive supplies from, Eb. 12.
    2. where an object is taken by force:
    α. prop. out of a person’s hand; þú skalt hnykkja smíðit af honum, wrest it out of his hand, Nj. 32; cp. taka, þrífa, svipta e-u (e-t) af e-m, to wrest from.
    β. metaph. of a person’s deprival of anything in general; hann tók af þér konuna, carried thy wife off, Nj. 33; tók Gunnarr af þér sáðland þitt, robbed thee of seedland, 103; taka af honum tignina, to depose, degrade him, Eg. 271; vinna e-t af e-m, to carry off by force of arms, conquer, Fms. iii. 29; drepa menn af e-m, for one, slay one’s man, Eg. 417; fell þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s people fell there, 261.
    γ. in such phrases as, hyggja af e-u (v. afhuga), hugsa af e-u, to forget; hyggja af harmi; sjá af e-u, to lose, miss; var svá ástúðigt með þeim, at livargi þóttist mega af öðrum sjá, neither of them could take his eyes off the other, Sturl. i. 194; svá er mörg við ver sinn vær, at varla um sér hon af hoiuun nær, Skálda 163.
    3. denoting forfeiture; þá eru þeir útlagir, ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their priesthood, Grág. i. 24; telja hann af ráðunum fjár síns alls, to oust one, on account of idiocy or madness, 176; verða af kaupi, to be off the bargain, Edda 26; þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim, Nj. 15; ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to forfeit, a case of divorce, id.; ella er hann af rettarfari um hana, has forfeited the suit, Grág. i. 381.
    β. ellipt., af ferr eindagi ef, is forfeited, Grág. i. 140.
    II. denoting relation of a part to a whole, off, of, Lat. de; höggva hönd, höfuð, fót af e-um, to cut one’s hand, head, foot off, Nj. 97, 92, Bs. i. 674; höggva spjót af skapti, to sever the blade from the shaft, 264; hann lét þá ekki hafa af föðurarfi sínum, nothing of their patrimony, Eg. 25; vil ek at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, take what you like of the stores, Nj. 4; at þú eignist slíkt af fé okkru sem þú vili, 94.
    β. ellipt., en nú höfum vér kjörit, en þat er af krossinum, a slice of, Fms. vii. 89; Þórðr gaf Skólm frænda sínum af landnámi sínu, a part of, Landn. 211; hafði hann þat af hans eigu er hann vildi, Sturl. ii. 169; þar lá forkr einn ok brotið af endanum, the point broken off, Háv. 24, Sturl. i. 169.
    γ. absol. off; beit hann höndina af, þar sem nú heitir úlfliðr, bit the hand off, Edda 17; fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off, Nj. 97; jafnt er sem þér synist, af er fótrinn, the foot is off, id.; af bæði eyru, both ears off, Vm. 29.
    2. with the notion ofamong; mestr skörungr af konum á Norðrlöndum, the greatest heroine in the North, Fms. i. 116; hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum í Austfjörðum, the most hopeful of youths in the Eastfirths, Njarð. 364; af ( among) öllurn hirðmönnuni virði konungr mest skáld sín, Eg. 27; ef hann vildi nokkura kaupa af þessum konum, Ld. 30; ör liggr þar útiá vegginum, ok er sú af þeirra örum, one of their own arrows, Nj. 115.
    β. from, among, belonging to; guð kaus hana af ollum konum sér til móður, of the Virgin Mary, Mar. A. i. 27.
    γ. metaph., kunna mikit (lítið) af e-u, to know much, little of, Bragi kann mest af skáldskap, is more cunning of poetry than any one else, Edda 17.
    δ. absol. out of, before, in preference to all others; Gunnarr bauð þér góð boð, en þú vildir eingi af taka, you would choose none of them, Nj. 77; ráða e-t af, to decide; þó mun faðir minn mestu af ráða, all depends upon him, Ld. 22; konungr kveðst því mundu heldr af trúa, preferred believing that of the two, Eg. 55; var honum ekki vildara af ván, he could expect nothing better, 364.
    3. with the additional sense of instrumentality, with; ferma skip af e-u, to freight a ship with, Eg. 364; hlaða mörg skip af korni, load many ships with corn, Fms. xi. 8; klyfja tvá hesta af mat, Nj. 74; var vágrinn skipaðr af herskipum, the bay was covered with war ships, 124; fylla ker af glóðum, fill it with embers, Stj. 319; fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring, Ver. 3.
    III. denoting the substance of which a thing is made, of; used indifferently with ór, though ór be more frequent; þeir gerðu af honum jörðina, af blóði hans sæinn ok vötnin, of the creation of the world from the corpse of the giant Ymir; the poem Gm. 40, 41, constantly uses ór in this sense, just as in modern Icelandic, Edda 5; svá skildu þeir, at allir hlutir væri smíðaðir af nokkru efni, 147 (pref.); húsit var gert af timbrstokkum, built of trunks of timber, Eg. 233; hjöhin vóru af gulli, of gold, golden, Fms. i. 17; af osti, of cheese, but in the verse 1. c. ór osti, Fms. vi. 253; línklæði af lérepti, linen, Sks. 287.
    2. metaph. in the phrases, göra e-t af e-n ( to dispose of), verða af ( become of), hvat hefir þú gört af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar? Njarð. 376; hvat af motrinuni er orðit, what has become of it? of a lost thing, Ld. 208; hverfr Óspakr á burt, svá eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him? Band. 5.
    IV. denoting parentage, descent, origin, domicile, abode:
    1. parentage, of, from, used indifferently with frá; ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, descend from them, but a little below—frá honum eru konmir Sturlungar, Eb. 338, cp. afkvæmi; af ætt Hörðakára, Fms. i. 287; kominn af Trojumönnum, xi. 416; af Ása-ætt (Kb. wrongly at), Edda I.
    β. metaph., vera af Guði (theol.), of God, = righteous, 686 B. 9; illr ávöxtr af íllri rót, Fms. ii. 48; Asia er kölluð af nafni nokkurar konu, derives her name from, Stj. 67; af honum er bragr kallaðr skáldskapr, called after his name, Edda 17.
    2. of domicile; af danskri tungu, of Danish or Scandinavian origin, speaking the Danish tongue, Grág. ii. 73; hvaðan af löndum, whence, native of what country? Ísl.
    β. especially denoting a man’s abode, and answering to á and í, the name of the farm (or country) being added to proper names, (as in Scotland,) to distinguish persons of the same name; Hallr af Síðu, Nj. 189; Erlingr af Straumey, 273; Ástríðr af Djúpárbakka, 39; Gunnarr af Hlíðarenda (more usual frá); þorir haklangr konungr af Ögðum, king of Agdir, Eg. 35, etc.; cp. ór and frá.
    V. denoting a person with whom an act, feeling, etc. originates, for the most part with a periphrastic passive:
    1. by, the Old Engl. of; as, ek em sendr hingað af Starkaði ok sonum hans, sent hither by, Nj. 94; inna e-t af hendi, to perform, 257; þó at alþýða væri skírð af kennimönnum, baptized of, Fms. ii. 158; meira virðr af mönnum, higher esteemed, Ld. 158; ástsæll af landsmönnum, beloved, íb. 16; vinsæll af mönnum, Nj. 102; í allgóðu yfirlæti af þeim feðgum, hospitably treated by them, Eg. 170; var þá nokkut drukkið af alþjóð, there was somewhat hard drinking of the people, Sturl. iii. 229; mun þat ekki upp tekið af þeim sükudólgum mínum, they will not clutch at that, Nj. 257; ef svá væri í hendr þér búit af mér, if í had so made everything ready to thy hands, Ld. 130; þá varð fárætt um af föður hans, his father said little about it, Fms. ii. 154.
    2. it is now also sometimes used as a periphrase of a nom., e. g. ritað, þýtt af e-m, written, translated, edited by, but such phrases scarcely occur in old writers.
    VI. denoting cause, ground, reason:
    1. originating from, on account of, by reason of; af frændsemis sökum, for kinship’s sake, Grág. ii. 72; ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds, 27; af manna völdum, by violence, not by natural accident, of a crime, Nj. 76; af fortölum Halls, through his pleading, 255; af ástsæld hans ok af tölum þeirra Sæmundar, by his popularity and the eloquence of S., Íb. 16; af ráðum Haralds konungs, by his contriving, Landn. 157; úbygðr af frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold, Hkr. i. 5.
    β. adverbially, af því, therefore, Nj. 78; af hví, why? 686 B. 9; þá verðr bóndi heiðinn af barni sínu, viz. if he does not cause his child to be christened, K. Þ. K. 20.
    2. denoting instrumentality, by means of; af sinu fé, by one’s own means, Grág. i. 293; framfæra e-n af verkum sinum, by means of one’s own labour, K. Þ. K. 142; draga saman auð af sökum, ok vælum ok kaupum, make money by, 623. I; af sínum kostnaði, at hi s own expense, Hkr. i. 217.
    β. absol., hún fellir á mik dropa svá heita at ek brenn af öll, Ld. 328; hann fékk af hina mestu sæmd, derived great honotur from it, Nj. 88; elli sótti á hendr honum svá at hann lagðist í rekkju af, he grew bedridden from age, Ld. 54; komast undan af hlaupi, escape by running, Fms. viii. 58; spinna garn af rokki, spin off a wheel (now, spinna á rokk), from a notion of instrumentality, or because of the thread being spun out (?), Eb. 92.
    3. denoting proceeding, originating from; lýsti af höndum hennar, her hands spread beams of light, Edda 22; allir heimar lýstust ( were illuminated) af henni, id.; en er lýsti af degi, when the day broke forth, Fms. ii. 16; lítt var lýst af degi, the day was just beginning to break, Ld. 46; þá tók at myrkja af nótt, the ‘mirk-time’ of night began to set in, Eg. 230; tók þá brátt at myrkva af nótt, the night grew dark, Hkr. ii. 230.
    4. metaph., standa, leiða, hljótast af, to be caused by, result from; opt hlýtst íllt af kvenna hjali, great mischief is wrought by women’s gossip (a proverb), Gísl. 15, 98; at af þeim mundi mikit mein ok úhapp standa, be caused by, Edda 18; kenna kulda af ráðum e-s, to feel sore from, Eb. 42; þó mun her hljótast af margs manns bani, Nj, 90.
    5. in adverbial phrases, denoting state of mind; af mikilli æði, in fury, Nj. 116; af móð, in great emotion, Fms. xi. 221; af áhyggju, with concern, i. 186; af létta, frankly, iii. 91; af viti, collectedly, Grág. ii. 27; af heilu, sincerely, Eg. 46; áf fári, in rage; af æðru, timidly, Nj. (in a verse); af setning, composedly, in tune, Fms. iii. 187; af mikilli frægð, gallantly, Fas. i. 261; af öllu afli, with all might, Grág. ii. 41; af riki, violently, Fbr. (in a verse); af trúnaði, confidently, Grág. i. 400.
    VII. denoting regard to, of, concerning, in respect of, as regards:
    1. with verbs, denoting to tell of, be informed, inquire about, Lat. de; Dioscorides segir af grasi því, speaks of, 655 xxx. 5; er menn spurðu af landinu, inquired about it, Landn. 30; halda njósn af e-u, Nj. 104; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, Eg. 546, Band. 8.
    β. absol., hann mun spyrja, hvárt þér sé nokkut af kunnigt hversu for með okkr, whether you know anything about, how, Nj. 33; halda skóla af, to hold a school in a science, 656 A. i. 19 (sounds like a Latinism); en ek gerða þik sera mestan mann af öllu, in respect of all, that you should get all the honour of it, Nj. 78.
    2. with adjectives such as mildr, illr, góðrafe-u, denoting disposition or character in respect to; alira manna mildastr af fo, very liberal, often-banded, Fms. vii. 197; mildr af gulli, i. 33; góðr af griðum, merciful, Al. 33; íllr af mat en mildr af gulli, Fms. i. 53; fastr af drykk, close, stingy in regard to, Sturl. ii. 125; gat þess Hildigunnr at þú mundir góðr af hestinum, that you would be good about the horse, Nj. 90, cp. auðigr at, v. at, which corresponds to the above phrases; cp. also the phrase af sér above, p. 4, col. I, ll. 50 sqq.
    VIII. periphrasis of a genitive (rare); provincialis af öllum Predikaraklaustrum, Fms. x. 76; vera af hinum mesta fjandskap, to breathe deep hatred to, be on bad terms with, ix. 220; af hendi, af hálfu e-s, on one’s behalf, v. those words.
    IX. in adverbial phrases; as, af launungu, secretly; af hljóði, silently; v. those words.
    β. also used absolutely with a verb, almost adverbially, nearly in the signification off, away; hann bað þá róa af fjörðinn, pass the firth swiftly by rowing, row the firth off, Fms. ix. 502; var pá af farit þat seni skerjóttast var, was past, sailed past, Ld. 142; ok er þeir höfðu af fjórðung, past one fourth of the way, Dropl. 10: skína af, to clear up, of the skv, Eb. 152; hence in common language, skína af sér, when the sun breaks forth: sofa af nóttina, to sleep it away, Fms. ii. 98; leið af nóttin, the night past away, Nj. 53; dvelja af stundir, to kill the time, Band. 8; drepa af, to kill; láta af, to slaughter, kill off;
    γ. in exclamations; af tjöldin, off with the awnings, Bs. i. 420, Fins, ix. 49.
    δ. in the phrases, þar af, thence; hér af, hence, Fms. ii. 102; af fram, straight on, Nj. 144; now, á fram, on, advance.
    X. it often refers to a whole sentence or to an adverb, not only like other prepp. to hér, hvar, þar, but also redundantly to hvaðan, héðan, þaðan, whence, hence, thence.
    2. the preposition may sometimes be repeated, once elliptically or adverbially, and once properly, e. g. en er af var borit at borðinu, the cloth was taken off from the table, Nj. 176; Guð þerrir af (off, away) hvert tár af ( from) augum heilagra manna, God wipes off every tear from the eyes of his saints, 655 xx. vii. 17; skal þó fyrst bætr af lúka af fé vegaiula, pay off, from, Gþl. 160, the last af may be omitted—var þá af borið borðinu—and the prep. thus be separated from its case, or it may refer to some of the indecl. relatives er or sem, the prep. hvar, hér, þar being placed behind them without a case, and referring to the preceding relative, e. g. oss er þar mikit af sagt auð þeim, we have been told much about these riches, Band. 24; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, in short, shortly. Eg. 546; þaðan af veit ek, thence í infer, know, Fms. i. 97.
    XI. it is moreover connected with a great many verbs besides those mentioned above, e. g. bera af, to excel, whence afbragð, afbrigði; draga af, to detract, deduct, hence afdráttr; veita ekki af, to be hard with; ganga at, to be left, hence afgangr; standast af um e-t, to stand, how matters stand; sem af tekr, at a furious rate; vita af, to be conscious, know about (vide VII).
    D. As a prefix to compounds distinction is to be made between:
    I. af privativum, denoting diminution, want, deduction, loss, separation, negation of, etc., answering indifferently to Lat. ab-, de-, ex-, dis-, and rarely to re- and se-, v. the following COMPDS, such as segja, dicere, but afsegja, negare; rækja, colere, but afrækja, negligere; aflaga, contra legem; skapligr, normalis, afskapligr, deformis; afvik, recessus; afhús, afhellir, afdalr, etc.
    II. af intensivum, etymologically different, and akin to of, afr-, e. g. afdrykkja = ofdrykkja, inebrietas; afbrýði, jealously; afbendi, tenesmus; afglapi, vir fatuus, etc. etc. Both the privative and the intensive af may be contracted into á, esp. before a labial f, m, v, e. g. á fram = af fram; ábrýði = afbrýði; ávöxtr = afvöxtr; áburðr = afburðr; ávíta = afvíta (?). In some cases dubious. With extenuated and changed vowel; auvirðiligr or övirðiligr, depreciated, = afv- etc., v. those words.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AF

  • 7 BERA

    * * *
    (ber; bar, bárum; borinn), v.
    1) to bear, carry, convey (bar B. biskup í börum suðr í Hvamm);
    bera (farm) af skipi, to unload a ship;
    bera (mat) af borði, to take (the meat) off the table;
    bera e-t á hesti, to carry on horseback;
    2) to wear (bera klæði, vápn, kórónu);
    bera œgishjálm, to inspire fear and awe;
    3) to bear, produce, yield (jörðin berr gras; tré bera aldin, epli);
    4) to bear, give birth to, esp. of sheep and cows;
    kýr hafði borit kálf, had calved;
    absol., ván at hón mundi bera, that the cow would calve;
    the pp. is used of men; hann hafði verit blindr borinn, born blind;
    verða borinn í þenna heim, to be born into this world;
    þann sóma, sem ek em til borinn, born to;
    borinn e-m, frá e-m (rare), born of;
    Nótt var Nörvi borin, was the daughter of N.;
    borinn Sigmundi, son of S.;
    5) bera e-n afli, ofrafli, ofrliði, ofrmagni, ofríki, to bear one down, overcome, oppress, one by odds or superior force;
    bera e-n ráðum, to overrule one;
    bera e-n bjóri, to make drunk with beer;
    verða bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise;
    borinn verkjum, overcome by pains;
    þess er borin ván, there is no hope, all hope is gone;
    borinn baugum, bribed; cf. bera fé á e-n, to bribe one;
    6) to lear, be capable of bearing (of a ship, horse, vehicle);
    þeir hlóðu bæði skipin sem borð báru, with as much as they could carry;
    fig., to sustain, support (svá mikill mannfjöldi, at landit fekk eigi borit);
    of persons, to bear up against, endure, support (grief, sorrow, etc.);
    absol., bar hann drengiliga, he bore it manfully;
    similarly, bera (harm) af sér, berast vel (illa, lítt) af;
    bar hon sköruliga af sér, she bore up bravely;
    hversu berst Auðr af um bróðurdauðann, how does she bear it?
    hon berst af lítt, she is much cast down;
    bera sik vel upp, to bear well up against;
    7) bera e-t á, e-n á hendr e-m, to charge or tax one with (eigi erum vér þess valdir, er þú berr á oss);
    bera (kvið) á e-n, to give a verdict against, declare guilty (í annat sinn báru þeir á Flosa kviðinn);
    bera af e-m (kviðinn), to give a verdict for;
    bera e-t af sér, to deny having done a thing;
    bera or bera vitni, vætti, to bear witness, testify;
    bera or bera um e-t, to give a verdict in a case;
    bera e-n sannan at sök, to prove guilty by evidence;
    bera e-n undan sök, to acquit;
    bera í sundr frændsemi þeirra, to prove (by evidence) that they are not relations;
    refl. (pass.), berast, to be proved by evidence (þótt þér berist þat faðerni, er þú segir);
    8) to set forth, report, tell;
    bera e-m kveðju (orð, orðsending), to bring one a greeting, compliments (word, message);
    bera or bera fram erindi sín fyrir e-n, to state (tell) one’s errand or to plead one’s case before one;
    bera e-m njósn, to apprise one;
    bera e-t upp, to produce, mention, tell;
    bera upp erindi sín, to state one’s errand;
    bera saman ráð sín, to consult together;
    eyddist það ráð, er þeir báru saman, which they had designed;
    9) to keep, hold, bear, of a title (bera jarlnafn, konnungsnafn);
    bera (eigi) giptu, gæfu, hammingju, auðnu til e-s, (not) to have the good fortune to do a thing (bar hann enga gæfu til at þjóna þér);
    bera vit, skyn, kunnáttu á e-t, to have knowledge of, uniderstanding about;
    bera hug, áræði, þor, traust til e-s, to have courage, confidence to do a thing;
    bera áhyggju fyrir e-u, to be concerned about;
    bera ást, elsku, hatr til e-s, to bear affection, love, hatred to;
    10) to bear off or away, carry off (some gain);
    bera sigr af e-m, af e-u, to carry off the victory from or in;
    hann hafði borit sigr af tveim orustum, he had been victorious in two battles;
    bera hærra (lægra) hlut to get the best (the worst) of it;
    bera efra (hærra) skjöld, to gain the victory;
    bera hátt (lágt) höfuðit, to bear the head high (low), to be in high (low) spirits;
    bera halann bratt, lágt, to cock up or let fall the tail, to be in high or low spirits;
    11) with preps.:
    bera af e-m, to surpass;
    en þó bar Bolli af, surpassed all the rest;
    bera af sér högg, lag to ward off, parry a blow or thrust;
    bera eld at, to set fire to;
    bera fjötur (bönd) at e-m, to put fetters (bonds) on one;
    bera á or í, to smear, anoint (bera vatn í augu sér, bera tjöru í höfuð sér);
    bera e-t til, to apply to, to try if it fits (bera til hvern lykil af öðrum at portinu);
    bera e-t um, to wind round;
    þá bar hann þá festi um sik, made it fast round his body;
    bera um með e-n, to bear with, have patience with;
    bera út barn, to expose a child;
    12) refl., berast mikit (lítit) á, to bear oneself proudly (humbly);
    láta af berast, to die;
    láta fyrir berast e-s staðar, to stay, remain in a place (for shelter);
    berast e-t fyrir, to design a thing (barst hann þat fyrir at sjá aldregi konur);
    at njósna um, hvat hann bærist fyrir, to inquire into what he was about;
    berast vápn á, to attack one another;
    berast at or til, to happen;
    þat barst at (happened) á einhverju sumri;
    ef svá harðliga kann til at berast, if that misfortune does happen;
    berast í móti, to happen, occur;
    hefir þetta vel í móti borizt, it is a happy coincidence;
    berast við, to be prevented;
    ok nú lét almáttugr guð við berast kirkjubrunann, prevented, stopped the burning of the church;
    II. impers., denoting a sort of passive or involuntary motion;
    alla berr at sama brunni, all come to the same well (end);
    bar hann (acc.) þá ofan gegnt Ösuri, he happened to come down just opposite to Ö.;
    esp. of ships and sailors; berr oss (acc.) til Íslands eða annarra landa, we drift to Iceland or other countries;
    þá (acc.) bar suðr í haf, they were carried out southwards;
    Skarpheðin (acc.) bar nú at þeim, S. came suddenly upon them;
    ef hann (acc.) skyldi bera þar at, if he should happen to come there;
    e-n berr yfir, one is borne onwards, of a bird flying, a man riding;
    hann (acc.) bar skjótt yfir, it passed quickly (of a flying meteor);
    2) followed by preps.:
    Gunnar sér, at rauðan kyrtil bar við glugginn, that a red kirtle passed before the window;
    hvergi bar skugga (acc.) á, there was nowhere a shadow;
    e-t berr fram (hátt), is prominent;
    Ólafr konungr stóð í lyptingu ok bar hann (acc.) hátt mjök, stood out conspicuously;
    e-t berr á milli, comes between;
    leiti (acc.) bar á milli, a hill hid the prospect;
    fig. e-m berr e-t á milli, they are at variance about a thing;
    mart (acc.) berr nú fyrir augu mér, many things come now before my eyes;
    veiði (acc.) berr í hendr e-m, game falls to one’s lot;
    e-t berr undan, goes amiss, fails;
    bera saman, to coincide;
    bar nöfn þeirra saman, they had the same name;
    fig., with dat.; bar öllum sögum vel saman, all the stories agreed well together;
    fund várn bar saman, we met;
    3) bera at, til, við, at hendi, til handa, to befall, happen, with dat. of the person;
    svá bar at einn vetr, it happened one winter;
    þó at þetta vandræði (acc.) hafi nú borit oss (dat.) at hendi, has befallen us;
    bar honum svá til, it so befell him;
    þat bar við (it so happened), at Högni kom;
    raun (acc.) berr á, it is proved by fact;
    4) of time, to fall upon;
    ef þing (acc.) berr á hina helgu viku, if the parliament falls in the holy week;
    bera í móti, to coincide, happen exactly at the same time;
    5) denoting cause;
    e-t berr til, causes a thing;
    konungr spurði, hvat til bæri úgleði hans, what was the cause of his grief;
    ætluðu þat þá allir, at þat mundi til bera, that that was the reason;
    berr e-m nauðsyn til e-s, one is obliged to do a thing;
    6) e-t berr undir e-n, falls to a person’s lot;
    hon á arf at taka, þegar er undir hana berr, in her turn;
    e-t berr frá, is surpassing;
    er sagt, at þat (acc.) bæri frá, hvé vel þeir mæltu, it was extraordinary how well they spoke;
    7) e-t berr bráðum, happens of a sudden;
    e-t berr stóru, stórum (stœrrum), it amounts to much (more), it matters a great deal (more), it is of great (greater) importance;
    8) absol. or with an adv., vel, illa, with infin.;
    e-m berr (vel, illa) at gera e-t, it becomes, beseems one (well, ill) to do a thing (berr yðr vel, herra, at sjá sannindi á þessu máli);
    used absol., berr vel, illa, it is beseeming, proper, fit, or unbeseeming, improper, unfit (þat þykkir eigi illa bera, at).
    (að), v. to make bare (hon beraði likam sinn).
    * * *
    u, f.
    I. [björn], a she-bear, Lat. ursa; the primitive root ‘ber’ remains only in this word (cp. berserkr and berfjall), björn (q. v.) being the masc. in use, Landn. 176, Fas. i. 367, Vkv. 9: in many Icel. local names, Beru-fjörðr, -vík, from Polar bears; fem. names, Bera, Hallbera, etc., Landn.
    II. a shield, poët., the proverb, baugr er á beru sæmstr, to a shield fits best a baugr (q. v.), Lex. Poët., Edda (Gl.); hence names of poems Beru-drápa, Eg.
    bar, báru, borit, pres. berr,—poët. forms with the suffixed negative; 3rd pers. sing. pres. Indic. berrat, Hm. 10; 3rd pers. sing. pret. barat, Vellekla; 1st pers. sing. barkak, Eb. 62 (in a verse); barkat ek, Hs. 8; 2nd pers. sing. bartattu; 3rd pers. pl. bárut, etc., v. Lex. Poët. [Gr. φέρειν; Lat. ferre; Ulf. bairan; A. S. beran; Germ. gebären; Engl. bear; Swed. bära; Dan. bære].
    A. Lat. ferre, portare:
    I. prop. with a sense of motion, to bear, carry, by means of the body, of animals, of vehicles, etc., with acc., Egil tók mjöðdrekku eina mikla, ok bar undir hendi sér, Eg. 237; bar hann heim hrís, Rm. 9; konungr lét bera inn kistur tvær, báru tveir menn hverja, Eg. 310; bera farm af skipi, to unload a ship, Ld. 32; bera (farm) á skip, to load a ship, Nj. 182; tóku alla ösku ok báru á á ( amnem) út, 623, 36; ok bar þat ( carried it) í kerald, 43, K. Þ. K. 92; b. mat á borð, í stofu, to put the meat on table, in the oven; b. mat af borði, to take it off table, Eb. 36, 266, Nj. 75, Fms. ix. 219, etc.
    2. Lat. gestare, ferre, denoting to wear clothes, to carry weapons; skikkja dýr er konungr hafði borit, Eg. 318; b. kórónu, to wear the crown, Fms. x. 16; atgeir, Nj. 119; vápn, 209: metaph., b. ægishjálm, to inspire fear and awe; b. merki, to carry the flag in a battle, Nj. 274, Orkn. 28, 30, 38, Fms. v. 64, vi. 413; bera fram merki, to advance, move in a battle, vi. 406.
    3. b. e-t á hesti (áburðr), to carry on horseback; Auðunn bar mat á hesti, Grett. 107; ok bar hrís á hesti, 76 new Ed.; þeir báru á sjau hestum, 98 new Ed.
    II. without a sense of motion:
    1. to give birth to; [the root of barn, bairn; byrja, incipere; burðr, partus; and burr, filius: cp. Lat. parĕre; also Gr. φέρειν, Lat. ferre, of child-bearing.] In Icel. prose, old as well as mod., ‘ala’ and ‘fæða’ are used of women; but ‘bera,’ of cows and sheep; hence sauðburðr, casting of lambs, kýrburðr; a cow is snembær, siðbær, Jólabær, calves early, late, at Yule time, etc.; var ekki ván at hon ( the cow) mundi b. fyr en um várit, Bs. i. 193, 194; kýr hafði borit kálf, Bjarn. 32; bar hvárrtveggi sauðrinn sinn burð, Stj. 178: the participle borinn is used of men in a great many compds in a general sense, aptrborinn, árborinn, endrborinn, frjálsborinn, goðborinn, höldborinn, hersborinn, konungborinn, óðalborinn, samborinn, sundrborinn, velborinn, úborinn, þrælborinn, etc.; also out of compds, mun ek eigi upp gefa þann sóma, sem ek em til borinn, … entitled to by inheritance, Ld. 102; hann hafði blindr verit borinn, born blind, Nj. 152, Hdl. 34, 42, Vsp. 2: esp. borinn e-m, born of one, Rm. 39, Hdl. 12, 23, 27, Hðm. 2, Gs. 9, Vþm. 25, Stor. 16, Vkv. 15; borinn frá e-m, Hdl. 24: the other tenses are in theol. Prose used of Christ, hans blezaða son er virðist at láta berast hingað í heim af sinni blezaðri móður, Fms. i. 281; otherwise only in poetry, eina dóttur (acc.) berr álfröðull (viz. the sun, regarded as the mother), Vþm. 47; hann Gjálp um bar, hann Greip um bar …, Hdl. 36: borit (sup.), Hkv. 1. 1.
    β. of trees, flowers; b. ávöxt, blóm …, to bear fruit, flower … (freq.); bar aldinviðrinn tvennan blóma, Fms. ix. 265; cp. the phrase, bera sitt barr, v. barr.
    2. denoting to load, with acc. of the person and dat. of the thing:
    α. in prop. sense; hann hafði borit sik mjök vápnum, he had loaded himself with arms, i. e. wore heavy armour, Sturl. iii. 250.
    β. but mostly in a metaph. sense; b. e-n ofrafli, ofrmagni, ofrliði, ofríki, magni, to bear one down, to overcome, oppress one, by odds or superior force, Grág. i. 101, ii. 195, Nj. 80, Hkr. ii. 371, Gþl. 474, Stj. 512, Fms. iii. 175 (in the last passage a dat. pers. badly); b. e-n ráðum, to overrule one, Nj. 198, Ld. 296; b. e-n málum, to bearhim down (wrongfully) in a lawsuit, Nj. 151; b. e-n bjóri, to make drunk, Vkv. 26: medic., borinn verkjum, sótt, Bjarn. 68, Og. 5; bölvi, Gg. 2: borne down, feeling heavy pains; þess er borin ván, no hope, all hope is gone, Ld. 250; borinn sök, charged with a cause, Fms. v. 324, H. E. i. 561; bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise, Fms. iv. 111; b. fé, gull á e-n, to bring one a fee, gold, i. e. to bribe one, Nj. 62; borinn baugum, bribed, Alvm. 5; always in a bad sense, cp. the law phrase, b. fé í dóm, to bribe a court, Grág., Nj. 240.
    3. to bear, support, sustain, Lat. sustinere, lolerare, ferre:
    α. properly, of a ship, horse, vehicle, to bear, be capable of bearing; þeir hlóðu bæði skipin sem borð báru, all that they could carry, Eb. 302;—a ship ‘berr’ ( carries) such and such a weight; but ‘tekr’ ( takes) denotes a measure of fluids.
    β. metaph. to sustain, support; dreif þannig svá mikill mannfjöldi at landit fékk eigi borit, Hkr. i. 56; but metaph. to bear up against, endure, support grief, sorrow, etc., sýndist öllum at Guð hefði nær ætlað hvat hann mundi b. mega, Bs. i. 139; biðr hann friðar ok þykist ekki mega b. reiði hans, Fms. iii. 80: the phrase, b. harm sinn í hljóði, to suffer silently; b. svívirðing, x. 333: absol., þótti honum mikit víg Kjartans, en þó bar hann drengilega, he bore it manfully, Ld. 226; er þat úvizka, at b. eigi slíkt, not to bear or put up with, Glúm. 327; b. harm, to grieve, Fms. xi. 425: in the phrases, b. sik, b. af sér, berask, berask vel (illa, lítt), to bear oneself, to bear up against misfortune; Guðrúnu þótti mikit fráfall Þorkels, en þó bar hon sköruliga af sér, she bore her bravely up, Ld. 326–328; lézt hafa spurt at ekkjan bæri vel af sér harmana, Eb. 88; berask af; hversu bersk Auðr af um bróðurdauðann? (how does she bear it?); hón bersk af lítt ( she is much borne down) ok þykir mikit, Gísl. 24; niun oss vandara gört en öðrum at vér berim oss vel (Lat. fortiter ferre), Nj. 197; engi maðr hefði þar jamvel borit sik, none bad borne himself so boldly, Sturl. iii. 132; b. sik vel upp, to bear well up against, bear a stout heart, Hrafn. 17; b. sik beiskliga ( sorely), Stj. 143; b. sik lítt, to be downcast, Fms. ii. 61; b. sik at göra e-t, to do one’s best, try a thing.
    III. in law terms or modes of procedure:
    1. bera járn, the ordeal of bearing hot iron in the hand, cp. járnburðr, skírsla. This custom was introduced into Scandinavia together with Christianity from Germany and England, and superseded the old heathen ordeals ‘hólmganga,’ and ‘ganga undir jarðarmen,’ v. this word. In Norway, during the civil wars, it was esp. used in proof of paternity of the various pretenders to the crown, Fms. vii. 164, 200, ix. Hák. S. ch. 14, 41–45, viii. (Sverr. S.) ch. 150, xi. (Jómsv. S.) ch. 11, Grett. ch. 41, cp. N. G. L. i. 145, 389. Trial by ordeal was abolished in Norway A. D. 1247. In Icel. It was very rarely mentioned, vide however Lv. ch. 23 (paternity), twice or thrice in the Sturl. i. 56, 65, 147, and Grág. i. 341, 361; it seems to have been very seldom used there, (the passage in Grett. S. l. c. refers to Norway.)
    2. bera út (hence útburðr, q. v.), to expose children; on this heathen custom, vide Grimm R. A. In heathen Icel., as in other parts of heathen Scandinavia, it was a lawful act, but seldom exercised; the chief passages on record are, Gunnl. S. ch. 3 (ok þat var þá siðvandi nokkurr, er land var allt alheiðit, at þeir menn er félitlir vórn, en stóð ómegð mjök til handa létu út bera börn sín, ok þótti þó illa gört ávalt), Fs. Vd. ch. 37, Harð. S. ch. 8, Rd. ch. 7, Landn. v. ch. 6, Finnb. ch. 2, Þorst. Uxaf. ch. 4, Hervar. S. ch. 4, Fas. i. 547 (a romance); cp. Jómsv. S. ch. 1. On the introduction of Christianity into Icel. A. D. 1000, it was resolved that, in regard to eating of horse-flesh and exposure of children, the old laws should remain in force, Íb. ch. 9; as Grimm remarks, the exposure must take place immediately after birth, before the child had tasted food of any kind whatever, and before it was besprinkled with water (ausa vatni) or shown to the father, who had to fix its name; exposure, after any of these acts, was murder, cp. the story of Liafburga told by Grimm R. A.); v. Also a Latin essay at the end of the Gunnl. S. (Ed. 1775). The Christian Jus Eccl. put an end to this heathen barbarism by stating at its very beginning, ala skal barn hvert er borit verðr, i. e. all children, if not of monstrous shape, shall be brought up, N. G. L. i. 339, 363.
    β. b. út (now more usual, hefja út, Am. 100), to carry out for burial; vera erfðr ok tit borinn, Odd. 20; var hann heygðr, ok út borinn at fornum sið, Fb. i. 123; b. á bál, to place (the body and treasures) upon the pile, the mode of burying in the old heathen time, Fas. i. 487 (in a verse); var hon borin á bálit ok slegit í eldi, Edda 38.
    B. Various and metaph. cases.
    I. denoting motion:
    1. ‘bera’ is in the Grág. the standing law term for delivery of a verdict by a jury (búar), either ‘bera’ absol. or adding kvið ( verdict); bera á e-n, or b. kvið á e-n, to give a verdict against, declare guilty; bera af e-m, or b. af e-m kviðinn, to give a verdict for; or generally, bera, or b. um e-t, to give a verdict in a case; bera, or b. vitni, vætti, also simply means to testify, to witness, Nj. 111, cp. kviðburðr ( delivering of verdict), vitnisburðr ( bearing witness), Grág. ii. 28; eigi eigu búar ( jurors) enn at b. um þat hvat lög eru á landi hér, the jurors have not to give verdict in (to decide) what is law in the country, cp. the Engl. maxim, that jurors have only to decide the question of evidence, not of law, Grág. (Kb.) ch. 85; eigi eru búar skildir at b. um hvatvetna; um engi mál eigu þeir at skilja, þau er erlendis ( abroad) hafa görzt, id.; the form in delivering the verdict—höfum vér ( the jurors), orðit á eitt sáttir, berum á kviðburðinn, berum hann sannan at sökinni, Nj. 238, Grág. i. 49, 22, 138, etc.; í annat sinn báru þeir á Flosa kviðinn, id.; b. annattveggja af eðr á; b. undan, to discharge, Nj. 135; b. kvið í hag ( for), Grág. i. 55; b. lýsingar vætti, Nj. 87; b. vitni ok vætti, 28, 43, 44; b. ljúgvitni, to bear false witness, Grág. i. 28; b. orð, to bear witness to a speech, 43; bera frændsemi sundr, to prove that they are not relations, N. G. L. i. 147: reflex., berask ór vætti, to prove that oneself is wrongly summoned to bear witness or to give a verdict, 44: berask in a pass. sense, to be proved by evidence, ef vanefni b. þess manns er á hönd var lýst, Grág. i. 257; nema jafnmæli berisk, 229; þótt þér berisk þat faðerni er þú segir, Fms. vii. 164; hann kvaðst ætla, at honum mundi berask, that he would be able to get evidence for, Fs. 46.
    β. gener. and not as a law term; b. á, b. á hendr, to charge; b. e-n undan, to discharge, Fs. 95; eigi erum vér þessa valdir er þú berr á oss, Nj. 238, Ld. 206, Fms. iv. 380, xi. 251, Th. 78; b. e-m á brýnn, to throw in one’s face, to accuse, Greg. 51; b. af sér, to deny; eigi mun ek af mér b., at… ( non diffitebor), Nj. 271; b. e-m gott vitni, to give one a good…, 11; b. e-m vel (illa) söguna, to bear favourable (unfavourable) witness of one, 271.
    2. to bear by word of mouth, report, tell, Lat. referre; either absol. or adding kveðju, orð, orðsending, eyrindi, boð, sögu, njósn, frétt…, or by adding a prep., b. fram, frá, upp, fyrir; b. kveðju, to bring a greeting, compliment, Eg. 127; b. erindi (sín) fyrir e-n, to plead one’s case before one, or to tell one’s errand, 472, 473; b. njósn, to apprise, Nj. 131; b. fram, to deliver (a speech), talaði jungherra Magnús hit fyrsta erindi (M. made his first speech in public), ok fanst mönnum mikit um hversu úbernsliga fram var borit, Fms. x. 53; (in mod. usage, b. fram denotes gramm. to pronounce, hence ‘framburðr,’ pronunciation); mun ek þat nú fram b., I shall now tell, produce it, Ld. 256, Eg. 37; b. frá, to attest, relate with emphasis; má þat frá b., Dropl. 21; b. upp, to produce, mention, tell, þótt slík lygi sé upp borin fyrir hann, though such a lie be told him, Eg. 59; þær (viz. charges) urðu engar upp bornar ( produced) við Rút, Nj. 11; berr Sigtryggr þegar upp erindi sín (cp. Germ. ojfenbaren), 271, Ld. 256; b. upp gátu, to give (propound) a riddle, Stj. 411, Fas. i. 464; b. fyrir, to plead as an excuse; b. saman ráð sín, or the like, to consult, Nj. 91; eyddist þat ráð, er þeir báru saman, which they had designed, Post. 656 A. ii; b. til skripta, to confess (eccl.), of auricular confession, Hom. 124, 655 xx.
    II. in a metaphorical or circumlocutory sense, and without any sense of motion, to keep, hold, bear, of a title; b. nafn, to bear a name, esp. as honour or distinction; tignar nafn, haulds nafn, jarls nafn, lends manns nafn, konungs nafn, bónda nafn, Fms. i. 17, vi. 278, xi. 44, Gþl. 106: in a more metaph. sense, denoting endowments, luck, disposition, or the like, b. (ekki) gæfu, hamingju, auðnu til e-s, to enjoy (enjoy not) good or bad luck, etc.; at Þórólfr mundi eigi allsendis gæfu til b. um vináttu við Harald, Eg. 75, 112, 473, Fms. iv. 164, i. 218; úhamingju, 219; b. vit, skyn, kunnáttu á (yfir) e-t, to bring wit, knowledge, etc., to bear upon a thing, xi. 438, Band. 7; hence vel (illa) viti borinn, well (ill) endowed with wit, Eg. 51; vel hyggjandi borinn, well endowed with reason, Grág. ii; b. hug, traust, áræði, þor, til e-s, to have courage, confidenceto do a thing, Gullþ. 47, Fms. ix. 220, Band. 7; b. áhyggju, önn fyrir, to care, be concerned about, Fms. x. 318; b. ást, elsku til e-s, to bear affection, love to one; b. hatr, to hate: b. svört augu, to have dark eyes, poët., Korm. (in a verse); b. snart hjarta, Hom. 5; vant er þat af sjá hvar hvergi berr hjarta sitt, where he keeps his heart, Orkn. 474; b. gott hjarta, to bear a proud heart, Lex. Poët., etc. etc.; b. skyndi at um e-t, to make speed with a thing, Lat. festinare, Fms. viii. 57.
    2. with some sense of motion, to bear off or away, carry off, gain, in such phrases as, b. sigr af e-m, af e-u, to carry off the victory from or in …; hann hafði borit sigr af tveim orrustum, er frægstar hafa verit, he had borne off the victory in two battles, Fms. xi. 186; bera banaorð af e-m, to slay one in a fight, to be the victor; Þorr berr banaorð af Miðgarðsormi, Edda 42, Fms. x. 400: it seems properly to mean, to bear off the fame of having killed a man; verðat svá rík sköp, at Regin skyli mitt banorð bera, Fm. 39; b. hærra, lægra hlut, ‘to bear off the higher or the lower lot,’ i. e. to get the best or the worst of it, or the metaphor is taken from a sortilege, Fms. ii. 268, i. 59, vi. 412; b. efra, hærra skjöld, to carry the highest shield, to get the victory, x. 394, Lex. Poët.; b. hátt (lágt) höfuðit, to bear the head high (low), i. e. to be in high or low spirits, Nj. 91; but also, b. halann bratt (lágt), to cock up or let fall the tail (metaph. from cattle), to be in an exultant or low mood: sundry phrases, as, b. bein, to rest the bones, be buried; far þú til Íslands, þar mun þér auðið verða beinin at b., Grett. 91 A; en þó hygg ek at þú munir hér b. beinin í Norðrálfunni, Orkn. 142; b. fyrir borð, to throw overboard, metaph. to oppress; verðr Þórhalli nú fyrir borð borinn, Th. was defied, set at naught, Fær. 234; b. brjóst fyrir e-m, to be the breast-shield, protection of one, Fms. vii. 263: also, b. hönd fyrir höfuð sér, metaph. to put one’s hand before one’s head, i. e. to defend oneself; b. ægishjálm yfir e-m, to keep one in awe and submission, Fm. 16, vide A. I. 2.
    III. connected with prepp., b. af, and (rarely) yfir (cp. afburðr, yfirburðr), to excel, surpass; eigi sá hvárttveggja féit er af öðrum berr, who gets the best of it, Nj. 15; en þó bar Bolli af, B. surpassed all the rest, Ld. 330; þat mannval bar eigi minnr af öðrum mönnum um fríðleik, afi ok fræknleik, en Ormrinn Langi af öðrum skipum, Fms. ii. 252; at hinn útlendi skal yfir b. ( outdo) þann sem Enskir kalla meistara, xi. 431: b. til, to apply, try if it fits; en er þeir báru til (viz. shoes to the hoof of a horse), þá var sem hæfði hestinum, ix. 55; bera til hvern lykil at öðrum at portinu, Thom. 141; b. e-t við, to try it on (hence viðburðr, experiment, effort): b. um, to wind round, as a cable round a pole or the like, Nj. 115; þá bar hann þá festi um sik, made it fast round his body, Fms. ix. 219; ‘b. e-t undir e-n’ is to consult one, ellipt., b. undir dóm e-s; ‘b. e-t fyrir’ is to feign, use as excuse: b. á, í, to smear, anoint; b. vatn í augu sér, Rb. 354; b. tjöru í höfuð sér, Nj. 181, Hom. 70, 73, cp. áburðr; b. gull, silfr, á, to ornament with gold or silver, Ld. 114, Finnb. 258: is now also used = to dung, b. á völl; b. vápn á e-n, to attack one with sharp weapons, Eg. 583, Fms. xi. 334: b. eld at, to set fire to, Nj. 122; b. fjötur (bönd) at e-m, to put fetters (bonds) on one, Fms. x. 172, Hm. 150: metaph. reflex., bönd berask at e-m, a law term, the evidence bears against one; b. af sér, to parry off; Gyrðr berr af sér lagit, G. parries the thrust off, Fms. x. 421; cp. A. II. 3. β.
    IV. reflex., berask mikit á (cp. áburðr), to bear oneself proudly, or b. lítið á, to bear oneself humbly; hann var hinn kátasti ok barst á mikit, Fms. ii. 68, viii. 219, Eb. 258; b. lítið á, Clem. 35; láta af berask, to die; Óttarr vill skipa til um fjárfar sitt áðr hann láti af b., Fms. ii. 12: berask fyrir, to abide in a place as an asylum, seek shelter; hér munu vit láta fyrir b., Fas. iii. 471; berask e-t fyrir, to design a thing, be busy about, barsk hann þat fyrir at sjá aldregi konur, Greg. 53; at njósna um hvat hann bærist fyrir, to inquire into what he was about, Fms. iv. 184, Vígl. 19.
    β. recipr. in the phrase, berask banaspjót eptir, to seek for one another’s life, Glúm. 354: b. vápn á, of a mutual attack with sharp weapons, Fms. viii. 53.
    γ. pass., sár berask á e-n, of one in the heat of battle beginning to get wounds and give way, Nj.:—berask við, to be prevented, not to do; ok nú lét Almáttugr Guð við berast kirkjubrunnann, stopped, prevented the burning of the church, Fms. v. 144; en mér þætti gott ef við bærist, svá at hón kæmi eigi til þín, vi. 210, vii. 219; ok var þá búit at hann mundi þegar láta hamarinn skjanna honum, en hann lét þat við berask, he bethought himself and did not, Edda 35; því at mönnum þótti sem þannig mundi helzt úhæfa við berask, that mischief would thus be best prevented, Sturl. ii. 6, iii. 80.
    C. IMPERS.:—with a sort of passive sense, both in a loc. and temp. sense, and gener. denotes an involuntary, passive motion, happening suddenly or by chance:
    I. with acc. it bears or carries one to a place, i. e. one happens to come; the proverb, alla (acc.) berr at sama brunni, all come to the same well (end), Lat. omnes una manet nox; bar hann þá ofan gegnt Özuri, he happened to come in his course just opposite to Ö., Lat. delatus est, Dropl. 25: esp. of ships or sailors; nú berr svá til ( happens) herra, at vér komum eigi fram ferðinni, berr oss (acc.) til Íslands eðr annara landa, it bore us to I., i. e. if we drive or drift thither, Fms. iv. 176; þá (acc. pl.) bar suðr í haf, they drifted southwards, Nj. 124.
    β. as a cricketing term, in the phrase, berr (bar) út knöttinn, the ball rolls out, Gísl. 26, cp. p. 110 where it is transit.; berr Gísli ok út knöttinn, vide Vígl. ch. 11, Grett. ch. 17, Vd. ch. 37, Hallfr. S. ch. 2.
    γ. Skarpheðin (acc.) bar nú at þeim, Sk. came suddenly upon them, Nj. 144; bar at Hróaldi þegar allan skjöldinn, the shield was dashed against H.’s body, 198; ok skyldu sæta honum, ef hann (acc.) bæri þar at, if he should per chance come, shew himself there, Orkn. 406; e-n berr yfir, it bears one, i. e. one is borne onwards, as a bird flying, a man riding; þóttist vita, at hann (acc.) mundi fljótara yfir bera ef hann riði en gengi, that he would get on more fleetly riding than walking, Hrafn. 7; hann (acc.) bar skjótt yfir, he passed quickly, of a flying meteor, Nj. 194; e-n berr undan, escapes.
    2. also with acc. followed by prepp. við, saman, jafnframt, hjá, of bodies coinciding or covering one another: loc., er jafnframt ber jaðrana tungls ok sólar, if the orb of the moon and sun cover each other, Rb. 34; þat kann vera stundum, at tunglit (acc.) berr jafht á millum vár ok sólar (i. e. in a moon eclipse), 108; ber nokkut jaðar (acc.) þess hjá sólar jaðri, 34; Gunnarr sér at rauðan kyrtil (acc.) bar við glugginn, G. sees that a red kirtle passed before the window, Nj. 114; bar fyrir utan þat skip vápnaburð (acc.) heiðingja (gen. pl.), the missiles of the heathens passed over the ship without hurting them, flew too high, Fms. vii. 232; hvergi bar skugga (acc.) á, nowhere a shadow, all bright, Nj. 118; þangat sem helzt mátti nokkut yfir þá skugga bera af skóginum, where they were shadowed (hidden) by the trees, Fms. x. 239; e-t berr fram (hátt), a body is prominent, Lat. eminet; Ólafr konungr stóð í lyptingunni, bar hann (acc.) hátt mjök, king O. stood out conspicuously, ii. 308; b. yfir, þótti mjök bera hljóð (acc.) þar yfir er Ólafr sat, the sound was heard over there where O. sat, Sturl. i. 21; b. á milli, something comes between; leiti (acc.) bar á milli, a hill hid the prospect, Nj. 263: metaph., e-m berr e-t á milli, they come to dissent, 13, v. 1.; b. fyrir augu (hence fyrirburðr, vision), of a vision or the like; mart (acc.) berr nú fyrir augu mér, ek sé …, many things come now before my eyes, 104; hann mundi allt þat er fyrir hann hafði borit, i. e. all the dream, 195; eina nótt berr fyrir hann í svefni mikla sýn, Fms. i. 137, Rd. 290; veiði (acc.) berr í hendr e-m (a metaphor from hunting), sport falls to one’s lot; hér bæri veiði í hendr nú, here would be a game, Nj. 252; e-t berr undan (a metaphor from fishing, hunting term), when one misses one’s opportunity; vel væri þá … at þá veiði (acc.) bæri eigi undan, that this game should not go amiss, 69; en ef þetta (acc.) berr undan, if this breaks down, 63; hon bað hann þá drepa einhvern manna hans, heldr en allt (acc.) bæri undan, rather than that all should go amiss, Eg. 258: absol., þyki mér illa, ef undan berr, if I miss it, Nj. 155; viljum vér ekki at undan beri at…, we will by no means miss it…, Fms. viii. 309, v. 1. The passage Bs. i. 416 (en fjárhlutr sá er átt hafði Ari, bar undan Guðmundi) is hardly correct, fjárhlut þann would run better, cp. bera undir, as a law term, below.
    II. adding prepp.; b. við, at, til, at hendi, at móti, til handa …, to befall, happen, Lat. accidere, occurrere, with dat. of the person, (v. atburðr, viðburðr, tilburðr); engi hlut skyldi þann at b., no such thing should happen as…, Fms. xi. 76; svá bar at einn vetr, it befell, x. 201; þat hefir nú víst at hendi borit, er…, Nj. 174; þó þetta vandræði (acc.) hafi nú borit oss (dat.) at hendi, Eg. 7; b. til handa, id., Sks. 327; bar honum svá til, so it befell him, Fms. xi. 425; at honum bæri engan váðaligan hlut til á veginum, that nothing dangerous should befall him on the way, Stj. 212; bæri þat þá svá við, at hann ryfi, it then perchance might happen, that …, 102; þat bar við at Högni kom, 169, 172, 82; raun (acc.) berr á, it is proved by the fact, event, Fms. ix. 474, x. 185.
    2. temp., e-t berr á, it happens to fall on …; ef þing (acc.) ber á hina helgu viku, if the parliament falls on the holy week (Whitsun), Grág. i. 106; ef Crucis messu (acc.) berr á Drottins dag, Rb. 44; berr hana (viz. Petrs messu, June 29) aldrei svá optarr á öldinni, 78; þat er nú berr oss næst, what has occurred of late, Sturl. iii. 182: b. í móti, to happen exactly at a time; þetta (acc.) bar í móti at þenna sama dag andaðist Brandr biskup, Bs. i. 468; b. saman, id.; bar þat saman, at pá var Gunnarr at segja brennusöguna, just when G. was about telling the story, Nj. 269.
    3. metaph. of agreement or separation; en þat (acc.) þykir mjök saman b. ok þessi frásögn, Fms. x. 276: with dat., bar öllum sögum vel saman, all the records agreed well together, Nj. 100, v. l.; berr nú enn í sundr með þeim, Bjarna ok Þorkatli at sinni, B. and Th. missed each other, Vápn. 25.
    4. denoting cause; e-t (acc.) berr til …, causes a thing; ætluðu þat þá allir, at þat mundi til bera, that that was the reason, Nj. 75; at þat beri til skilnaðar okkars, that this will make us to part (divorce), 261; konungr spurði, hvat til bæri úgleði hans, what was the cause of his grief? Fms. vi. 355; þat berr til tunglhlaups, Rb. 32.
    β. meiri ván at brátt beri þat (acc.) til bóta, at herviliga steypi hans ríki, i. e. there will soon come help (revenge), Fms. x. 264; fjórir eru þeir hlutir er menn (acc.) berr í ætt á landi hér, there are four cases under which people may be adopted, Grág. i. 361.
    γ. e-t berr undir e-n, falls to a person’s lot; hon á arf at taka þegar er undir hana berr, in her turn, 179; mikla erfð (acc.) bar undir hana, Mar. (Fr.); berr yfir, of surpassing, Bs. ii. 121, 158; b. frá, id. (fráburðr); herðimikill svá at þat (acc.) bar frá því sem aðrir menn, Eg. 305; er sagt, at þat bæri frá hve vel þeir mæltu, it was extraordinary how well they did speak, Jb. 11; bar þat mest frá hversu illa hann var limaðr, but above all, how…, Ó. H. 74.
    5. with adverbial nouns in a dat. form; e-t berr bráðum, happens of a sudden; berr þetta (acc.) nú allbráðum, Fms. xi. 139; cp. vera bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise (above); berr stórum, stærrum, it matters a great deal; ætla ek stærrum b. hin lagabrotin (acc.), they are much more important, matter more, vii. 305; var þat góðr kostr, svá at stórum bar, xi. 50; hefir oss orðit svá mikil vanhyggja, at stóru berr, an enormous blunder, Gísl. 51; svá langa leið, at stóru bar, Fas. i. 116; þat berr stórum, hversu mér þóknast vel þeirra athæfi, it amounts to a great deal, my liking their service, i. e. I do greatly like, Fms. ii. 37; eigi berr þat allsmám hversu vel mér líkar, in no small degree do I like, x. 296.
    β. with dat., it is fitting, becoming; svá mikit sem landeiganda (dat.) berr til at hafa eptir lögum, what he is legally entitled to, Dipl. iii. 10; berr til handa, it falls to one’s lot, v. above, Grág. i. 93.
    III. answering to Lat. oportet, absolutely or with an adverb, vel, illa, with infinit.; e-m berr, it beseems, becomes one; berr þat ekki né stendr þvílíkum höfuðfeðr, at falsa, Stj. 132; berr yðr (dat.) vel, herra, at sjá sannindi á þessu máli, Fms. ix. 326; sagði, at þat bar eigi Kristnum mönnum, at særa Guð, x. 22; þá siðu at mér beri vel, Sks. 353 B: used absol., berr vel, illa, it is beseeming, proper, fit, unbeseeming, unfit, improper; athæfi þat er vel beri fyrir konungs augliti, 282; þat þykir ok eigi illa bera, at maðr hafi svart skinn til hosna, i. e. it suits pretty well, 301: in case of a pers. pron. in acc. or dat. being added, the sentence becomes personal in order to avoid doubling the impers. sentence, e. g. e-m berr skylda (not skyldu) til, one is bound by duty; veit ek eigi hver skylda (nom.) yðr (acc.) ber til þess at láta jarl einn ráða, Fms. i. 52: also leaving the dat. out, skylda berr til at vera forsjámaðr með honum, vii. 280; eigi berr hér til úviska mín, it is not that I am not knowing, Nj. 135.
    IV. when the reflex. inflexion is added to the verb, the noun loses its impers. character and is turned from acc. into nom., e. g. þar (þat?) mun hugrinn minn mest hafa fyrir borizt, this is what I suspected, fancied, Lv. 34; cp. hugarburðr, fancy, and e-t berr fyrir e-n (above, C. I. 2); hefir þetta (nom.) vel í móti borizt, a happy coincidence, Nj. 104; ef svá harðliga kann til at berask, if the misfortunes do happen, Gþl. 55; barsk sú úhamingja (nom.) til á Íslandi, that mischief happened (no doubt the passage is thus to be emended), Bs. i. 78, but bar þá úhamingju …; þat (nom.) barsk at, happened, Fms. x. 253; fundir várir (nom.) hafa at borizt nokkurum sinnum, vii. 256; þat barsk at á einhverju sumri, Eg. 154; bærist at um síðir at allr þingheimrinn berðist, 765, cp. berast við, berask fyrir above (B. V.): berast, absol., means to be shaken, knocked about; var þess ván, at fylkingar mundu berast í hergöngunni, that they would be brought into some confusion, Fms. v. 74; Hrólfr gékk at ramliga, ok barst Atli (was shaken, gave away) fyrir orku sakir, þar til er hann féll. Fas. iii. 253; barst Jökull allr fyrir orku sakir (of two wrestling), Ísl. ii. 467, Fms. iii. 189: vide B. IV.
    D. In mod. usage the strong bera—bar is also used in impersonal phrases, denoting to let a thing be seen, shew, but almost always with a negative preceding, e. g. ekki bar (ber) á því, it could ( can) not be seen; að á engu bæri, láta ekki á bera ( to keep tight), etc. All these phrases are no doubt alterations from the weak verb bera, að, nudare, and never occur in old writers; we have not met with any instance previous to the Reformation; the use is certainly of late date, and affords a rare instance of weak verbs turning into strong; the reverse is more freq. the case.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BERA

  • 8 up

    1. adverb
    1) (to higher place) nach oben; (in lift) aufwärts

    [right] up to something — (lit. or fig.) [ganz] bis zu etwas hinauf

    up into the airin die Luft [hinauf]...

    climb up on something/climb up to the top of something — auf etwas (Akk.) [hinauf]steigen/bis zur Spitze einer Sache hinaufsteigen

    the way up [to something] — der Weg hinauf [zu etwas]

    on the way up(lit. or fig.) auf dem Weg nach oben

    up here/there — hier herauf/dort hinauf

    high/higher up — hoch/höher hinauf

    halfway/a long/little way up — den halben Weg/ein weites/kurzes Stück hinauf

    come on up! — komm [hier/weiter] herauf!

    up it etc. comes/goes — herauf kommt/hinauf geht es usw.

    up you go!rauf mit dir! (ugs.)

    2) (to upstairs, northwards) rauf (bes. ugs.); herauf/hinauf (bes. schriftsprachlich); nach oben

    come up from London to Edinburgh — von London nach Edinburgh [he]raufkommen

    3) (to place regarded as more important)

    go up to Leeds from the countryvom Land in die Stadt Leeds od. nach Leeds fahren

    4) (Brit.): (to capital) rein (bes. ugs.); herein/hinein (bes. schriftsprachlich)

    go up to town or London — nach London gehen/fahren

    get up to London from Reading — von Reading nach London [he]reinfahren

    5) (in higher place, upstairs, in north) oben

    up here/there — hier/da oben

    an order from high up(fig.) ein Befehl von ganz oben (ugs.)

    halfway/a long/little way up — auf halbem Weg nach oben/ein gutes/kurzes Stück weiter oben

    live four floors or storeys up — im vierten Stockwerk wohnen

    his flat is on the next floor upseine Wohnung ist ein Stockwerk höher

    up northoben im Norden (ugs.)

    6) (erect) hoch

    keep your head up — halte den Kopf hoch; see also academic.ru/12509/chin">chin

    7) (out of bed)
    8) (in place regarded as more important; Brit.): (in capital)

    up in town or London/Leeds — in London/Leeds

    prices have gone/are up — die Preise sind gestiegen

    butter is up [by...] — Butter ist [...] teurer

    10) (including higher limit)

    up tobis... hinauf

    up to midday/up to £2 — bis zum Mittag/bis zu 2 Pfund

    11) (in position of gain)

    we're £300 up on last yearwir liegen 300 Pfund über dem letzten Jahr

    the takings were £500 up on the previous month — die Einnahmen lagen 500 Pfund über denen des Vormonats

    12) (ahead)

    be three points/games/goals up — (Sport) mit drei Punkten/Spielen/Toren vorn liegen

    13) (as far as)

    up to here/there — bis hier[hin]/bis dorthin

    I've had it up to here(coll.) mir steht es bis hier [hin] (ugs.)

    up to now/then/that time/last week — bis jetzt/damals/zu jener Zeit/zur letzten Woche


    up to(comparable with)

    be up to expectation[s] — den Erwartungen entsprechen


    up to(capable of)

    [not] be/feel up to something — einer Sache (Dat.) [nicht] gewachsen sein/sich einer Sache (Dat.) [nicht] gewachsen fühlen

    [not] be/feel up to doing something — [nicht] in der Lage sein/sich nicht in der Lage fühlen, etwas zu tun


    up to(derog.): (doing)

    what is he up to?was hat er [bloß] vor?


    it is [not] up to somebody to do something — (somebody's duty) es ist [nicht] jemandes Sache, etwas zu tun

    it is up to us to help them — es ist unsere Pflicht, ihnen zu helfen

    now it's up to him to do somethingnun liegt es bei od. an ihm, etwas zu tun

    it's/that's up to you — (is for you to decide) es/das hängt von dir ab; (concerns only you) es/das ist deine Sache

    18) (close)

    up against somebody/something — an jemandem/etwas [lehnen]; an jemanden/etwas [stellen]

    sit up against the wallmit dem Rücken zur od. an der Wand sitzen

    be up against a problem/difficulty — etc. (coll.) vor einem Problem/einer Schwierigkeit usw. stehen


    up and down(upwards and downwards) hinauf und hinunter; (to and fro) auf und ab

    be up and down(coll.): (variable) Hochs und Tiefs haben

    21) (facing upwards)

    ‘this side/way up’ — (on box etc.) "[hier] oben"

    turn something this/the other side/way up — diese/die andere Seite einer Sache nach oben drehen

    the right/wrong way up — richtig/verkehrt od. falsch herum

    22) (finished, at an end) abgelaufen
    2. preposition
    1) (upwards along, from bottom to top) rauf (bes. ugs.); herauf/hinauf (bes. schriftsprachlich)

    up somethingetwas (Akk.) hinauf

    5) (at or in higher position in or on) [weiter] oben

    further up the ladder/coast — weiter oben auf der Leiter/an der Küste

    3. adjective
    1) (directed upwards) aufwärts führend [Rohr, Kabel]; [Rolltreppe] nach oben; nach oben gerichtet [Kolbenhub]

    up train/line — (Railw.) Zug/Gleis Richtung Stadt

    be up in a subject/on the news — in einem Fach auf der Höhe [der Zeit] sein/über alle Neuigkeiten Bescheid wissen od. gut informiert sein

    3) (coll.): (ready)

    tea['s]/grub['s] up! — Tee/Essen ist fertig!

    4) (coll.): (amiss)
    4. noun in pl.

    the ups and downs(lit. or fig.) das Auf und Ab; (fig.) die Höhen und Tiefen

    5. intransitive verb,
    - pp- (coll.)

    up and leave/resign — einfach abhauen (ugs.) /kündigen

    he ups and says... — da sagt er doch [ur]plötzlich...

    6. transitive verb,
    - pp- (coll.) (increase) erhöhen; (raise up) heben
    * * *
    (to become covered (as if) with mist: The mirror misted over; The windscreen misted up.) beschlagen
    * * *
    I. adv inv
    1. (to higher position) nach oben, hinauf; lift aufwärts
    hands \up! Hände hoch!
    the water had come \up to the level of the windows das Wasser war bis auf Fensterhöhe gestiegen
    four flights \up from here vier Etagen höher
    come on \up! komm [hier] herauf!
    \up it/she etc. comes! herauf kommt es/sie!
    \up you go! rauf mit dir! fam
    bottom \up mit der Unterseite nach oben
    halfway \up auf halber Höhe
    high \up hoch hinauf
    farther \up weiter hinauf
    \up and \up immer höher
    \up and away auf und davon
    2. (erect) aufrecht
    just lean it \up against the wall lehnen Sie es einfach gegen die Wand
    3. (out of bed) auf
    is he \up yet? ist er schon auf?
    to be \up late lange aufbleiben
    \up and about auf den Beinen
    4. (northwards) hinauf, herauf, rauf fam
    on Tuesday she'll be travelling \up to Newcastle from Birmingham am Dienstag fährt sie von Birmingham nach Newcastle hinauf
    she comes \up from Washington about once a month sie kommt ungefähr einmal im Monat aus Washington herauf
    \up north oben im Norden
    farther \up weiter oben
    \up here/there hier/da oben
    a long/little way \up ein gutes/kurzes Stück weiter oben
    \up in the hills [dr]oben in den Bergen
    2 metres \up 2 Meter hoch
    I live on the next floor \up ich wohne ein Stockwerk höher
    6. BRIT (towards city)
    I'll be \up in London this weekend ich fahre an diesem Wochenende nach London
    \up from the country vom Land
    is he \up at Cambridge yet? hat er schon [mit seinem Studium] in Cambridge angefangen?
    8. (toward)
    \up to sb/sth auf jdn/etw zu
    a limousine drew \up to where we were standing eine Limousine kam auf uns zu
    she went \up to the counter sie ging zum Schalter
    to run \up to sb jdm entgegenlaufen
    to walk \up to sb auf jdn zugehen
    9. (in high position) an der Spitze, oben fam
    as a composer he was \up there with the best als Komponist gehörte er zur Spitze
    she's something high \up in the company sie ist ein hohes Tier in der Firma
    10. (higher in price or number) höher
    last year the company's turnover was £240 billion, \up 3% on the previous year letztes Jahr lag der Umsatz der Firma bei 240 Milliarden Pfund, das sind 3 % mehr als im Jahr davor
    items on this rack are priced [from] £50 \up die Waren in diesem Regal kosten ab 50 Pfund aufwärts
    this film is suitable for children aged 13 and \up dieser Film ist für Kinder ab 13 Jahren geeignet
    11. (to point of)
    \up until [or till] [or to] bis + akk
    \up to yesterday bis gestern
    he can overdraw \up to £300 er kann bis zu 300 Pfund überziehen
    12. (in opposition to)
    to be \up against sb/sth es mit jdm/etw zu tun haben, sich akk mit jdm/etw konfrontiert sehen
    the company was \up against some problems die Firma stand vor einigen Problemen
    to be \up against it in Schwierigkeiten sein
    to be \up against the law gegen das Gesetz stehen, mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt kommen
    13. (depend on)
    to be \up to sb von jdm abhängen
    I'll leave it \up to you ich überlasse dir die Entscheidung
    to be \up to sb to do sth jds Aufgabe sein, etw zu tun
    14. (contrive)
    to be \up to sth etw vorhaben [o im Schilde führen]
    he's \up to no good er führt nichts Gutes im Schilde
    15. (be adequate)
    to be \up to sth einer Sache dat gewachsen sein, bei einer Sache dat mithalten können
    do you feel \up to the challenge? fühlst du dich dieser Herausforderung gewachsen?
    to be \up to doing sth in der Lage sein, etw zu tun
    are you sure you're \up to it? bist du sicher, dass du das schaffst?
    to not be \up to much nicht viel taugen
    his German isn't \up to much sein Deutsch ist nicht besonders gut
    to be \up to expectations den Erwartungen entsprechen
    her latest book is just not \up to her previous successes ihr neuestes Buch reicht an ihren früheren Erfolgen einfach nicht heran
    17. AM (apiece) pro Person
    the score was 3 \up at half-time bei Halbzeit stand es 3 [für] beide
    \up with sb/sth hoch lebe jd/etw
    \up with freedom! es lebe die Freiheit!
    it's all \up with sb es ist aus mit jdm
    to be \up with the clock gut in der Zeit liegen
    to be \up to the ears [or eyeballs] [or neck] in problems bis zum Hals in Schwierigkeiten stecken
    II. prep
    1. (to higher position) hinauf, herauf, rauf fam
    \up the ladder/mountain/stairs die Leiter/den Berg/die Treppe hinauf
    [just] \up the road ein Stück die Straße hinauf, weiter oben in der Straße
    to walk \up the road die Straße hinaufgehen [o entlanggehen]
    \up and down auf und ab
    he was running \up and down the path er rannte den Pfad auf und ab
    he was strolling \up and down the corridor er schlenderte auf dem Gang auf und ab
    \up and down the country überall im Land
    3. (against flow)
    \up the river/stream fluss-/bachauf[wärts]
    a cruise \up the Rhine eine Fahrt den Rhein aufwärts [o rheinauf[wärts]
    \up sth oben auf etw dat
    he's \up that ladder er steht dort oben auf der Leiter
    \up the stairs am Ende der Treppe
    5. AUS, BRIT ( fam: to)
    are you going \up the club tonight? gehst du heute Abend in den Klub?; (at)
    I'll see you \up the pub later ich treffe dich [o wir sehen uns] später in der Kneipe
    be \up the creek [or ( vulg sl)\up shit creek] [without a paddle] [schön] in der Klemme [o derb Scheiße] sitzen
    \up hill and down dale bergauf und bergab
    he led me \up hill and down dale till my feet were dropping off er führte mich quer durch die Gegend, bis mir fast die Füße abfielen fam
    \up top BRIT ( fam) im Kopf
    a man with nothing much \up top ein Mann mit nicht viel im Kopf [o fam Hirnkasten]
    \up yours! ( vulg) ihr könnt/du kannst mich mal! derb
    III. adj inv
    1. attr (moving upward) nach oben
    the \up escalator der Aufzug nach oben
    what time does the next \up train leave? wann fährt der nächste Zug in die Stadt ab?
    \up platform Bahnsteig, von dem die Züge in die nächstgelegene Stadt abfahren
    \up quark Up-Quark nt
    4. pred (out of bed) auf[gestanden]
    5. pred (erect) collar hochgeschlagen
    6. pred (leading) in Führung
    Manchester is two goals \up Manchester liegt mit zwei Toren in Führung
    7. pred BRIT, AUS (being repaired) road aufgegraben, aufgerissen SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR
    the council has got the road \up der Stadtrat hat die Straße aufgraben lassen
    8. pred (more intense)
    the wind is \up der Wind hat aufgedreht
    the river is \up der Fluss ist angeschwollen
    9. pred (in horseracing) zu Pferd
    10. pred (happy) high sl, obenauf
    to be \up about [or on] [or for] sth von etw dat begeistert sein
    I'm really \up for spending a posh weekend in Paris ich freue mich total darauf, ein tolles Wochenende in Paris zu verbringen fam
    11. pred BRIT ( dated: frothy) schäumend
    12. pred (functioning properly) funktionstüchtig
    do you know when the server will be \up again? weißt du, wann der Server wieder in Betrieb ist?
    this computer is down more than it's \up dieser Computer ist öfter gestört, als dass er läuft
    to be \up and running funktionstüchtig [o in Ordnung] sein
    to get sth \up and running etw wieder zum Laufen bringen
    13. pred (in baseball) am Schlag
    14. pred (finished) time, hours vorbei, um
    your time is \up! Ihre Zeit ist um!
    the soldier's leave will be \up at midnight der Ausgang des Soldaten endet um Mitternacht
    something is \up irgendetwas ist im Gange
    what's \up? was ist los?
    16. pred (informed)
    to be \up in sth sich akk mit etw dat auskennen
    how well \up are you in Spanish? wie fit bist du in Spanisch? fam
    17. pred (scheduled)
    to be \up for sth für etw akk vorgesehen sein; terms zur Debatte stehen
    the house is \up for sale das Haus steht zum Verkauf
    18. pred LAW (on trial) unter Anklage
    he'll be \up before the magistrate er wird sich vor Gericht verantworten müssen
    to be \up for sth sich akk wegen einer S. gen vor Gericht verantworten müssen
    to be \up for trial person vor Gericht stehen; case verhandelt werden
    19. pred (interested in)
    to be \up for sth:
    I think I'm \up for a walk ich glaube, ich habe Lust, spazieren zu gehen [o auf einen Spaziergang]
    I'm \up for going out to eat ich hätte Lust, essen zu gehen
    IV. n ( fam: good period) Hoch nt
    unfortunately, we won't always have \ups leider gibt es für uns nicht immer nur Höhen
    \ups and downs gute und schlechte Zeiten
    to be on the \up and \up BRIT, AUS ( fam: be improving) im Aufwärtstrend begriffen sein; esp AM (be honest) sauber sein fam
    her career has been on the \up and \up since she moved into sales seit sie im Vertrieb ist, geht es mit ihrer Karriere stetig aufwärts
    is this deal on the \up and \up? ist das ein sauberes Geschäft?
    V. vi
    <- pp->
    ( fam)
    to \up and do sth etw plötzlich tun
    after dinner they just \upped and went without saying goodbye nach dem Abendessen gingen sie einfach weg, ohne auf Wiedersehen zu sagen
    VI. vt
    <- pp->
    to \up sth
    1. (increase) capacity etw erhöhen
    to \up the ante [or stakes] den Einsatz erhöhen
    to \up a price/tax rate einen Preis/Steuersatz anheben
    2. (raise) etw erheben
    they \upped their glasses and toasted the host sie erhoben das Glas und brachten einen Toast auf den Gastgeber aus
    VII. interj auf!, los, aufstehen!
    * * *
    1. ADVERB
    1) indicating position = in high or higher position oben; (= to higher position) nach oben

    up there — dort oben, droben ( liter, S Ger

    on your way up (to see us/them) — auf dem Weg (zu uns/ihnen) hinauf

    he climbed all the way up (to us/them) — er ist den ganzen Weg (zu uns/ihnen) hochgeklettert

    we were 6,000 m up when... — wir waren 6.000 m hoch, als...

    to go a little further up —

    up on top (of the cupboard) — ganz oben (auf dem Schrank)

    up in the mountains/sky — oben or droben ( liter, S Ger ) in den Bergen/am Himmel

    the sun/moon is up —

    the tide is up — es ist Flut, die Flut ist da

    to move up into the lead —

    then up jumps Richard and says... — und dann springt Richard auf und sagt...

    the needle was up at 95 —

    come on, up, that's my chair! up! he shouted to his horse — komm, auf mit dir, das ist mein Stuhl! spring! schrie er seinem Pferd zu

    up yours! (sl)leck mich (inf), fick dich!(vulg)


    = installed, built to be up (building) — stehen; (tent also) aufgeschlagen sein; (scaffolding) aufgestellt sein; (notice) hängen, angeschlagen sein; (picture) hängen, aufgehängt sein; (shutters) zu sein; (shelves, wallpaper, curtains, pictures) hängen

    the new houses went up very quicklydie neuen Häuser sind sehr schnell gebaut or hochgezogen (inf) worden __diams; to be up and running laufen; (committee etc) in Gang sein; (business etc) einwandfrei funktionieren

    3) = not in bed auf

    up (with you)! — auf mit dir!, raus aus dem Bett (inf)

    to be up and about — auf sein; (after illness also) auf den Beinen sein

    4) = north oben

    up in Inverness — in Inverness oben, oben in Inverness

    to be/live up north — im Norden sein/wohnen

    to go up north —

    we're up for the day —

    5) = at university Brit am Studienort
    6) in price, value gestiegen (on gegenüber)

    in score to be 3 goals up — mit 3 Toren führen or vorn liegen (on gegenüber)

    we were £100 up on the deal — wir haben bei dem Geschäft £ 100 gemacht


    = upwards from £10 up — von £ 10 (an) aufwärts, ab £ 10

    from the age of 13 up — ab (dem Alter von) 13 Jahren, von 13 Jahren aufwärts


    = wrong inf what's up? —

    what's up with him? — was ist mit dem los?, was ist los mit ihm?

    10) = knowledgeable firm, beschlagen (in, on in +dat)

    he's well up on foreign affairs —


    = finished time's up — die Zeit ist um, die Zeit ist zu Ende

    to eat/use sth up —

    it's all up with him (inf)es ist aus mit ihm (inf), es ist mit ihm zu Ende


    set structures __diams; up against it was up against the wall — es war an die Wand gelehnt

    to be up against a difficulty/an opponent — einem Problem/Gegner gegenüberstehen, es mit einem Problem/Gegner zu tun haben

    I fully realize what I'm up against — mir ist völlig klar, womit ich es hier zu tun habe

    to walk up and down —

    to bounce up and down — hochfedern, auf und ab hüpfen

    he's been up and down all evening (from seat)er hat den ganzen Abend keine Minute still gesessen; (on stairs) er ist den ganzen Abend die Treppe rauf- und runtergerannt

    to be up before the Court/before Judge Smith (case) — verhandelt werden/von Richter Smith verhandelt werden; (person) vor Gericht/Richter Smith stehen

    to be up for election (candidate) — zur Wahl aufgestellt sein; (candidates) zur Wahl stehen

    to be up for trialvor Gericht stehen __diams; up to = as far as bis

    up to now/here — bis jetzt/hier

    up to £100 —

    I'm up to here in work/debt (inf) — ich stecke bis hier in Arbeit/Schulden

    he isn't up to running the company by himself — er hat nicht das Zeug dazu, die Firma allein zu leiten

    we're going up Ben Nevis – are you sure you're up to it? — wir wollen Ben Nevis besteigen – glaubst du, dass du das schaffst? __diams; to be up to sb

    if it were up to me —

    the success of this project is up to you nowwie erfolgreich dieses Projekt wird, hängt jetzt nur noch von Ihnen (selbst) ab, es liegt jetzt ganz an Ihnen, ob dieses Projekt ein Erfolg wird

    it's up to you whether you go or not — es liegt an or bei dir or es bleibt dir überlassen, ob du gehst oder nicht

    I'd like to accept, but it isn't up to me — ich würde gerne annehmen, aber ich habe da nicht zu bestimmen or aber das hängt nicht von mir ab

    shall I take it? – that's entirely up to you — soll ich es nehmen? – das müssen Sie selbst wissen

    what colour shall I choose? – (it's) up to you — welche Farbe soll ich nehmen? – das ist deine Entscheidung

    it's up to the government to put this right —

    what have you been up to?was hast du angestellt?

    he's up to no good —

    I'm sure he's up to something (child) hey you! what do you think you're up to! — ich bin sicher, er hat etwas vor or (sth suspicious) er führt irgendetwas im Schilde ich bin sicher, er stellt irgendetwas an he Sie, was machen Sie eigentlich da!

    what does he think he's up to? — was soll das eigentlich?, was hat er eigentlich vor?

    oben auf (+dat); (with movement) hinauf (+acc)

    they live further up the hill/street — sie wohnen weiter oben am Berg/weiter die Straße entlang

    up one's sleeve (position) — im Ärmel; (motion) in den Ärmel

    as I travel up and down the country —

    let's go up the pub/up Johnny's place (inf) — gehen wir doch zur Kneipe/zu Johnny (inf)

    3. NOUN
    __diams; ups and downs gute und schlechte Zeiten pl; (of life) Höhen und Tiefen pl

    he/his career is on the up and up (inf) — mit ihm/seiner Karriere geht es aufwärts

    (= going up) escalator nach oben; (RAIL) train, line zur nächsten größeren Stadt
    (inf) price, offer hinaufsetzen; production ankurbeln; bet erhöhen (to auf +acc)
    * * *
    up [ʌp]
    A adv
    1. a) nach oben, hoch, herauf, hinauf, in die Höhe, empor, aufwärts
    b) oben (auch fig):
    face up (mit dem) Gesicht nach oben;
    … and up und (noch) höher oder mehr, von … aufwärts;
    up and up höher und höher, immer höher;
    farther up weiter hinauf oder (nach) oben;
    three storeys up drei Stock hoch, (oben) im dritten Stock (-werk);
    a) auf und ab, hin und her oder zurück,
    b) fig überall;
    buttoned all the way up bis oben (hin) zugeknöpft;
    a) (heraus) aus,
    b) von … an, angefangen von …;
    from my youth up von Jugend auf, seit meiner Jugend;
    up till now bis jetzt
    2. weiter (nach oben), höher (auch fig):
    up north weiter im Norden
    3. flussaufwärts, den Fluss hinauf
    4. nach oder im Norden:
    up from Cuba von Kuba aus in nördlicher Richtung
    5. a) in der oder in die ( besonders Haupt)Stadt
    b) Br besonders in oder nach London:
    he’s up for a week Br er ist eine Woche (lang) in London
    6. Br am oder zum Studienort, im College etc:
    7. US umg in (dat):
    up north im Norden
    8. aufrecht, gerade:
    sit up gerade sitzen
    9. up to auf … (akk) zu, zu … (hin):
    he went straight up to the door er ging geradewegs auf die Tür zu oder zur Tür
    10. SPORT etc erzielt (Punktzahl):
    with a hundred up mit hundert (Punkten)
    11. Tischtennis etc: auf:
    two up zwei auf, beide zwei
    12. Baseball: am Schlag
    13. SCHIFF luvwärts, gegen den Wind
    14. up to
    a) hinauf nach oder zu,
    b) bis (zu), bis an oder auf (akk),
    c) gemäß, entsprechend:
    up to six months bis zu sechs Monaten;
    up to town in die Stadt, Br besonders nach London;
    up to death bis zum Tode; chin A, count1 C 1, date2 A 10, expectation 1, mark1 A 13, par A 3, scratch A 5, standard1 A 6
    15. be up to meist umg
    a) etwas vorhaben, etwas im Schilde führen,
    b) gewachsen sein (dat),
    c) entsprechen (dat),
    d) jemandes Sache sein, abhängen von,
    e) fähig oder bereit sein zu,
    f) vorbereitet oder gefasst sein auf (akk),
    g) vertraut sein mit, sich auskennen in (dat):
    what are you up to? was hast du vor?, was machst du ( there da)?;
    he is up to no good er führt nichts Gutes im Schilde;
    it is up to him es liegt an ihm, es hängt von ihm ab, es ist seine Sache;
    it is not up to much es taugt nicht viel;
    he is not up to much mit ihm ist nicht viel los; snuff1 C 3, trick A 1, A 2
    16. (in Verbindung mit Verben [siehe jeweils diese] besonders als Intensivum)
    a) auf…, aus…, ver…
    b) zusammen…
    B int up! auf!, hoch!, herauf!, hinauf!:
    up (with you)! (steh) auf!;
    up …! hoch (lebe) …!; bottom A 1
    C präp
    1. auf … (akk) (hinauf):
    up the ladder die Leiter hinauf;
    up the street die Straße hinauf oder entlang;
    up yours! vulg leck(t) mich (doch)!
    2. in das Innere eines Landes etc (hinein):
    up (the) country landeinwärts
    3. gegen:
    4. oben an oder auf (dat), an der Spitze (gen):
    up the tree (oben) auf dem Baum;
    further up the road weiter oben in der Straße;
    up the yard hinten im Hof
    D adj
    1. Aufwärts…, nach oben gerichtet
    2. im Inneren (des Landes etc)
    3. nach der oder zur Stadt:
    up platform Bahnsteig m für Stadtzüge
    4. a) oben (befindlich), (nach oben) gestiegen
    b) hoch (auch fig):
    be up fig an der Spitze sein, obenauf sein ( D 6, D 11);
    he is well up in that subject umg in diesem Fach ist er auf der Höhe oder gut beschlagen oder firm;
    prices are up die Preise sind gestiegen;
    wheat is up WIRTSCH der Weizen steht hoch (im Kurs), der Weizenpreis ist gestiegen
    5. höher
    6. auf(gestanden), auf den Beinen (auch fig):
    be up auf sein ( D 4, D 11);
    be up and about (again) (wieder) auf den Beinen sein;
    be up late lange aufbleiben;
    be up again wieder obenauf sein;
    be up against a hard job umg vor einer schwierigen Aufgabe stehen;
    be up against it umg in der Klemme sein oder sitzen oder stecken
    7. (zum Sprechen) aufgestanden:
    the Home Secretary is up der Innenminister will sprechen oder spricht
    8. PARL Br geschlossen:
    Parliament is up das Parlament hat seine Sitzungen beendet oder hat sich vertagt
    a) aufgegangen (Sonne, Samen)
    b) hochgeschlagen (Kragen)
    c) hochgekrempelt (Ärmel etc)
    d) aufgespannt (Schirm)
    e) aufgeschlagen (Zelt)
    f) hoch-, aufgezogen (Vorhang etc)
    g) aufgestiegen (Ballon etc)
    h) aufgeflogen (Vogel)
    i) angeschwollen (Fuß etc)
    10. schäumend (Getränk):
    the cider is up der Apfelwein schäumt
    11. be up (einwandfrei) funktionieren (Computer) ( D 4, D 6);
    up time Benutzerzeit f
    12. umg in Aufruhr, erregt:
    his temper is up er ist erregt oder aufgebracht;
    the whole country was up das ganze Land befand sich in Aufruhr; arm2 Bes Redew, blood A 2
    13. umg los, im Gange:
    what’s up? was ist los?;
    is anything up? ist (irgendet)was los?; hunt A 1
    14. zu Ende, abgelaufen, vorbei, um:
    it’s all up es ist alles aus;
    it’s all up with him koll es ist aus mit ihm; game1 A 6, time A 11
    15. up with jemandem ebenbürtig oder gewachsen
    16. up for bereit zu:
    be up for election auf der Wahlliste stehen;
    be up for examination sich einer Prüfung unterziehen;
    be up for murder JUR unter Mordanklage stehen;
    be up for sale zum Kauf stehen;
    a) vor Gericht stehen,
    b) verhandelt werden
    17. SPORT, Spiel: um einen Punkt etc voraus:
    one up for you eins zu null für dich (a. fig)
    E v/i
    1. umg aufstehen, aufspringen:
    up and ask sb jemanden plötzlich fragen
    2. up with US umg etwas hochreißen:
    3. besonders US sl Aufputschmittel nehmen
    F v/t umg einen Preis, die Produktion etc erhöhen
    G s
    1. Aufwärtsbewegung f, An-, Aufstieg m:
    the ups and downs pl das Auf und Ab;
    the ups and downs of life die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens;
    he has had many ups and downs in his life er hat schon viele Höhen und Tiefen erlebt;
    a) Br im Steigen (begriffen), im Kommen,
    b) US in Ordnung, anständig, ehrlich;
    our firm’s on the up and up Br umg mit unserer Firma geht es aufwärts, unsere Firma ist im Aufwind;
    he’s on the up and up umg er macht keine krummen Touren
    2. umg Preisanstieg m, Wertzuwachs m
    3. besonders US upper B 4
    * * *
    1. adverb
    1) (to higher place) nach oben; (in lift) aufwärts

    [right] up to something — (lit. or fig.) [ganz] bis zu etwas hinauf

    the bird flew up to the roof — der Vogel flog aufs Dach [hinauf]

    up into the air — in die Luft [hinauf]...

    climb up on something/climb up to the top of something — auf etwas (Akk.) [hinauf]steigen/bis zur Spitze einer Sache hinaufsteigen

    the way up [to something] — der Weg hinauf [zu etwas]

    on the way up(lit. or fig.) auf dem Weg nach oben

    up here/there — hier herauf/dort hinauf

    high/higher up — hoch/höher hinauf

    halfway/a long/little way up — den halben Weg/ein weites/kurzes Stück hinauf

    come on up! — komm [hier/weiter] herauf!

    up it etc. comes/goes — herauf kommt/hinauf geht es usw.

    2) (to upstairs, northwards) rauf (bes. ugs.); herauf/hinauf (bes. schriftsprachlich); nach oben

    come up from London to Edinburgh — von London nach Edinburgh [he]raufkommen

    4) (Brit.): (to capital) rein (bes. ugs.); herein/hinein (bes. schriftsprachlich)

    go up to town or London — nach London gehen/fahren

    get up to London from Reading — von Reading nach London [he]reinfahren

    5) (in higher place, upstairs, in north) oben

    up here/there — hier/da oben

    an order from high up(fig.) ein Befehl von ganz oben (ugs.)

    halfway/a long/little way up — auf halbem Weg nach oben/ein gutes/kurzes Stück weiter oben

    live four floors or storeys up — im vierten Stockwerk wohnen

    6) (erect) hoch

    keep your head up — halte den Kopf hoch; see also chin

    8) (in place regarded as more important; Brit.): (in capital)

    up in town or London/Leeds — in London/Leeds

    9) (in price, value, amount)

    prices have gone/are up — die Preise sind gestiegen

    butter is up [by...] — Butter ist [...] teurer

    10) (including higher limit)

    up to — bis... hinauf

    up to midday/up to £2 — bis zum Mittag/bis zu 2 Pfund

    we're £300 up on last year — wir liegen 300 Pfund über dem letzten Jahr

    the takings were £500 up on the previous month — die Einnahmen lagen 500 Pfund über denen des Vormonats

    be three points/games/goals up — (Sport) mit drei Punkten/Spielen/Toren vorn liegen

    up to here/there — bis hier[hin]/bis dorthin

    I've had it up to here(coll.) mir steht es bis hier [hin] (ugs.)

    up to now/then/that time/last week — bis jetzt/damals/zu jener Zeit/zur letzten Woche


    up to(comparable with)

    be up to expectation[s] — den Erwartungen entsprechen


    up to(capable of)

    [not] be/feel up to something — einer Sache (Dat.) [nicht] gewachsen sein/sich einer Sache (Dat.) [nicht] gewachsen fühlen

    [not] be/feel up to doing something — [nicht] in der Lage sein/sich nicht in der Lage fühlen, etwas zu tun


    up to(derog.): (doing)

    what is he up to? — was hat er [bloß] vor?


    it is [not] up to somebody to do something — (somebody's duty) es ist [nicht] jemandes Sache, etwas zu tun

    it is up to us to help them — es ist unsere Pflicht, ihnen zu helfen

    it's/that's up to you — (is for you to decide) es/das hängt von dir ab; (concerns only you) es/das ist deine Sache

    up against somebody/something — an jemandem/etwas [lehnen]; an jemanden/etwas [stellen]

    sit up against the wallmit dem Rücken zur od. an der Wand sitzen

    be up against a problem/difficulty — etc. (coll.) vor einem Problem/einer Schwierigkeit usw. stehen


    up and down (upwards and downwards) hinauf und hinunter; (to and fro) auf und ab

    be up and down(coll.): (variable) Hochs und Tiefs haben

    ‘this side/way up’ — (on box etc.) "[hier] oben"

    turn something this/the other side/way up — diese/die andere Seite einer Sache nach oben drehen

    the right/wrong way up — richtig/verkehrt od. falsch herum

    22) (finished, at an end) abgelaufen
    2. preposition
    1) (upwards along, from bottom to top) rauf (bes. ugs.); herauf/hinauf (bes. schriftsprachlich)

    up somethingetwas (Akk.) hinauf

    further up the ladder/coast — weiter oben auf der Leiter/an der Küste

    3. adjective
    1) (directed upwards) aufwärts führend [Rohr, Kabel]; [Rolltreppe] nach oben; nach oben gerichtet [Kolbenhub]

    up train/line — (Railw.) Zug/Gleis Richtung Stadt

    be up in a subject/on the news — in einem Fach auf der Höhe [der Zeit] sein/über alle Neuigkeiten Bescheid wissen od. gut informiert sein

    3) (coll.): (ready)

    tea['s]/grub['s] up! — Tee/Essen ist fertig!

    4) (coll.): (amiss)
    4. noun in pl.

    the ups and downs(lit. or fig.) das Auf und Ab; (fig.) die Höhen und Tiefen

    5. intransitive verb,
    - pp- (coll.)

    up and leave/resign — einfach abhauen (ugs.) /kündigen

    he ups and says... — da sagt er doch [ur]plötzlich...

    6. transitive verb,
    - pp- (coll.) (increase) erhöhen; (raise up) heben
    * * *
    auf adv.
    aufwärts adv.
    hinauf adv.
    hoch adj.
    oben adv. prep.
    auf präp.

    English-german dictionary > up

  • 9 ♦ go

    ♦ go (1) /gəʊ/
    n. (pl. goes)
    1 [cu] l'andare; moto; movimento: come-and-go, andare e venire; andirivieni; trambusto
    2 [u] (fam.) animazione; attività; brio; energia; entusiasmo; spirito; vigore: He's full of go, è pieno di brio (o d'energia, di vigore); to be on the go, essere attivo, indaffarato; essere in piena attività; DIALOGO → - Discussing books 1- I've got a couple of books on the go, ho un paio di libri in ballo
    3 (fam.) turno: Whose go is it?, a chi tocca?; It's my go next, adesso è il mio turno; ora tocca a me
    4 (fam.) prova; tentativo: to have a go, fare un tentativo; cercare di arrestare un criminale (di fermare un ladro, ecc.); Let's have a go at it, facciamo un tentativo!; proviamo!; DIALOGO → - Discussing video games- You should have a go, dovresti provare
    5 (fam.) moda; voga: to be all the go, essere in gran voga
    6 (fam.) porzione ( di cibo); quantità, razione ( di liquido, di bevanda)
    7 (fam.) attacco d'influenza; accesso ( di tosse)
    8 (fam.) colpo; volta: I booked the flight and hotel at one go, ho prenotato il volo e l'albergo tutto in una (sola) volta
    9 (fam.) impresa riuscita; successo: He made a go of it, ha avuto un gran successo
    10 (fam. Austral.) situazione; stato di cose: What's the go?, come vanno le cose?; This is a bit of a rum go, è una situazione strana, imbarazzante
    ● (mecc.) go gauge, calibro passa □ go-go go-go ( lemma) □ go-it-alone, il fare da sé: (polit.) go-it-alone policy, politica unilaterale □ (fam.) to have a go at sb. for doing st., sgridare q. per aver fatto qc.; trovare a ridire su qc. che q. ha fatto: DIALOGO → - School- The teacher had a right go at me in front of everyone, l'insegnante mi ha dato una bella sgridata davanti a tutti □ (fam.) to have a little go, darsi un po' da fare; ( anche) fare un piccolo tentativo di fuga □ (fam.) to be no go, non esserci niente da fare: I tried hard to convince him, but it was no go, feci di tutto per convincerlo, ma non ci fu niente da fare □ (mecc.) go-no-gogo no-go □ (fam.) No go, impossibile; non c'è niente da fare; è inutile □ It's all go in the office now, ora l'ufficio è in piena attività □ It was a near go, ce la siamo cavata per un pelo (o per un soffio) □ (fam.) Is it a go?, allora siamo d'accordo?; l'affare è fatto? □ (mecc.) All systems ( are) go, tutto in ordine!; (aeron.) pronti al decollo!; (miss.) pronti al lancio!
    go (2) /gəʊ/
    (equit.: per incitare il cavallo) arri!; ih!; hop!
    ♦ (to) go /gəʊ/
    (pass. went, p. p. gone; 3a pers. sing. indic. goes)
    A v. i.
    1 andare: Shall we go by ship or by plane?, andiamo in nave o in aereo?; He has gone to Australia, è andato in Australia; All the money went to him, tutti i soldi sono andati a lui; This road goes to Rome, questa strada va a Roma; The roots go deep, le radici vanno al fondo; I can't get the car to go, non riesco a far andare l'automobile; How did the election go?, come sono andate le elezioni?; (mil.) Who goes there?, chi va là?
    2 andarsene ( anche fig.); partire; passare; cedere; spezzarsi; partire: It's getting late; I must be going, si fa tardi; devo andarmene; DIALOGO → - Going on holiday 1- Where are you going?, dove vai?; Go when the light turns green, passa quando viene il verde!; The pain has gone, il dolore se n'è andato; When does the bus go?, quando parte l'autobus?; I thought the branch would go any moment, credevo che il ramo se ne andasse (o cedesse) da un momento all'altro; Latin must go, il latino (lo studio del latino) dev'essere abolito
    3 stare a; tendere a: That goes to prove that he is wrong, ciò sta (o tende) a provare che ha torto
    4 (anche v. t.) fare ( un verso, un rumore, ecc.): Cats go miaow, il gatto fa miao; The chorus goes like this, il ritornello fa così
    5 ( di campana, orologio, ecc.) suonare: The school bell has just gone, è appena suonata la campanella della scuola
    6 arrivare a; giungere al punto di: I won't go so far as to say that he is dishonest, but…, non arriverò a dire che sia disonesto, ma…
    7 (seguito da un agg.) andare; farsi; diventare: to go bald, diventare calvo; to go bankrupt, andare in bancarotta; He's gone blind, è diventato cieco; He went green with envy, egli divenne (o si fece) di tutti i colori per l'invidia; Her mind went blank, le si è annebbiata la mente; ha avuto un vuoto di memoria
    8 (seguito dalla forma in - ing) andare a: to go fishing, andare a pesca
    9 fare; muovere: Go like this with your right hand, fai così con la mano destra!; muovi la destra così!
    10 andare bene; essere accettabile: I'm the boss: what I say goes, il capo sono io: quello che dico io, va bene
    11 (comm.) andare; vendersi; essere aggiudicato: The cutlery went for 300 pounds, la posateria è stata aggiudicata per 300 sterline; Everything must go, dobbiamo vendere tutto
    12 essere in vendita; costare: to go cheap, costare poco
    13 (solo nella forma progressiva, al pass.) dover andare: They were going to Greece, but they changed their minds, dovevano andare in Grecia, ma cambiarono idea
    14 to be going (seguito da inf. con to), stare per; essere sul punto di; accingersi a, intendere, avere l'intenzione di (fare qc.); volere (anche, idiom., equivale al futuro ital.): I'm going to stop smoking, smetterò (o voglio smettere) di fumare; When are you going to leave?, quando intendi partire? quando parti?; Is our team going to win?, (pensi che) la nostra squadra vincerà?; It's going to rain, sta per piovere
    15 (nella forma progressiva) svenire; venir meno: He felt himself going, si è sentito svenire
    16 andare; essere collocato: DIALOGO → - At the photocopier- Where does the cartridge go?, dove va la cartuccia?
    17 ( talora) venire: I want to go as well, voglio venire anch'io
    18 ( slang eufem.) andare di corpo; andare al gabinetto: Does anybody want to go while I fill up?, qualcuno vuole andare al bagno mentre faccio il pieno?
    19 (citando le parole di q.) fare; dire: Then she goes: «Don't tease me again», and he shrugs, poi lei dice: «Non prendermi in giro di nuovo», e lui fa spallucce
    B v. t.
    1 scommettere: I'll go ten dollars, scommetto dieci dollari
    2 ( a carte) dichiarare: to go two spades, dichiarare due picche
    3 ( USA) pagare
    to go, ( sport: nelle corse) da percorrere, (fino) al traguardo; ( calcio, ecc.) al termine della partita (o dell'incontro); ( USA: di cibo) da portare via; da asporto: 20 kms to go, 20 kilometri al traguardo; (autom.) 3 laps to go, ancora tre giri (di pista) da fare; mancano tre giri alla conclusione; five minutes to go, cinque minuti alla fine!; One latte to go!, un cappuccino da portare via! □ to go abroad, andare all'estero □ to go all out, mettercela tutta: We went all out for a draw, ce la mettemmo tutta per ottenere il pareggio □ to go bad, andare a male; guastarsi: The eggs went bad, le uova sono andate a male □ to go badly, andare male; fare male ( in affari, agli esami, ecc.) □ (leg.) to go bail for sb., pagare la cauzione per q. ( per ottenergli la libertà provvisoria) □ (fam.) to go belly up, andare a gambe all'aria; fallire □ to go ( one) better, superare, far meglio (per un punto); (comm.: a un'asta, ecc.) offrire un prezzo più alto □ (fam.) to go bust = to go belly up ► sopra □ to go down as, essere ricordato (o considerato) come □ to go far, andare lontano ( anche fig.); fare strada, fare carriera; ( di cibo, provviste, ecc.) durare; ( di denaro) fare molto: My income doesn't go far, con il mio reddito non si fa molto; = to go a long way towards ► sotto □ to go free, andare libero; (fig.) restare impunito; cavarsela (fam.) □ to go from bad to worse, andare di male in peggio □ to go halves, fare a mezzo; dividere le spese; fare alla romana (fam.) □ to go home, andare a casa; tornare a casa; tornare in patria; (fam.) morire; ( di una macchina) guastarsi; ( di un'osservazione, ecc.) andare a segno, colpire il bersaglio (fig.) □ to go hot and cold, avvampare per la febbre; arrossire per la vergogna; sudar freddo, impressionarsi □ to go hungry, patire la fame □ to go it alone, fare da sé (o da solo) □ to go a long way, andare lontano; (fig.) valere molto: Fifty thousand pounds goes a long way, con cinquantamila sterline si può far molto □ to go a long way towards, aiutare parecchio, contribuire in modo determinante (a fare qc.) □ to go mad, impazzire □ (spreg. o scherz., di straniero) to go native, fare proprio lo stile di vita degli abitanti del luogo; diventare un indigeno □ (mil.) to go sick, darsi malato; marcar visita ( gergo mil.) □ to go slow, andare piano; rallentare il lavoro, fare uno sciopero bianco □ ( del latte, ecc.) to go sour, inacidire □ to go too far, andare troppo lontano; (fig.) esagerare: That's going too far, qui si esagera; questo è (un po') troppo! □ to go unnoticed, passare inosservato □ to go unpunished, restare impunito; cavarsela (fam.) □ to go one's own way, andare per la propria strada; andare per i fatti propri □ (fig. fam.) to go west, morire; tirare le cuoia; guastarsi □ to go white with fear, sbiancare in volto per la paura □ (fam.) to go ( the) whole hog, andare sino in fondo □ to go worse, peggiorare □ to go wrong, sbagliare strada; (fig.) andare storto; guastarsi; ( di una donna) prendere una brutta strada (fig.): Something went wrong with my plans, qualcosa è andato storto nei miei progetti □ (antiq.) ( di due innamorati) to be going steady, fare sul serio □ to be going strong, essere forte, vigoroso; essere in gamba, andare forte (fig. fam.); ( di un prodotto, ecc.) vendersi bene, tirare: ( sport) Our team is going strong this year, quest'anno i nostri vanno forte □ as far as it goes, fino a questo punto, fin qui; fino a un certo punto: It is all very well, as ( o so) far as it goes, fin qui sta bene □ as things go, stando così le cose; visto l'andazzo generale □ (fam.) to get going, cominciare; mettersi in moto, partire □ (fam.) I don't want to go there, non fa per me; non ci sto; preferisco di no □ Go easy!, fa' piano!; prendila con calma!: Go easy with the butter, or there will be none left, vacci piano col burro, se no rimaniamo senza □ ( a un cane, tirando un sasso, ecc.) Go fetch!, porta qui! □ (fam. USA) Go figure!, chissà perché; va' a sapere!; vallo a capire!; mistero! □ Ready, (steady,) go!, pronti, partenza, via! □ Here goes!, ( detto iniziando un'impresa difficile) forza, ci siamo!; o la va o la spacca! □ Going! going! gone!, (comm.: nelle vendite all'asta) e uno, e due, e tre… aggiudicato! □ Let go!, lascia andare!; molla! □ Let it go!, lascia andare! ( anche fig.); lascia perdere! □ (fig.) to let oneself go, lasciarsi andare □ The story goes that…, si dice (o si mormora, corre voce) che… □ My voice has gone, ho perso la voce □ (fam.) You've gone and done it!, l'hai fatta grossa! □ (volg., antiq.) He may go hang!, può andare a farsi fottere (volg.) (o a farsi impiccare)!
    NOTA D'USO: - go to / go and- NOTA D'USO: - to go in o to come in?-

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ go

  • 10 medida

    1 measurement.
    ¿qué medidas tiene el contenedor? what are the measurements of the container?
    tomar las medidas a alguien to take somebody's measurements
    2 measure, step.
    adoptar o tomar medidas to take measures o steps
    medida preventiva preventive measure
    medidas de seguridad safety measures
    3 moderation.
    sin medida without moderation
    4 extent, degree (grado).
    ¿en qué medida nos afecta? to what extent does it affect us?
    en cierta/gran medida to some/a large extent
    en mayor/menor medida to a greater/lesser extent
    en la medida de lo posible as far as possible
    5 course of action.
    6 quantity, amount.
    7 scoop, scoopful.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: medir.
    * * *
    1 (acción) measuring; (dato, número) measurement
    ¿qué medidas tienes? what are your measurements?
    2 (disposición) measure
    3 (grado) extent
    4 (prudencia) moderation
    5 LITERATURA measure, metre
    a (la) medida (traje) made-to-measure
    en la medida de lo posible as far as possible
    tomar/adoptar medidas to take steps, take measures
    tomarle las medidas a alguien to take somebody's measurements
    medida de capacidad measure of capacity
    medida de longitud measure of length
    medida de seguridad security measure
    medida de volumen measure of volume
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) measure, measurement
    2) step
    * * *
    1) (=unidad de medida) measure
    2) (=medición) measuring, measurement
    3) pl medidas (=dimensiones) measurements

    ¿qué medidas tiene la mesa? — what are the measurements of the table?

    ¿cuáles son tus medidas? — what are your measurements?

    tomar las medidas a algn/algo — (lit) to measure sb/sth, take sb's/sth's measurements; (fig) to size sb/sth up *

    4) (=proporción)

    en cierta medida — to a certain extent

    en gran medida — to a great extent

    en menor medida — to a lesser extent

    en la medida de lo posible — as far as possible, insofar as it is possible

    a medida que — as

    en la medida en que+ indic in that; + subjun if

    solo cambiarán el tratamiento en la medida en que los resultados sean negativos — the treatment will only be altered if the results are negative

    5) (Cos)

    a (la) medida — [ropa, zapatos] made to measure; [trabajo, vacaciones] tailor-made

    de o sobre medida — Chile [ropa, zapatos] made-to-measure

    venir a (la) medida — (lit) to be the right size; (fig) to be tailor-made

    6) LAm (=talla) size

    ¿cuál es su medida? — what size do you take?

    ¿qué medida de cuello tiene usted? — what collar size are you?, what is your collar measurement?

    ropa a sobre medida — Méx outsize clothing

    7) (=disposición) measure

    adoptar o tomar medidas — to take measures, take steps

    medida cautelar, medida de precaución — precautionary measure

    medidas de seguridad[contra ataques, robos] security measures; [contra incendios] safety measures

    paquete 1., 3)
    8) (=moderación)

    con medida — in moderation

    sin medida — to excess

    9) [de versos] (=medición) measuring, scansion; (=longitud) measure
    * * *
    1) (Mat) ( dimensión) measurement

    ¿qué medidas tiene el cuarto? — what are the dimensions of the room?

    a (la) medida<traje/zapato> custom-made (AmE), made-to-measure (BrE)

    a medida que — as

    3) ( objeto) measure; ( contenido) measure

    colmar la medida: eso colmó la medida — that was the last straw

    4) (grado, proporción)

    en gran/cierta/menos medida — to a large/certain/lesser extent

    6) (Lit) measure
    7) ( disposición) measure
    * * *
    1) (Mat) ( dimensión) measurement

    ¿qué medidas tiene el cuarto? — what are the dimensions of the room?

    a (la) medida<traje/zapato> custom-made (AmE), made-to-measure (BrE)

    a medida que — as

    3) ( objeto) measure; ( contenido) measure

    colmar la medida: eso colmó la medida — that was the last straw

    4) (grado, proporción)

    en gran/cierta/menos medida — to a large/certain/lesser extent

    6) (Lit) measure
    7) ( disposición) measure
    * * *
    1 = measure, scale, metric.

    Ex: One measure of a library's market is the number of reference questions dealt with at the reference desk or through electronic reference.

    Ex: The apparent size of the face is measured directly with a finely graduated scale and a magnifying glass.
    Ex: The author outlines quantitative metrics that measure information technology productivity from the perspective of the overall rate of return to the organization.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * considerar en su justa medida = see + in proportion.
    * contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en igual medida = similarly.
    * en la medida de lo posible = so far as possible.
    * en la medida en que = in that, so long as, to the extent that, insofar as [in so far as], to the degree that.
    * en mayor medida = to a greater extent, to a greater degree, a fortiori, to a larger degree, to a larger extent.
    * en mayor o menor medida = to a greater or lesser extent.
    * hacer a medida = custom-make, make to + order.
    * hacer a medida para satisfacer los requisitos = tailor to + meet the specification.
    * hacerse a medida de una aplicación práctica concreta = tailor to + application.
    * hecho a medida = customised [customized, -USA], purpose-designed, tailored, tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], bespoke, made to measure, fitted, made-to-order.
    * influir en gran medida = become + a force.
    * la medida en que = the extent to which.
    * ley de pesos y medidas = weights and measures act.
    * medida cuantitativa = quantitative measure.
    * medida de productividad = output measure.
    * medida de rendimiento = performance measure, output measure.
    * medidas y colindancias = metes and bounds.
    * sistema anglosajón de medidas = imperial measures.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.

    2 = arrangement, countermeasure [counter measure], measure.

    Ex: This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.

    Ex: This article reviews the extent of book theft in libraries and discusses some effective countermeasures that may help reduce the problem.
    Ex: If we as a society hope to deal with a very real and important issue, the implementation of this popular measure is a good place to start.
    * como medida de seguridad = as a backup.
    * como medida provisional = as an interim measure.
    * como medida temporal = as an interim measure.
    * como medida transitoria = as an interim measure.
    * medida de austeridad = austerity measure.
    * medida de contrapeso = counterbalance.
    * medida de control = control measure.
    * medida de emergencia = emergency measure.
    * medida defensiva = line of defence.
    * medida de fuerza = crackdown.
    * medida de precaución = security precaution, precautionary measure.
    * medida de protección = safeguard.
    * medida de ralentización del tráfico = traffic calming measure.
    * medida de seguridad = safety standard, security measure, safety regulation, safety precaution.
    * medida de seguridad e higiene en el trabajo = health and safety standard.
    * medida disciplinaria = disciplinary measure.
    * medida draconiana = draconian measure.
    * medida económica = economic measure.
    * medida enérgica = crackdown.
    * medida estructural = structural measure.
    * medida extrema = dire measure.
    * medida paliativa = palliative measure.
    * medida preventiva = preventative measure, precautionary measure, preventive measure, preemptive measure, safeguard.
    * medida provisional = stop gap measure, stopgap [stop-gap], stopgap measure, stopgap measure.
    * medidas = action.
    * medidas correctivas = corrective action, remedial action.
    * medidas de prevención = prevention efforts, prevention measures.
    * medidas disciplinarias = disciplining.
    * medidas drásticas = clampdown (on).
    * medidas preventivas = preventive care, ounce of prevention, preventative care.
    * para tomar medidas = for action.
    * primera medida = initial step.
    * proponer medidas = propose + measures.
    * toma de medidas = action.
    * tomar medida = take + action step.
    * tomar medidas = follow + steps, take + precaution, take + steps, take + measures, produce + contingency plan, make + contingency plan, apply + measures, undertake + action.
    * tomar medidas (contra) = take + action (against).
    * tomar medidas correctivas = pose + corrective action, take + corrective action, take + remedial action.
    * tomar medidas demasiado drásticas = throw + the baby out with the bath water.
    * tomar medidas de seguridad = take + safety precautions.
    * tomar medidas de seguridad más estrictas = tighten + security.
    * tomar medidas drásticas contra = clamp down on.
    * tomar medidas enérgicas contra = crack down on.
    * tomar medidas preventivas = take + preventive measures.

    * a medida que = as.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time goes by, as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * * *
    A ( Mat) (dimensión) measurement
    anota las medidas de la lavadora make a note of the measurements of the washing machine
    ¿qué medidas tiene el cuarto? what are the dimensions of the room?
    ¿cuáles son las medidas reglamentarias de una piscina olímpica? what's the regulation size of an olympic pool?
    la modista me tomó las medidas the dressmaker took my measurements
    tomar las medidas de algo to measure something
    surface measurement
    B ( en locs):
    a (la) medida: un traje (hecho) a medida a custom-made suit ( AmE), a made-to-measure suit ( BrE)
    usa zapatos a medida he wears made-to-measure shoes
    servicios diseñados a la medida custom-designed services
    a la medida de algo: fabricamos muebles a la medida de su exigencia we manufacture furniture to meet all your requirements
    éste es un proyecto a la medida de su ambición this is a project in keeping with o which matches his ambitions
    necesita una actividad a la medida de su talento he needs a job which will suit o which is commensurate with his abilities
    a medida que va pasando el tiempo uno se va adaptando as time goes on, one (gradually) adapts
    a medida que se acercaba la fecha se ponía más y más nervioso as the date drew closer he got more and more nervous
    a medida que la fue conociendo se fue desengañando the more he got to know her o the better he got to know her o as he got to know her the more disillusioned he became
    1 (objeto) measure
    2 (contenido) measure
    un vaso de leche por cada medida de cacao one glass of milk per measure of cocoa
    llenar or colmar la medida: eso colmó la medida, ya no estaba dispuesto a aguantar más that was the last straw, I wasn't going to take any more
    cubic measure
    medida (de capacidad) para áridos/líquidos
    dry/liquid measure
    (grado, proporción): en buena or gran medida to a great o large extent
    en cierta/menor medida to a certain/lesser extent
    intentaremos, en la medida de lo posible, satisfacer a todo el mundo insofar as it is possible o as far as possible we will try to satisfy everyone
    intentará hacer algo por ti en la medida en que le sea posible she'll try and do whatever she can for you
    (moderación): come con medida he eats moderately
    gastan dinero sin medida they spend money like water, they're very extravagant (with money)
    F ( Lit) measure
    G (disposición) measure
    la huelga y otras medidas de presión the strike and other forms of pressure
    expulsarlo me parece una medida demasiado drástica I think expelling him is too drastic a step o is a rather drastic measure
    tomar medidas to take steps o measures
    me veré en la obligación de tomar medidas más estrictas I will be obliged to adopt more severe measures
    tomaré todas las medidas necesarias para que no vuelva a suceder I will take all the necessary steps to see that this does not happen again
    es conveniente tomar estas pastillas como medida preventiva it's advisable to take these pills as a preventive measure
    preventative o precautionary measure
    security measures
    (en Ur) emergency security measures
    * * *


    medida sustantivo femenino
    1 (Mat) ( dimensión) measurement;

    tomar las medidas de algo to measure something
    2 ( en locs)
    a (la) medidatraje/zapato custom-made (AmE), made-to-measure (BrE);

    a medida que as;
    a medida que fue creciendo as he grew up
    3 ( utensilio) measure;
    ( contenido) measure
    4 (grado, proporción):
    en gran/cierta medida to a large/certain extent;

    en la medida de lo posible as far as possible
    5 ( disposición) measure;
    tomar medidas to take steps o measures

    medida sustantivo femenino
    1 (medición) measurement
    (unidad) measure
    una medida de peso, a measure of weight
    la medida del tiempo, the measurement of time
    2 (grado, intensidad) extent: no sé en qué medida nos afectará, I don't know to what extent it will affect us
    3 Pol measure
    una medida injusta, a unfair measure
    ' medida' also found in these entries:
    - abusiva
    - abusivo
    - acre
    - afectar
    - área
    - arroba
    - braza
    - carácter
    - concertar
    - conforme
    - conveniente
    - corpulencia
    - desatar
    - desesperación
    - efectividad
    - eficacia
    - eficaz
    - encaminada
    - encaminado
    - gratuita
    - gratuito
    - impracticable
    - incidencia
    - justa
    - justo
    - Libra
    - malestar
    - metro
    - onza
    - patrón
    - patrona
    - perjudicar
    - pertinencia
    - pie
    - pinta
    - polemizar
    - providencia
    - punto
    - quintal
    - repercusión
    - resistencia
    - saludar
    - según
    - sentida
    - sentido
    - solidaria
    - solidario
    - superflua
    - superfluo
    - check off
    - custom
    - depth
    - dessertspoon
    - dishonest
    - extent
    - far
    - fitted
    - foot
    - gauge
    - give
    - importantly
    - ineffective
    - insofar
    - lesser
    - linear measure
    - lorry
    - made-to-measure
    - measure
    - measurement
    - pint
    - push through
    - quart
    - severe
    - severity
    - step
    - stone
    - strike off
    - tailor-made
    - temporary
    - ton
    - unit
    - waist
    - way
    - yard
    - as
    - fitting
    - gill
    - insofar as
    - made
    - move
    - tailor
    - walk
    * * *
    medida nf
    1. [dimensión, medición] measurement;
    ¿qué medidas tiene el contenedor? what are the measurements of the container?;
    unidades de medida units of measurement;
    a (la) medida [mueble] custom-built;
    [ropa, calzado] made-to-measure;
    es una casa/un trabajo a tu medida it's the ideal house/job for you, it's as if the house/job were made for you;
    a (la) medida de mi deseo just as I would have wanted it;
    medidas [del cuerpo] measurements;
    tomar las medidas a alguien to take sb's measurements;
    tomar las medidas de algo to measure sth;
    le tengo tomada la medida al jefe I know what the boss is like;
    ya le voy tomando la medida al nuevo trabajo I'm getting the hang of the new job
    medida de capacidad measure [liquid or dry]
    2. [cantidad específica] measure;
    el daiquiri lleva una medida de limón por cada tres de ron a daiquiri is made with one part lemon to three parts rum
    3. [disposición] measure, step;
    adoptar o [m5] tomar medidas to take measures o steps;
    yo ya he tomado mis medidas I'm prepared, I've made my preparations;
    tomar medidas disciplinarias (contra) to take disciplinary action (against);
    medidas de choque emergency measures;
    medidas de seguridad [contra accidentes] safety precautions;
    [contra delincuencia] security measures
    4. [moderación] moderation;
    con/sin medida in/without moderation
    5. [grado] extent;
    ¿en qué medida nos afecta? to what extent does it affect us?;
    en cierta/gran medida to some/a large extent;
    en mayor/menor medida to a greater/lesser extent;
    en la medida de lo posible as far as possible;
    a medida que iban entrando as they were coming in;
    6. Lit [de verso] measure
    * * *
    1 ( unidad) measure; acto measurement;
    hecho a medida made to measure;
    está hecho a medida de mis necesidades it’s tailor-made for me;
    tomar las medidas a alguien take s.o.’s measurements;
    tomar medidas fig take measures o
    2 ( grado) extent;
    en mayor medida to a greater extent
    * * *
    medida nf
    1) : measurement, measure
    hecho a medida: custom-made
    2) : measure, step
    tomar medidas: to take steps
    3) : moderation, prudence
    sin medida: immoderately
    4) : extent, degree
    en gran medida: to a great extent
    * * *
    1. (extensión) measurement
    te vamos a tomar las medidas we're going to take your measurements / we're going to measure you
    ¿qué medidas tiene la mesa? how big is the table?
    2. (unidad, acción) measure

    Spanish-English dictionary > medida

  • 11 place

    A n
    1 (location, position) endroit m ; to move from place to place se déplacer d'un endroit à l'autre ; I hope this is the right place j'espère que c'est le bon endroit ; we've come to the wrong place nous nous sommes trompés d'endroit ; the best place to buy sth le meilleur endroit pour acheter qch ; same time, same place même heure, même endroit ; in many places dans de nombreux endroits ; in places [hilly, damaged, worn] par endroits ; her leg had been stung in several places elle avait été piquée à la jambe à plusieurs endroits ; a place for un endroit pour [meeting, party, monument, office] ; a place to do un endroit pour faire ; a safe place to hide un endroit sûr pour se cacher ; a good place to plant roses un bon endroit pour planter des roses ; a place where un endroit où ; it's no place for a child! ce n'est pas un endroit pour un enfant! ; the perfect place for a writer l'endroit or le lieu idéal pour un écrivain ; this is the place for me! c'est le rêve ici! ; if you need peace and quiet, then this is not the place! si tu veux être tranquille, alors ce n'est pas l'endroit rêvé! ; to be in the right place at the right time être là où il faut quand il le faut ; to be in two places at once être au four et au moulin, être partout à la fois ; not here, of all places! surtout pas ici! ; in Oxford, of all places! à Oxford, figure-toi! ;
    2 (town, hotel etc) endroit m ; a nice/strange place to live un endroit agréable/bizarre pour vivre ; a good place to eat une bonne adresse (pour manger) ; we stayed at a place on the coast nous étions sur la côte ; a little place called… un petit village du nom de… ; in a place like Kent/Austria dans une région comme le Kent/un pays comme l'Autriche ; this place is filthy! cet endroit est dégoûtant! ; he threatened to burn the place down il a menacé d'y mettre le feu ; to be seen in all the right places se montrer dans les lieux qui comptent ; all over the place ( everywhere) partout ; fig [speech, lecture] complètement décousu ; your hair is all over the place ! tu es complètement décoiffé! ;
    3 ( for specific purpose) place of birth/work/pilgrimage lieu m de naissance/travail/pèlerinage ; place of residence domicile m ; place of refuge refuge m ;
    4 ( home) ( house) maison f ; ( apartment) appartement m ; David's place chez David ; a place by the sea une maison au bord de la mer ; a place of one's own un endroit à soi ; your place or mine? chez toi ou chez moi? ;
    5 (seat, space) (on bus, at table, in queue) place f ; ( setting) couvert m ; to keep a place garder une place (for pour) ; to find/lose one's place trouver/perdre sa place ; to show sb to his/her place conduire qn à sa place ; please take your places veuillez prendre place ; I couldn't find a place to park je n'ai pas trouvé de place pour me garer ; to lay ou set a place for sb mettre un couvert pour qn ; is this place taken? cette place est-elle prise? ;
    6 (on team, with firm) place f (on dans) ; (on committee, board) siège m (on au sein de) ; a place as une place comme [au pair, cook, cleaner] ;
    7 GB Univ place f (at à) ; to get a place on obtenir une place dans [course] ; she got a place on the fashion design course elle a obtenu une place en cours de stylisme ; she has a place on a carpentry course elle a été acceptée pour suivre des cours de menuiserie ;
    8 lit (in competition, race) place f ; to finish in first place terminer premier/-ière or à la première place ; he backed Red Rum for a place Turf il a joué Red Rum placé ; to take second place fig ( in importance) passer au deuxième plan ; to take second place to sth passer après qch ; to relegate sth to second place faire passer qch en second ;
    9 (in argument, analysis) in the first place ( firstly) en premier lieu ; ( at the outset) pour commencer ; how much money did we have in the first place? combien d'argent avions-nous pour commencer? ;
    10 ( correct position) to put sth in place mettre qch en place [fencing, construction] ; to push sth back into place remettre qch en place ; to return sth to its place remettre qch à sa place ; everything is in its place tout est bien à sa place ; to hold sth in place maintenir qch en place ; when the lever is in place quand le levier est engagé ; is the lid in place? est-ce que le couvercle est mis? ; in place [law, system, scheme] en place ; to put sth in place mettre qch en place [scheme, system, regime] ;
    11 ( rank) sb's/sth's place in la place de qn/qch dans [world, society, history, politics] ; to take one's place in society prendre sa place dans la société ; to put sb in his/her place remettre qn à sa place ; to know one's place rester à sa place ;
    12 ( role) it's not my place to do ce n'est pas à moi de faire ; to fill sb's place remplacer qn ; to take sb's place, take the place of sb prendre la place de qn ; to have no place in n'avoir aucune place dans [organization, philosophy, creed] ; there is a place for someone like her in this company il y a une place pour une femme comme elle dans cette entreprise ; there are places for people like you ! fig péj ça se soigne ! ;
    13 ( situation) in my/his place à ma/sa place ; in your place, I'd have done the same à ta place, j'aurais fait la même chose ; to change ou trade places with sb changer de place avec qn ;
    14 ( moment) moment m ; in places [funny, boring, silly] par moments ; this is not the place to do ce n'est pas le moment de faire ; this is a good place to begin c'est un bon moment pour commencer ; there were places in the film where… il y avait des moments dans le film où… ;
    15 ( in book) (in paragraph, speech) to mark one's place marquer sa page ; to lose/find one's place ( in book) perdre/retrouver sa page ; (in paragraph, speech) perdre/retrouver le fil ;
    16 US ( unspecified location) some place quelque part ; no place nulle part ; he had no place to go il n'avait nulle part où aller ; he always wants to go places with us il veut toujours venir avec nous ; she goes places on her bicycle elle se déplace à bicyclette.
    B out of place adj phr [remark, behaviour] déplacé ; [language, tone] inapproprié ; to look out of place [building, person] détonner ; to feel out of place ne pas se sentir à l'aise.
    C in place of prep phr à la place de [person, object] ; X is playing in place of Y X remplace Y ; he spoke in my place il a parlé à ma place.
    D vtr
    1 lit ( put carefully) placer ; ( arrange) disposer ; place the cucumber slices around the edge of the plate disposez les rondelles de concombre autour de l'assiette ; she placed the vase in the middle of the table elle a placé le vase au milieu de la table ; place the smaller bowl inside the larger one mets le petit bol dans le grand ; to place sth back on remettre qch sur [shelf, table] ; to place sth in the correct order mettre qch dans le bon ordre ;
    2 ( locate) placer ; to be strategically/awkwardly placed être bien/mal placé ; the switch had been placed too high l'interrupteur avait été placé trop haut ;
    3 ( using service) to place an advertisement in the paper mettre une annonce dans le journal ; to place an order for sth passer une commande pour qch ; to place a bet parier, faire un pari (on sur) ;
    4 fig ( put) to place emphasis on sth mettre l'accent sur qch ; to place one's trust in sb/sth placer sa confiance en qn/qch ; to place sb in a difficult situation/in a dilemma mettre qn dans une situation difficile/devant un dilemme ; to place sb at risk faire courir des risques à qn ; to place the blame on sb rejeter toute la faute sur qn ; two propositions were placed before those present deux propositions ont été soumises aux personnes présentes ;
    5 ( rank) ( in competition) classer ; ( in exam) GB classer ; to be placed third [horse, athlete] arriver troisième ;
    6 ( judge) juger ; to be placed among the top scientists of one's generation être jugé comme un des plus grands scientifiques de sa génération ; where would you place him in relation to his colleagues? comment le jugeriez-vous par rapport à ses collègues? ;
    7 ( identify) situer [person] ; reconnaître [accent] ; I can't place his face je ne le reconnais pas ;
    8 ( find home for) placer [child] ;
    9 Admin (send, appoint) placer [student, trainee] (in dans) ; to place sb in charge of staff/a project confier la direction du personnel/d'un projet à qn ; to be placed in quarantine être placé en quarantaine.
    1 gen ( situated) to be well placed être bien placé (to do pour faire) ; he is not well placed to judge il est mal placé pour juger ; she is well/better placed to speak on this subject elle est bien/mieux placée pour parler de ce sujet ;
    2 Sport, Turf to be placed [horse] GB être placé ; US terminer en deuxième position.
    that young man is really going places voilà un jeune homme qui ira loin ; to have friends in high places avoir des amis haut placés ; corruption in high places la corruption en haut lieu ; to fall ou click ou fit into place devenir clair ; ⇒ take place (take).

    Big English-French dictionary > place

  • 12 side

    1. noun
    1) (also Geom.) Seite, die
    2) (of animal or person) Seite, die

    sleep on one's right/left side — auf der rechten/linken Seite schlafen

    side of mutton/beef/pork — Hammel-/Rinder-/ Schweinehälfte, die

    side of bacon — Speckseite, die

    split one's sides [laughing] — (fig.) vor Lachen platzen

    walk/stand side by side — nebeneinander gehen/stehen

    work/fight etc. side by side [with somebody] — Seite an Seite [mit jemandem] arbeiten/kämpfen usw.

    3) (part away from the centre) Seite, die

    right[-hand]/left[-hand] side — rechte/linke Seite

    on the right[-hand]/left[-hand] side of the road — auf der rechten/linken Straßenseite

    from side to side(right across) quer hinüber; (alternately each way) von einer Seite auf die andere od. zur anderen

    on one sidean der Seite

    stand on or to one side — an od. auf der Seite stehen

    on the side(fig.): (in addition to regular work or income) nebenbei; nebenher

    4) (space beside person or thing) Seite, die

    at or by somebody's side — an jemandes Seite (Dat.); neben jemandem

    at or by the side of the car — beim od. am Auto

    at or by the side of the road/ lake/grave — an der Straße/am See/ am Grab

    on all sides or every side — von allen Seiten [umzingelt, kritisiert]

    5) (in relation to dividing line) Seite, die

    [on] either side of — beiderseits, auf beiden Seiten (+ Gen.)

    [to or on] one side of — neben (+ Dat.)

    this/the other side of — (with regard to space) diesseits/ jenseits (+ Gen.); (with regard to time) vor/nach (+ Dat.)

    he is this side of fiftyer ist unter fünfzig; see also academic.ru/120644/right_side">right side; wrong side

    6) (aspect) Seite, die

    look on the bright/ gloomy side [of things] — die Dinge von der angenehmen/düsteren Seite sehen

    be on the high/expensive etc. side — [etwas] hoch/teuer usw. sein

    7) (opposing group or position) Seite, die; Partei, die; (Sport): (team) Mannschaft, die

    be on the winning side(fig.) auf der Seite der Gewinner stehen

    let the side down(fig.) versagen

    take sides [with/against somebody] — [für/gegen jemanden] Partei ergreifen

    8) (of family) Seite, die

    on one's/somebody's father's/mother's side — väterlicher-/ mütterlicherseits

    2. intransitive verb 3. adjective
    seitlich; Seiten-
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) ((the ground beside) an edge, border or boundary line: He walked round the side of the field; He lives on the same side of the street as me.) die Seite
    2) (a surface of something: A cube has six sides.) die Seite
    3) (one of the two of such surfaces which are not the top, bottom, front, or back: There is a label on the side of the box.) die Seite
    4) (either surface of a piece of paper, cloth etc: Don't waste paper - write on both sides!) die Seite
    5) (the right or left part of the body: I've got a pain in my side.) die Seite
    6) (a part or division of a town etc: He lives on the north side of the town.) der Teil
    7) (a slope (of a hill): a mountain-side.) der Hang
    8) (a point of view; an aspect: We must look at all sides of the problem.) die Seite
    9) (a party, team etc which is opposing another: Whose side are you on?; Which side is winning?) die Partei
    2. adjective
    (additional, but less important: a side issue.) neben-...
    - -side
    - -sided
    - sidelong
    - sideways
    - sideburns
    - side effect
    - sidelight
    - sideline
    - sidelines
    - side road
    - sidestep
    - side-street
    - sidetrack
    - sidewalk
    - from all sides
    - on all sides
    - side by side
    - side with
    - take sides
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (vertical surface) of a car, box Seite f; of a hill, cliff Hang m; (wall) of a house, cave, caravan [Seiten]wand f
    I have a small table at the \side of my bed ich habe einen kleinen Tisch neben meinem Bett
    don't store the box on its \side den Karton nicht auf der Seite liegend lagern
    2. (of somebody) Seite f
    to stay at sb's \side jdm zur Seite stehen
    \side by \side Seite an Seite
    the children sat \side by \side die Kinder saßen nebeneinander
    3. (face, surface) of a coin, record, material, box, cube Seite f
    this \side up! (on a parcel) oben!
    the right/wrong \side of the fabric/material die rechte/linke Seite des Stoffes
    turn the right \side out and stitch opening closed rechte Seite nach außen wenden und Öffnung zunähen
    4. (page) Seite f
    please write on one \side of the paper only bitte beschreiben Sie das Papier nur einseitig
    5. (edge, border, line) of a plate, clearing, field Rand m; of a table, square, triangle Seite f; of a river [Fluss]ufer nt; of a road [Straßen]rand m
    at/on the \side of the road am Straßenrand
    on all \sides [or every \side] auf allen Seiten
    they were surrounded on all \sides by the children sie wurden von allen Seiten von Kindern umringt
    from \side to \side von rechts nach links
    6. (half) of a bed, house Hälfte f; of a town, road, brain, room Seite f; of a butchered animal [Tier]hälfte f
    in Britain, cars drive on the left \side of the road in Großbritannien fahren die Autos auf der linken Straßenseite
    three \sides of pork/lamb drei Schweine-/Lammhälften
    7. no pl (part) of a deal, agreement Anteil m; (in space)
    this \side of... jenseits + gen; (in time)
    to be on the right/wrong \side of 40/50 noch unter/schon über 40/50
    this \side of... vor + dat
    this is the best pizza I've tasted this \side of Italy das ist die beste Pizza, die ich jenseits von Italien gegessen habe
    we don't expect to see him this \side of Christmas wir erwarten nicht, ihn vor Weihnachten zu sehen
    she's still this \side of forty sie ist noch unter vierzig
    to keep one's \side of a bargain seinen Anteil eines Geschäftes behalten
    8. (direction) Seite f
    move to one \side please bitte treten Sie zur Seite
    don't just stand to the \side — help me! stehen Sie doch nicht nur rum — helfen Sie mir!
    to put sth on [or to] one \side etw beiseitelassen
    to take sb on [or to] one \side jdn auf die Seite nehmen
    from all \sides von allen Seiten
    on all \sides [or every \side] auf allen Seiten
    9. + sing/pl vb (opposing party) of a dispute, contest Partei f, Seite f
    to be on the \side of sb [or on sb's \side] auf jds Seite sein [o stehen]
    whose \side are you on anyway? auf wessen Seite stehst du eigentlich?
    don't worry, time is on our \side keine Angst, die Zeit arbeitet für uns
    to change [or switch] \sides sich akk auf die andere Seite schlagen
    to take \sides Partei ergreifen
    to take sb's \side sich akk auf jds Seite schlagen
    10. + sing/pl vb (team) Mannschaft f, Seite f
    our \side lost again on Saturday wir haben am Samstag wieder verloren
    11. (aspect) Seite f
    there are at least two \sides to every question jede Frage kann von mindestens zwei Seiten beleuchtet werden
    I've listened to your \side of the story ich habe jetzt deine Version der Geschichte gehört
    I've looked at life from both \sides ich habe das Leben von beiden Seiten kennengelernt
    to be on the right/wrong \side of the law auf der richtigen/falschen Seite des Gesetzes stehen
    to look on the bright[er] \side of life zuversichtlich sein
    sb's good/bad/funny \side jds gute/schlechte/komische Seite
    12. + sing/pl vb (of a family)
    the maternal/paternal \side of the family die mütterliche/väterliche Seite der Familie
    the rich/religious/Irish \side of the family der reiche/religiöse/irische Teil der Familie
    on sb's mother's [or maternal] /father's [or paternal] \side mütterlicherseits/väterlicherseits
    he's a cousin on my mother's \side er ist ein Cousin mütterlicherseits
    she has noble ancestors on her paternal \side sie hat väterlicherseits [o auf der väterlichen Seite] adlige Vorfahren
    13. BRIT (TV station) Sender m
    what \side is ‘Coronation Street’ on? auf welchem Sender [o in welchem Programm] läuft ‚Coronation Street‘?
    14. esp AM (side dish) Beilage f; (extra)
    on the \side extra
    I'd like some sauce on the \side, please ich hätte gerne etwas Soße extra
    with a \side of broccoli/rice/French fries mit Brokkoli/Reis/Pommes frites als Beilage
    15. no pl esp BRIT (in billiards) Effet m fachspr
    to put some \side on the ball die Kugel mit Effet spielen
    there's absolutely no \side to her sie ist überhaupt nicht eingebildet
    the other \side of the coin die Kehrseite der Medaille fig
    to come down on one \side of the fence or other sich akk für das eine oder andere entscheiden
    to get/keep on the right \side of sb jdn für sich akk einnehmen/es sich dat mit jdm nicht verderben
    to get on the wrong \side of sb es sich dat mit jdm verderben
    this \side/the other \side of the grave im Diesseits/Jenseits
    to have a bit on the \side ( fam: have an affair) noch nebenher etwas laufen haben fam, fremdgehen fam; (have savings) etw auf der hohen Kante haben fam
    to have sb on the \side nebenher mit jdm eine Affäre haben
    to be on the large/small \side zu groß/klein sein
    to let the \side down esp BRIT (fail) alle im Stich lassen; (disappoint) alle enttäuschen
    to make a little money on the \side [sich dat] nebenbei etwas Geld verdienen
    to put money on [or to] one \side Geld auf die Seite [o fam auf die hohe Kante] legen
    [in order] to be on the safe \side um sicherzugehen [o fam auf Nummer Sicher zu gehen]
    [in order] to stay on the safe \side vorsichtshalber
    II. n modifier
    1. (lateral) (window, mirror) Seiten-
    2. (not main) (job, room) Neben-
    \side job Nebenbeschäftigung f, Nebenjob m fam
    \side vegetables Gemüsebeilage f
    III. vi
    to \side against sb sich akk gegen jdn stellen
    to \side with sb zu jdm halten
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= wall, vertical surface of car, box, hole, ditch) Seite f; (of cave, artillery trench, mining shaft, boat, caravan) Wand f; (of cliff, mountain) Hang m
    2) (= flat surface, line of triangle, cube, coin, paper, material, record) Seite f

    this side up! (on parcel etc)oben!

    right/wrong side (of cloth) — rechte/linke Seite

    this pillowcase is right/wrong side out — dieser Kopfkissenbezug ist rechts/links (herum)

    3) (= edge) Rand m
    4) (= not back or front, area to one side) Seite f

    by/at the side of sth — seitlich von etw

    it's this/the other side of London (out of town) — es ist auf dieser/auf der anderen Seite Londons; (in town) es ist in diesem Teil/am anderen Ende von London

    the south/respectable side of Glasgow — der südliche/vornehme Teil Glasgows

    the debit/credit side of an account — die Soll-/Habenseite eines Kontos

    he stood to one side and did nothing (lit)er stand daneben und tat nichts; (fig) er hielt sich raus

    to put sth on one side — etw beiseitelegen or auf die Seite legen; (shopkeeper) etw zurücklegen

    to take sb to or on one side —

    just this side of the line between sanity and madness —


    we'll take an extra £50 just to be on the safe side — wir werden vorsichtshalber or für alle Fälle £ 50 mehr mitnehmen

    to get on the wrong side of sb ( )essich dat mit jdm verderben

    to be on the right/wrong side of 40 — noch nicht 40/über 40 sein

    on the right side of the lawauf dem Boden des Gesetzes

    to make a bit (of money) on the side (inf)sich (dat) etwas nebenher or nebenbei verdienen

    I'm not going to be your bit on the side (inf)ich will nicht deine Nebenfrau/dein Nebenmann sein (inf)

    6) (of person ANAT) Seite f

    side by side — nebeneinander, Seite an Seite

    to stand/sit side by side with sb —

    to hold one's sides (with laughter)sich (dat) den Bauch halten (vor Lachen)

    7) (= branch of family) Seite f; (of business, school) Zweig m

    the Catholic/intellectual side of the family — der katholische Teil/die Intelligenz der Familie

    on one's father's/mother's side —

    there's French blood on the paternal/maternal side — von väterlicher/mütterlicher Seite ist französisches Blut da

    8) (= aspect) Seite f

    let's hear your side of the storyerzählen Sie mal Ihre Version (der Geschichte)

    the management's side of the story was quite different —

    the bright/seamy side of life — die Sonnen-/Schattenseite des Lebens


    (a bit) on the large/high/formal etc side — etwas groß/hoch/förmlich etc; (for somebody) etwas zu groß/hoch/förmlich etc

    10) (= team etc SPORT in quiz) Mannschaft f; (fig) Seite f

    there are two sides in the dispute —

    to change sides — sich auf die andere Seite schlagen; (Sport) die Seiten wechseln

    to take sides with sb —

    whose side are you on? (supporting team)für wen sind Sie?; (playing for team) bei wem spielen Sie mit?; (in argument) zu wem halten Sie eigentlich?

    11) (dated inf

    = superiority) there's no side to him — er sitzt nicht auf dem hohen Ross

    2. adj attr
    (= on one side) Seiten-; (= not main) Neben-

    side door — Seiten-/Nebentür f

    side road — Seiten-/Nebenstraße f

    3. vi

    to side with/against sb — Partei für/gegen jdn ergreifen

    * * *
    side [saıd]
    A s
    1. allg Seite f:
    side by side Seite an Seite;
    they lined up side by side sie stellten sich nebeneinander auf;
    at ( oder by) the side of an der Seite von (od gen), neben (dat), fig a. verglichen mit;
    on the left side of the road auf der linken Straßenseite;
    on all sides überall;
    on the side umg nebenbei (verdienen etc);
    do some work on the side umg (ein bisschen) nebenbei arbeiten;
    a) auf der Seite von,
    b) seitens (gen);
    on this (the other) side (of) diesseits (jenseits) (gen);
    on this side of the grave poet hienieden, im Diesseits;
    “this side up” „Vorsicht, nicht stürzen!“;
    the right side of his face seine rechte Gesichtsseite oder -hälfte;
    not leave sb’s side jemandem nicht von der Seite weichen;
    stand by sb’s side fig jemandem zur Seite stehen;
    be on the small side ziemlich klein sein;
    keep on the right side of sich gut stellen mit;
    cast to one side fig über Bord werfen;
    put to one side eine Frage etc zurückstellen, ausklammern;
    he gave his side of the story er erzählte seine Version der Geschichte; bit2 Bes Redew, bright A 5, dark A 4, err 1, right A 6, safe A 3, sunny 2, wrong A 2
    2. MATH Seite f (auch einer Gleichung), auch Seitenlinie f, -fläche f
    3. a) (Seiten)Rand m:
    b) (Brillen) Bügel m
    4. (Körper)Seite f:
    burst ( oder shake, split) one’s sides with laughter sich vor Lachen schütteln
    5. (Speck-, Hammel- etc) Seite f:
    6. Seite f, Teil m/n:
    the east side of the city der Ostteil der Stadt
    7. Seite f:
    a) (Ab)Hang m, Flanke f, auch Wand f (eines Berges)
    b) Ufer(seite) n(f)
    8. Seite f, (Charakter)Zug m
    9. Seite f:
    a) Partei f ( auch JUR, SPORT)
    b) SPORT (Spielfeld)Hälfte f:
    be on sb’s side auf jemandes Seite stehen;
    change sides ins andere Lager überwechseln; SPORT die Seiten wechseln;
    take sides C;
    win sb over to one’s side jemanden auf seine Seite ziehen
    10. SPORT besonders Br Mannschaft f
    11. Seite f, Abstammungslinie f:
    on one’s father’s ( oder paternal) (on one’s mother’s oder maternal) side väterlicherseits (mütterlicherseits)
    12. besonders Br sl Angabe f, Allüren pl:
    put on side angeben, großtun
    13. Billard: Br Effet n
    14. GASTR umg Beilage f
    B adj
    1. seitlich (liegend oder stehend etc), Seiten…:
    side elevation Seitenriss m;
    side pocket Seitentasche f
    2. von der Seite (kommend), Seiten…:
    side blow Seitenhieb m
    3. Seiten…, Neben…:
    side window Seitenfenster n
    C v/i (with) Partei ergreifen (gen oder für), es halten (mit)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (also Geom.) Seite, die
    2) (of animal or person) Seite, die

    sleep on one's right/left side — auf der rechten/linken Seite schlafen

    side of mutton/beef/pork — Hammel-/Rinder-/ Schweinehälfte, die

    side of bacon — Speckseite, die

    split one's sides [laughing] — (fig.) vor Lachen platzen

    walk/stand side by side — nebeneinander gehen/stehen

    work/fight etc. side by side [with somebody] — Seite an Seite [mit jemandem] arbeiten/kämpfen usw.

    right[-hand]/left[-hand] side — rechte/linke Seite

    on the right[-hand]/left[-hand] side of the road — auf der rechten/linken Straßenseite

    from side to side (right across) quer hinüber; (alternately each way) von einer Seite auf die andere od. zur anderen

    stand on or to one side — an od. auf der Seite stehen

    4) (space beside person or thing) Seite, die

    at or by somebody's side — an jemandes Seite (Dat.); neben jemandem

    at or by the side of the car — beim od. am Auto

    at or by the side of the road/ lake/grave — an der Straße/am See/ am Grab

    on all sides or every side — von allen Seiten [umzingelt, kritisiert]

    [on] either side of — beiderseits, auf beiden Seiten (+ Gen.)

    [to or on] one side of — neben (+ Dat.)

    this/the other side of — (with regard to space) diesseits/ jenseits (+ Gen.); (with regard to time) vor/nach (+ Dat.)

    he is this side of fifty — er ist unter fünfzig; see also right side; wrong side

    6) (aspect) Seite, die

    look on the bright/ gloomy side [of things] — die Dinge von der angenehmen/düsteren Seite sehen

    be on the high/expensive etc. side — [etwas] hoch/teuer usw. sein

    7) (opposing group or position) Seite, die; Partei, die; (Sport): (team) Mannschaft, die

    be on the winning side(fig.) auf der Seite der Gewinner stehen

    let the side down(fig.) versagen

    take sides [with/against somebody] — [für/gegen jemanden] Partei ergreifen

    8) (of family) Seite, die

    on one's/somebody's father's/mother's side — väterlicher-/ mütterlicherseits

    2. intransitive verb 3. adjective
    seitlich; Seiten-
    * * *
    Flanke -n f.
    Rand ¨-er m.
    Seite -n f.

    English-german dictionary > side

  • 13 FARA

    * * *
    (fer; fór, fórum; farinn), v.
    1) to move, pass along, go;
    gekk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went;
    fara heim (heiman), to go home (from home);
    fara á fund e-s to visit one;
    fjöld ek fór, I travelled much;
    hann sagði, hversu orð fóru með þeim, what words passed between them;
    absol., to go begging (ómagar, er þar eigu at fara í því þingi);
    2) with ‘ferð, leið’ or the like added in acc., gen., or dat.;
    fara leiðar sinnar, to go one’s way, proceed on one’s journey (= fara ferðar sinnar or ferða sinna, fara ferð sina, fara för sina, förum sínum);
    fara þessa ferð, to make this journey;
    fara fullum dagleiðum, to travel a full days journeys;
    fara stefnuför, to go a-summoning;
    fara bónorðsför, to go a-wooing;
    fara sigrför, to go on the path of victory, to triumph;
    fara góða för, to make a lucky journey;
    fig., fara ósigr, to be defeated;
    fara mikinn skaða, to suffer great damage;
    fara hneykju, skömm, to incur disgrace;
    fara erendleysu, to fail in one’s errand;
    with the road in acc. (fara fjöll ok dala);
    3) fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode;
    fara eldi ok arni, to move one’s hearth and fire;
    4) fara einn saman, to go alone;
    fara eigi ein saman, to go with child (= fara með barni);
    5) with infin.;
    fara sofa, to go to sleep (allir menn vóru sofa farnir);
    fara vega, to go to fight;
    fara leita, to go seeking (var leita farit);
    6) with an a., etc.;
    fara villr, to go astray;
    fara haltr, to walk lame;
    fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind;
    fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of;
    fara andvígr e-m, to give battle;
    fara leyniliga (leynt), to be kept secret;
    eigi má þetta svá fara, this cannot go on in that way;
    fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means;
    fór þat fjarri, at ek vilda, I was far from desiring it;
    7) to turn out, end;
    fór þat sem líkligt var, it turned out as was likely (viz. ended ill);
    svá fór, at, the end was, that;
    ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess;
    á sómu leið fór um aðra sendimenn, it went the same way with the other messengers;
    8) to fare well, ill;
    biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell;
    9) to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair (ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn; hárit fór vel);
    impers., fór illa á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse;
    10) impers., e-m ferr vel, illa, one behaves or acts well, ill;
    honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter;
    e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way;
    11) fara e-t höndum, to touch with the hands, esp. of a healing touch, = fara höndum um e-t (bið hann fara höndum meinit);
    fara land herskildi, brandi, to visit a land with ‘warshield’, with fire, to ravage or devastate it (gekk síðan á land upp með liði sínu ok fór alit herskildi);
    12) to overtake (Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok gat farit sveininn);
    tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun;
    áðr hana Fenrir fari, before F. overtakes her;
    13) to ill-treat, treat cruelly;
    menn sá ek þá, er mjök höfðu hungri farit hörund, that had chastened their flesh with much fasting;
    14) to put an end to, destroy;
    fara sér (sjálfr), to kill oneself;
    fara lífi (fjörvi) e-s, to deprive one of life;
    þú hefir sigr vegit ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, killed F.;
    15) to forfeit (fara löndum ok lausafé);
    16) refl., farast;
    17) with preps. and advs.:
    fara af klæðum, to take off one’s clothes;
    fara at e-m, to make an attack upon, to assault (eigi mundi í annat sinn vænna at fara at jarlinum);
    fara at e-u, to mind, pay heed to;
    ekki fer ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár (it does not matter to me, I do not care, though);
    to deal with a thing, proceed in a certain way;
    fara at lögum, úlögum, to proceed lawfully, unlawfully;
    fara mjúkliga at, to proceed gently;
    hér skulu við fara at með ráðum, act with, deliberation;
    impers. with dat., to do, behave;
    illa hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly; to go in pusuit (search) of (víkingar nökkurir þeir sem fóru at féföngum);
    fara at fuglaveiðum, to go a-fowling;
    fara at fé, to tend sheep;
    fara á e-n, to come upon one;
    sigu saman augu, þá er dauðinn fór á, when death seized him;
    fara á hæl or hæli, to step back, retreat;
    fara eptir e-m, to follow one;
    fara eptir e-u, to go for, go to fetch (Snorri goði fór eptir líkinu; fara eptir vatni); to accommodate oneself to, conform to (engi vildi eptir öðrum fara);
    þau orð er eptir fara, the following words;
    fara fram, to go on, take place;
    ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place;
    veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well;
    spyrr, hvat þar fœri fram, he asked, what was going on there;
    fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice;
    allt mun þat sínu fram fara, it will take its own course;
    kváðu þat engu gegna ok fóru sínu fram, took their own way;
    segir honum, hversu þeir fóru fram, how they acted;
    fara e-t fram, to do., perform a thing;
    spyrr hann, hvat nú sé fram faranda, what is to be done;
    fara fyrir e-t, to pass for, be taken for (fari sá fyrir níðing, er);
    fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself;
    fara í e-t, to go into (fara í tunnu);
    fara í sæng, rekkju, to go to bed;
    fara í sess sinn, sæti sitt, to take one’s seat;
    fara í klæði, to put on clothes, dress;
    fara í vápn, brynju, to put on armour;
    fara í lag, to go right or straight again (þá fóru brýnn hans í lag);
    fara í vöxt, to increase;
    fara í þurð, to wane;
    fara í hernað, víking, to go a-freebooting;
    nú ferr í úvænt efni, now matters look hopeless;
    to happen, occur (alit þat, er í hafði farit um nóttina);
    fara með e-t, to wield handle, manage;
    fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded (the spear) Gungnir;
    fara með goðorð, to hold a goðorð;
    fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit;
    to practice, deal in;
    fara með rán, to deal in robbery;
    fara með spott ok háð, to go scoffing and mocking;
    fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, to practice sorcery;
    to deal with, treat, handle (þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara);
    fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret;
    fara með e-m, to go with one, follow one (ek skal með yðr fara með allan minn styrk);
    fara með e-u, to do (so and so) with a thing, to deal with, manage;
    hvernig þeir skyldu fara með vápnum sínum, what they were to do with their weapons;
    sá maðr, er með arfinum ferr, who manages the inheritance;
    fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case;
    fara vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well;
    undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, these monks behave strangely;
    fara með barni, to go with child;
    impers., ferr með þeim heldr fáliga, they are on indifferent terms;
    fara ór landi, to leave the country;
    fara ór klæðum, fötum, to take off one’s clothes, undress;
    fara saman, to go together; to shake, shudder;
    fór en forna fold öll saman, shivered all through;
    to concur, agree (hversu má þat saman f);
    fara til svefns, to go to sleep (= fara at sofa);
    fara um e-t, to travel over (fara um fjall);
    fara höndum um e-n, to stroke or touch one with the hands (hann fór höndum um þá, er sjúkir vóru);
    fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject;
    fara myrkt um e-t, to keep a matter dark;
    fara undan, to excuse oneself (from doing a thing), to decline, refuse (hvat berr til, at þú ferr undan at gera mér veizluna);
    borð fara upp, the tables are removed;
    fara út, to go from Norway to Iceland; to come to a close, run out (fóru svá út þessir fimm vetr);
    fara útan, to go abroad (from Iceland);
    fara við e-n, to treat one, deal with one in a certain way;
    margs á, ek minnast, hve við mik fóruð, I have many things to remember of your dealings with me;
    fara yfir e-t, to go through;
    nú er yfir farit um landnám, now an account of the settlements has been given;
    skjótt yfir at fara, to be brief.
    * * *
    pret. fóra, 2nd pers. fórt, mod. fórst, pl. fóru; pres. ferr, 2nd pers. ferr, in mod. pronunciation ferð; pret. subj. færa; imperat. far and farðu (= far þú); sup. farit; part. farinn; with the suffixed neg. fór-a, Am. 45; farið-a ( depart not), Hkr. i. 115 MS. (in a verse). [In the Icel. scarcely any other verb is in so freq. use as fara, as it denotes any motion; not so in other Teut. idioms; in Ulf. faran is only used once, viz. Luke x. 7; Goth. farjan means to sail, and this seems to be the original sense of fara (vide far); A. S. faran; the Germ. fahren and Engl. fare are used in a limited sense; in the Engl. Bible this word never occurs (Cruden); Swed. fara; Dan. fare.]
    A. NEUT. to go, fare, travel, in the widest sense; gékk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went, Hkr. i. 100; né ek flý þó ek ferr, I fly not though I fare, Edda (in a verse); létt er lauss at fara (a proverb), Sl. 37: the saying, verðr hverr með sjálfum sér lengst at fara, Gísl. 25; cp. ‘dass von sich selbst der Mensch nicht scheiden kann’ (Göthe’s Tasso), or the Lat. ‘patriae quis exul se quoque fugit?’ usually in the sense to go, to depart, heill þú farir, heill þú aptr komir, Vþm. 4; but also to come, far þú hingat til mín, come here, Nj. 2.
    2. to travel, go forth or through, pass, or the like; þú skalt fara í Kirkjubæ, Nj. 74; fara ór landi, to fare forth from one’s country, Fms. v. 24; kjóll ferr austan, Vsp. 51; Surtr ferr sunnan, 52; snjór var mikill, ok íllt at fara, and ill to pass, Fms. ix. 491; fóru þeir út eptir ánni, Eg. 81; siðan fór Egill fram með skóginum, 531; þeim sem hann vildi at færi … Njáll hét at fara, Nj. 49; fara munu vér, Eg. 579; Egill fór til þess er hann kom til Álfs. 577, Fms. xi. 122; fara þeir nú af melinum á sléttuna. Eg. 747; fara heiman, to fare forth from one’s home, K. Þ. K. 6; alls mik fara tíðir, Vþm. 1; fjölð ek fór, far I fared, i. e. travelled far, 3: the phrase, fara utan, to fare outwards, go abroad (from Iceland), passim; fara vestr um haf, to fare westward over the sea, i. e. to the British Isles, Hkr. i. 101; fara á fund e-s, to visit one, Ld. 62; fara at heimboði, to go to a feast, id.; fara fæti, to fare a-foot, go walking, Hkr.; absol. fara, to travel, beg, hence föru-maðr, a vagrant, beggar; in olden times the poor went their rounds from house to house within a certain district, cp. Grág. i. 85; ómagar er þar eigu at fara í því þingi eðr um þau þing, id.; ómagar skolu fara, 119; omegð þá er þar ferr, 296: in mod. usage, fara um and um-ferð, begging, going round.
    β. with prep.: fara at e-m, to make an inroad upon one, Nj. 93, 94, 102 (cp. at-för); fara á e-n, to mount, e. g. fara á bak, to mount on horseback; metaph., dauðinn fór á, death seized him, Fms. xi. 150; f. saman, to go together, Edda 121, Grág. ii. 256; f. saman also means to shudder. Germ. zusammenfahren, Hým. 24: metaph. to concur, agree, hversu má þat saman f., Nj. 192; þeim þótti þat mjök saman f., Fms. iv. 382; fara á hæl, or á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. step back. retreat, xi. 278, Eg. 296; fara undan, metaph. to excuse oneself, refuse (v. undan), Nj. 23, Fms. x. 227; fara fyrir, to proceed; fara eptir, to follow.
    3. with ferð, leið or the like added, in acc. or gen. to go one’s way; fara leiðar sinnar, to proceed on one’s journey, Eg. 81, 477, Fms. i. 10, Grág. ii. 119; fara ferðar sinnar, or ferða sinna, id.. Eg. 180, Fms. iv. 125; fara derð sina, id.. Eg. 568; fara förum sínum, or för sinní, id., K. Þ. K. 80, 90; fara dagfari ok náttfari, to travel day and night, Fms. i. 203; fara fullum dagleiðum, to go full days-journeys, Grág. i. 91; or in a more special sense, fara þessa ferð, to make this journey, Fas. ii. 117; f. stefnu-för, to go a-summoning; f. bónorðs-för, to go a-courting, Nj. 148; f. sigr-för, to go on the way of victory, to triumph, Eg. 21; fara sendi-för, to go on a message, 540.
    β. in a metaph. sense; fara hneykju-för, to be shamefully beaten, Hrafn. 19 (MS.); fara ósigr, to be defeated, Eg. 287; fara mikinn skaða, to ‘fare’ (i. e. suffer) great damage, Karl. 43; fara því verrum förum, fara skömm, hneykju, erendleysu, úsæmð, to get the worst of it, Fms. viii. 125.
    4. with the road in acc.; hann fór Vánar-skarð, Landn. 226; f. sjó-veg, land-veg, K. Þ. K. 24; fór mörg lönd ok stórar merkr, Fas. ii. 540; fara sömu leið, Fms. i. 70; f. sama veg, Luke x. 31; f. fjöll ok dala, Barl. 104; fara út-leið, þjóð-leið, Fms. iv. 260; also, fara um veg, fara um fjall, to cross a fell, Hm. 3; fara liði, to march, Fms. i. 110.
    II. in a more indefinite sense, to go; fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode, Ld. 56, Hkr. ii. 177, Nj. 151, Vigl. 30; fara búferla, to more one’s household, Grág. ii. 409; fara vöflunarförum, to go a-begging, i. 163, 294, ii. 482.
    2. the phrases, fara eldi ok arni, a law term, to move one’s hearth and fire. Grág. ii. 253; fara eldi um land, a heathen rite for taking possession of land, defined in Landn. 276. cp. Eb. 8, Landn. 189, 284.
    3. fara einn-saman, to be alone. Grág. ii. 9; the phrase, f. eigi einn-saman, to be not alone, i. e. with child, Fms. iii. 109; or, fór hón með svein þann, Bs. i. 437; cp. ganga með barni.
    4. adding an adj., to denote gait, pace, or the like; fara snúðigt, to stride haughtily, Nj. 100; fara mikinn, to rush on, 143; fara flatt, to fall flat, tumble, Bárð. 177; fara hægt, to walk slowly.
    β. fara til svefns, to go to sleep, Nj. 35; f. í sæti sitt, to go to one’s seat, 129; f. í sess, Vþm. 9; f. á bekk, 19; fara á sæng, to go to bed, N. G. L. i. 30; fara í rúmið, id. (mod.); fara í mannjöfnuð, Ísl. ii. 214; fara í lag, to be put straight, Eg. 306; fara í vöxt, to wax, increase, Fms. ix. 430, Al. 141; fara í þurð, to wane, Ld. 122, l. 1 (MS.); fara í úefni, to go to the wrong side, Sturl. iii. 210; fara at skakka, to be odd ( not even). Sturl. ii. 258; fara at sölum, to be put out for sale, Grág. ii. 204.
    5. fara at fuglum, to go a-fowling, Orkn. (in a verse); fara at fugla-veiðum, id., Bb. 3. 36; fara í hernað, í víking, to go a-freebooting, Fms. i. 33, Landn. 31; fara at fé, to watch sheep, Ld. 240; fara at fé-föngum, to go a-fetching booty, Fms. vii. 78.
    β. with infin., denoting one’s ‘doing’ or ‘being;’ fara sofa, to go to sleep, Eg. 377; fara vega, to go to fight, Vsp. 54, Gm. 23; fara at róa, Vígl. 22; fara leita, to go seeking, Fms. x. 240; fara að búa, to set up a household, Bb. 2. 6; fara að hátta, to go to bed.
    γ. akin to this is the mod. use of fara with an infin. following in the sense to begin, as in the East Angl. counties of Engl. it ‘fares’ to …, i. e. it begins, is likely to be or to do so and so; það fer að birta, það er farit að dimma, it ‘fares’ to grow dark; það fer að hvessa, it ‘fares’ to blow; fer að rigna, it ‘fares’ to rain. etc.:—no instance of this usage is recorded in old Icel., but the Engl. usage shews that it must be old.
    δ. with an adj. etc.; fara villr, to go astray, Sks. 565; fara haltr, to go lame, Fms. x. 420; fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind, 264; fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself, Eb. 270; fara apr, to feel chilly, Fms. vi. 237 (in a verse); fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of, Skálda 187 (in a verse); fara andvígr e-m, to give battle, Stor. 8; fara leyniliga, to go secretly, be kept hidden, Nj. 49.
    6. to pass; fór sú skipan til Íslands, Fms. x. 23; fara þessi mál til þings, Nj. 100; hversu orð fóru með þeim, how words passed between them, 90; fóru þau orð um, the runner went abroad, Fms. i. 12; ferr orð er um munn líðr (a saying), iv. 279; þá fór ferligt úorðan, a bad report went abroad, Hom. 115.
    7. fara fram, to go on, take place; ferr þetta fram, Ld. 258; ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place, K. Þ. K. 64; ferr svá fram, and so things went on without a break, Nj. 11, Eg. 711; veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well, Nj. 11, 51; spyrr hvat þar færi fram, he asked what there was going on. Band. 17; fór allt á sömu leið sem fyrr, it went on all the same as before, Fms. iv. 112; fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice, Nj. 5, 66, Fms. vii. 318; allt mun þat sínu fram f., it will take its own course, Nj. 259; nú er því ferr fram um hríð, it went on so for a while, Fms. xi. 108; a law term, to be produced, gögn fara fram til varnar, Grág. i. 65; dómar fara út, the court is set (vide dómr), Grág., Nj., passim.
    8. borð fara upp brott, the tables are removed (vide borð), Eg. 247, 551; eigi má þetta svá f., this cannot go on in that way, Nj. 87; fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means, 134; fór þat fjarri at ek vilda, Ld. 12; fór þat ok svá til, and so if came to pass, Fms. x. 212.
    9. to turn out, end; hversu ætlar þú fara hesta-atið, Nj. 90; fór þat sem likligt var, it turned out as was likely (i. e. ended ill). Eg. 46; svá fór, at …, the end was, that …, Grett. 81 new Ed.; ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess, Dropl. 30, Vígl. 21; ef svá ferr sem mín orð horfa til, Fms. v. 24; ef svá ferr sem mik varir, if it comes to pass as it seems to me, vi. 350; svá fór um sjóferð þá, Bjarni 202; á sömu leið fór um aðra sendi-menn, Eg. 537; to depart, die, þar fór nýtr maðr, Fs. 39; fara danða-yrði, to pass the death-weird, to die, Ýt. 8.
    10. to fare well, ill, in addressing; fari þér vel, fare ye well, Nj. 7; biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell, Eg. 22, Ld. 62; far heill ok sæll, Fms. vii. 197: in a bad sense, far þú nú þar, ill betide thee! Hbl. 60; far (impers.) manna armastr, Eg. 553; Jökull bað hann fara bræla armastan, Finnb. 306; fari þér í svá gramendr allir, Dropl. 23.
    11. fara í fat, í brynju (acc.), etc., to dress, undress; but fara ór fötum (dat.), to undress, Fms. x. 16, xi. 132, vii. 202, Nj. 143, Gh. 16, etc.
    III. metaph.,
    1. to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair, or the like; ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn, Fas. ii. 343; hárið fór vel, Nj. 30; jarpr á hár ok fór vel hárit, Fms. ii. 7; gult hár sem silki ok fór fagrliga, vi. 438, Fs. 88; klæði sem bezt farandi, Eb. 256; var sú konan bezt f., the most graceful, lady-like, Ísl. ii. 438; fór ílla á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse, Bs. i. 712.
    2. impers. it goes so and so with one, i. e. one behaves so and so: e-m ferr vel, ílla, etc., one behaves well, ill, etc.; honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter, Nj. 210; bezta ferr þér, Fms. vii. 33; vel mun þér fara, Nj. 55; at honum fari vel, 64; þer hefir vel farit til mín, Finnb. 238; e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way, Nj. 217; ferr þér þá bezt jafnan ok höfðinglegast er mest liggr við, 228; mun honum nokkurn veg vel f., Hrafn. 10; údrengiliga hefir þér farit til vár, Ld. 48; ferr þér illa, Nj. 57; hversu Gunnari fór, how ( well) G. behaved, 119.
    3. fara at e-u, to deal with a thing (i. e. proceed) so and so; svá skal at sókn fara, thus is the pleading to be proceeded with, Grág. i. 323; svá skal at því f. at beiða …, 7; fara at lögum, or úlögum at e-u, to proceed lawfully or unlawfully, 126; hversu at skyldi f., how they were to proceed, Nj. 114; fara mjúklega at, to proceed gently, Fms. vii. 18; hér skulu vér f. at með ráðum, to act with deliberation, Eg. 582; Flosi fór at öngu óðara ( took matters calmly), en hann væri heima, Nj. 220.
    β. impers. with dat., to do, behave; ílla hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly, Hrafn. 8; veit Guð hversu hverjum manni mun at f., Fms. x. 212: in mod. phrases, to become, ironically, þér ferr það, or þér ferst það, it becomes thee, i. e. ‘tis too bad of thee.
    γ. hví ferr konungrinn nú svá (viz. at), Fms. i. 35; er slíkt úsæmiliga farit, so shamefully done, Nj. 82; hér ferr vænt at, here things go merrily, 232; karlmannliga er farit, manfully done, 144.
    δ. to mind, care about; ekki ferr ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár, it does not matter to me, I do not care, though …, Nj. 18; ekki munu vit at því fara ( never mind that), segir Helgi, 133.
    ε. fara eptir, to be in proportion; hér eptir fór vöxtr ok afl, his strength and stature were in proportion, Clar.
    4. fara með e-t, to wield, handle, manage; fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded Gungni ( the spear), Kormak; f. með Gríðar-völ, to wield the staff G., Þd. 9: as a law term, to wield, possess; fara með goðorð, to keep a goðorð, esp. during the session of parliament, Dropl. 8, Grág. and Nj. passim; fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit, Grág., Nj.; or, fara við sök, id., Nj. 86.
    β. metaph. to practise, deal in; fara með rán, to deal in robbing, Nj. 73; fara með spott ok háð, to go sporting and mocking, 66; f. með fals ok dár, Pass. 16. 5; fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, K. Þ. K. 76; f. með hindr-vitni, Grett. 111; cp. the phrase, farðu ekki með það, don’t talk such nonsense.
    γ. to deal with, treat, handle; þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara, thou wilt deal with him most kindly and most gently, Nj. 219; fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret, id.; Ingimundr fór vel með sögum (better than sögur, acc.), Ing. dealt well with stories, was a good historian. Sturl. i. 9.
    δ. with dat.; fara með e-u, to do so and so with a thing, manage it; hversu þeir skyldi fara með vápnum sínum, how they were to do with their weapons, Fms. ix. 509; sá maðr er með arfinum ferr, who manages the arfr, Grág. i. 217; ef þeir fara annan veg með því fé, 216; fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case, 46; meðan hann ferr svá með sem mælt er, 93; Gunnarr fór með öllu ( acted in all) sem honum var ráð til kennt, Nj. 100; ef svá er með farit, Ld. 152; f. vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well, behave well, Eg. 65; Hrafn fór með sér vel, H. bore himself well, Fms. vi. 109; undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, they behave strangely, 188; við förum kynlega með okkrum málum, Nj. 130; vant þyki mér með slíku at fara, difficult matters to have to do with, 75; f. málum á hendr e-m, to bring an action against one, Ld. 138; fara sókn ( to proceed) sem at þingadómi, Grág. i. 463; fara svá öllu máli um sem …, 40, ii. 348; fara með hlátri ok gapi, to go laughing and scoffing, Nj. 220; cp. β above.
    IV. fara um, yfir e-t, to pass over slightly; nú er yfir farit um landnám, shortly told, touched upon, Landn. 320; skjótt yfir at f., to be brief, 656 A. 12; fara myrkt um e-t, to mystify a thing, Ld. 322; fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject, Fbr. 124, Nj. 248, Fms. ix. 264.
    β. in the phrase, fara höndum um e-t, to go with the hands about a thing, to touch it, Germ. befühlen, esp. medic. of a healing touch; jafnan fengu menn heilsubót af handlögum hans, af því er hann fór höndum um þá er sjúkir vóru, Játv. 24; ok pá fór hann höndum um hann, Bs. i. 644; þá lét Arnoddr fara aðra höndina um hann, ok fann at hann var berfættr ok í línklæðum. Dropl. 30; cp. fóru hendr hvítar hennar um þessar görvar, Fas. i. 248 (in a verse): note the curious mod. phrase, það fer að fara um mig, I began to feel uneasy, as from a cold touch or the like.
    γ. impers. with dat.; eigi ferr þér nær Gunnari, en Merði mundi við þik, thou camest not nearer to G. than Mord would to thee, i. e. thou art just as far from being a match for G. as Mord is to thee, Nj. 37; þá ferr honum sem öðrum, it came to pass with him as with others, 172; þá mun mér first um fara, I shall fall much short of that, Fms. vi. 362; því betr er þeim ferr öllum verr at, the worse they fare the better I am pleased, Nj. 217.
    V. reflex., esp. of a journey, to fare well; fórsk þeim vel, they fared well, Eg. 392, Fms. xi. 22; honum fersk vel vegrinn, he proceeded well on his journey, ii. 81; hafði allt farizt vel at, all had fared well, they had had a prosperous journey, Íb. 10; fórsk þeim þá seint um daginn, they proceeded slowly, Eg. 544; mönnum fórsk eigi vel um fenit, Fms. vii. 149; hversu þeim hafði farizk, Nj. 90; at þeim færisk vel, Ísl. ii. 343, 208, v. l.: the phrase, hamri fórsk í hægri hönd, he grasped the hammer in his right hand, Bragi; farask lönd undir, to subdue lands, Hkr. i. 134, v. l. (in a verse).
    2. recipr., farask hjá, to go beside one another, miss one another, pass without meeting, Nj. 9; farask á mis, id., farask í móti, to march against one another, of two hosts; þat bar svá til at hvárigir vissu til annarra ok fórusk þó í móti, Fms. viii. 63, x. 46, Fas. ii. 515.
    VI. part.,
    1. act., koma farandi, to come of a sudden or by chance; þá kómu hjarðsveinar þar at farandi, some shepherds just came, Eg. 380; Moses kom farandi til fólksins, Sks. 574; koma inn farandi, 369, Fbr. 25.
    2. pass. farinn, in the phrase, á förnum vegi, on ‘wayfaring,’ i. e. in travelling, passing by; finna e-n á förnum vegi, Nj. 258, K. Þ. K. 6; kveðja fjárins á förnum vegi, Grág. i. 403; also, fara um farinn veg, to pass on one’s journey; of the sun. sól var skamt farin, the sun was little advanced, i. e. early in the morning, Fms. xi. 267, viii. 146; þá var dagr alljós ok sól farin, broad day and sun high in the sky, Eg. 219; also impers., sól (dat.) var skamt farit, Úlf. 4. 10: the phrase, aldri farinn, stricken in years, Sturl. i. 212; vel farinn í andliti, well-favoured, Ld. 274; vel at orði farinn, well spoken, eloquent, Fms. xi. 193; mod., vel orði, máli farinn, and so Ld. 122; gone, þar eru baugar farnir, Grág. ii. 172; þó fætrnir sé farnir, Fas. iii. 308.
    β. impers. in the phrase, e-m er þannig farit, one is so and so; veðri var þannig farit, at …, the winter was such, that …, Fms. xi. 34; veðri var svá farit at myrkt var um at litask, i. e. the weather was gloomy, Grett. 111; hversu landinu er farit, what is the condition of the country, Sks. 181; henni er þannig farit, at hón er mikil ey, löng …, ( the island) is so shapen, that it is large and long, Hkr. ii. 188; er eigi einn veg farit úgæfu okkari, our ill-luck is not of one piece, Nj. 183: metaph. of state, disposition, character, er hánum vel farit, he is a well-favoured man, 15; undarliga er yðr farit, ye are strange men, 154; honum var svá farit, at hann var vesal-menni, Boll. 352: adding the prepp. at, til, þeim var úlíkt farit at í mörgu, they were at variance in many respects, Hkr. iii. 97; nú er annan veg til farit, now matters are altered, Nj. 226; nú er svá til farit, at ek vil …, now the case is, that I wish …, Eg. 714; hér er þannig til farit, … at leiðin, 582; þar var þannig til farit, Fms. xi. 34. ☞ Hence comes the mod. form varið (v instead of f), which also occurs in MSS. of the 15th century—veðri var svá varit, Sd. 181; ér honum vel varið, Lv. 80, Ld. 266, v. l.; svá er til varið, Sks. 223, 224,—all of them paper MSS. The phrase, e-m er nær farit, one is pressed; svá var honum nær farit af öllu samt, vökum ok föstu, he was nearly overcome from want of sleep and fasting.
    B. TRANS.
    I. with acc.:
    1. to visit; fara land herskildi, brandi, etc., to visit a land with ‘war-shield,’ fire, etc., i. e. devastate it; gékk siðan á land upp með liði sínu, ok fór allt herskildi, Fms. i. 131; land þetta mundi herskildi farit, ok leggjask undir útlenda höfðingja, iv. 357; (hann) lét Halland farit brandi, vii. 4 (in a verse); hann fór lvist eldi, 41 (in a verse); hann hefir farit öll eylönd brandi, 46 (in a verse); fara hungri hörund, to emaciate the body, of an ascetic, Sl. 71.
    2. to overtake, with acc.; hann gat ekki farit hann, he could not overtake ( catch) him, 623. 17; tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun, Rb. 116; áðr hana Fenrir fari, before Fenrir overtakes her, Vþm. 46, 47; knegut oss fálur fara, ye witches cannot take us, Hkv. Hjörv. 13; hann gat farit fjóra menn af liði Steinólfs, ok drap þá alla, … hann gat farit þá hjá Steinólfsdal, Gullþ. 29; hann reið eptir þeim, ok gat farit þá út hjá Svelgsá, milli ok Hóla, Eb. 180; Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok getr farit sveininn, Ld. 242; viku þeir þá enn undan sem skjótast svá at Danir gátu eigi farit þá, Fms. (Knytl. S.) xi. 377 (MS., in the Ed. wrongly altered to náð þeim); hérinn hljóp undan, ok gátu hundarnir ekki farit hann (Ed. fráit wrongly), Fas. iii. 374; ok renna allir eptir þeim manni er víg vakti, … ok verðr hann farinn, Gþl. 146: cp. the phrase, vera farinn, to dwell, live, to be found here and there; þótt hann sé firr um farinn, Hm. 33.
    II. with dat. to destroy, make to perish; f. sér, to make away with oneself; kona hans fór sér í dísar-sal, she killed herself, Fas. i. 527; hón varð stygg ok vildi fara sér, Landn. (Hb.) 55; ef þér gangit fyrir hamra ofan ok farit yðr sjálfir, Fms. viii. 53; hví ætla menn at hann mundi vilja f. sér sjálfr, iii. 59; fara lífi, fjörvi, öndu, id.; skal hann heldr eta, en fara öndu sinni, than starve oneself to death, K. Þ. K. 130; ok verðr þá þínu fjörvi um farit, Lv. 57, Ýt. 20, Fas. i. 426 (in a verse), cp. Hkv. Hjörv. 13; mínu fjörvi at fara, Fm. 5; þú hefir sigr vegit, ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, 23; farit hafði hann allri ætt Geirmímis, Hkv. 1. 14; ok létu hans fjörvi farit, Sól. 22; hann hafði farit mörgum manni, O. H. L. 11.
    β. to forfeit; fara sýknu sinni, Grág. i. 98; fara löndum ok lausafé, ii. 167.
    2. reflex. to perish (but esp. freq. in the sense to be drowned, perish in the sea); farask af sulti, to die of hunger, Fms. ii. 226; fellr fjöldi manns í díkit ok farask þar, v. 281; fórusk sex hundruð Vinda skipa, xi. 369; alls fórusk níu menn, Ísl. ii. 385; mun heimr farask, Eluc. 43; þá er himin ok jörð hefir farisk, Edda 12; farask af hita, mæði, Fms. ix. 47; fórsk þar byrðingrinn, 307; hvar þess er menn farask, Grág. i. 219; heldr enn at fólk Guðs farisk af mínum völdum, Sks. 732: of cattle, ef fé hins hefir troðisk eðr farisk á þá lund sem nú var tínt, Grág. ii. 286.
    β. metaph., fersk nú vinátta ykkur, your friendship is done with, Band. 12.
    γ. the phrase, farask fyrir, to come to naught, Nj. 131; at síðr mun fyrir farask nokkut stórræði, Ísl. ii. 340; en fyrir fórusk málagjöldin af konungi, the payment never took place, Fms. v. 278; lét ek þetta verk fyrir farask, vii. 158; þá mun þat fyrir farask, Fs. 20; en fyrir fórsk þat þó þau misseri, Sd. 150: in mod. usage (N. T.), to perish.
    δ. in act. rarely, and perhaps only a misspelling: frá því er féit fór (fórsk better), K. Þ. K. 132; fóru (better fórusk, were drowned) margir Íslenzkir menn, Bs. i. 436.
    3. part. farinn, as adj. gone, undone; nú eru vér farnir, nema …, Lv. 83; hans tafl var mjök svá farit, his game was almost lost, Fas. i. 523; þá er farnir vóru forstöðumenn Tróju, when the defenders of Troy were dead and gone, Ver. 36; tungl farit, a ‘dead moon,’ i. e. new moon, Rb. 34; farinn af sulti ok mæði, Fms. viii. 53; farinn at e-u, ruined in a thing, having lost it; farnir at hamingju, luckless, iv. 73; f. at vistum, xi. 33; f. at lausa-fé;. iii. 117: in some cases uncertain whether the participle does not belong to A.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FARA

  • 14 bera

    * * *
    (ber; bar, bárum; borinn), v.
    1) to bear, carry, convey (bar B. biskup í börum suðr í Hvamm);
    bera (farm) af skipi, to unload a ship;
    bera (mat) af borði, to take (the meat) off the table;
    bera e-t á hesti, to carry on horseback;
    2) to wear (bera klæði, vápn, kórónu);
    bera œgishjálm, to inspire fear and awe;
    3) to bear, produce, yield (jörðin berr gras; tré bera aldin, epli);
    4) to bear, give birth to, esp. of sheep and cows;
    kýr hafði borit kálf, had calved;
    absol., ván at hón mundi bera, that the cow would calve;
    the pp. is used of men; hann hafði verit blindr borinn, born blind;
    verða borinn í þenna heim, to be born into this world;
    þann sóma, sem ek em til borinn, born to;
    borinn e-m, frá e-m (rare), born of;
    Nótt var Nörvi borin, was the daughter of N.;
    borinn Sigmundi, son of S.;
    5) bera e-n afli, ofrafli, ofrliði, ofrmagni, ofríki, to bear one down, overcome, oppress, one by odds or superior force;
    bera e-n ráðum, to overrule one;
    bera e-n bjóri, to make drunk with beer;
    verða bráðum borinn, to be taken by surprise;
    borinn verkjum, overcome by pains;
    þess er borin ván, there is no hope, all hope is gone;
    borinn baugum, bribed; cf. bera fé á e-n, to bribe one;
    6) to lear, be capable of bearing (of a ship, horse, vehicle);
    þeir hlóðu bæði skipin sem borð báru, with as much as they could carry;
    fig., to sustain, support (svá mikill mannfjöldi, at landit fekk eigi borit);
    of persons, to bear up against, endure, support (grief, sorrow, etc.);
    absol., bar hann drengiliga, he bore it manfully;
    similarly, bera (harm) af sér, berast vel (illa, lítt) af;
    bar hon sköruliga af sér, she bore up bravely;
    hversu berst Auðr af um bróðurdauðann, how does she bear it?
    hon berst af lítt, she is much cast down;
    bera sik vel upp, to bear well up against;
    7) bera e-t á, e-n á hendr e-m, to charge or tax one with (eigi erum vér þess valdir, er þú berr á oss);
    bera (kvið) á e-n, to give a verdict against, declare guilty (í annat sinn báru þeir á Flosa kviðinn);
    bera af e-m (kviðinn), to give a verdict for;
    bera e-t af sér, to deny having done a thing;
    bera or bera vitni, vætti, to bear witness, testify;
    bera or bera um e-t, to give a verdict in a case;
    bera e-n sannan at sök, to prove guilty by evidence;
    bera e-n undan sök, to acquit;
    bera í sundr frændsemi þeirra, to prove (by evidence) that they are not relations;
    refl. (pass.), berast, to be proved by evidence (þótt þér berist þat faðerni, er þú segir);
    8) to set forth, report, tell;
    bera e-m kveðju (orð, orðsending), to bring one a greeting, compliments (word, message);
    bera or bera fram erindi sín fyrir e-n, to state (tell) one’s errand or to plead one’s case before one;
    bera e-m njósn, to apprise one;
    bera e-t upp, to produce, mention, tell;
    bera upp erindi sín, to state one’s errand;
    bera saman ráð sín, to consult together;
    eyddist það ráð, er þeir báru saman, which they had designed;
    9) to keep, hold, bear, of a title (bera jarlnafn, konnungsnafn);
    bera (eigi) giptu, gæfu, hammingju, auðnu til e-s, (not) to have the good fortune to do a thing (bar hann enga gæfu til at þjóna þér);
    bera vit, skyn, kunnáttu á e-t, to have knowledge of, uniderstanding about;
    bera hug, áræði, þor, traust til e-s, to have courage, confidence to do a thing;
    bera áhyggju fyrir e-u, to be concerned about;
    bera ást, elsku, hatr til e-s, to bear affection, love, hatred to;
    10) to bear off or away, carry off (some gain);
    bera sigr af e-m, af e-u, to carry off the victory from or in;
    hann hafði borit sigr af tveim orustum, he had been victorious in two battles;
    bera hærra (lægra) hlut to get the best (the worst) of it;
    bera efra (hærra) skjöld, to gain the victory;
    bera hátt (lágt) höfuðit, to bear the head high (low), to be in high (low) spirits;
    bera halann bratt, lágt, to cock up or let fall the tail, to be in high or low spirits;
    11) with preps.:
    bera af e-m, to surpass;
    en þó bar Bolli af, surpassed all the rest;
    bera af sér högg, lag to ward off, parry a blow or thrust;
    bera eld at, to set fire to;
    bera fjötur (bönd) at e-m, to put fetters (bonds) on one;
    bera á or í, to smear, anoint (bera vatn í augu sér, bera tjöru í höfuð sér);
    bera e-t til, to apply to, to try if it fits (bera til hvern lykil af öðrum at portinu);
    bera e-t um, to wind round;
    þá bar hann þá festi um sik, made it fast round his body;
    bera um með e-n, to bear with, have patience with;
    bera út barn, to expose a child;
    12) refl., berast mikit (lítit) á, to bear oneself proudly (humbly);
    láta af berast, to die;
    láta fyrir berast e-s staðar, to stay, remain in a place (for shelter);
    berast e-t fyrir, to design a thing (barst hann þat fyrir at sjá aldregi konur);
    at njósna um, hvat hann bærist fyrir, to inquire into what he was about;
    berast vápn á, to attack one another;
    berast at or til, to happen;
    þat barst at (happened) á einhverju sumri;
    ef svá harðliga kann til at berast, if that misfortune does happen;
    berast í móti, to happen, occur;
    hefir þetta vel í móti borizt, it is a happy coincidence;
    berast við, to be prevented;
    ok nú lét almáttugr guð við berast kirkjubrunann, prevented, stopped the burning of the church;
    II. impers., denoting a sort of passive or involuntary motion;
    alla berr at sama brunni, all come to the same well (end);
    bar hann (acc.) þá ofan gegnt Ösuri, he happened to come down just opposite to Ö.;
    esp. of ships and sailors; berr oss (acc.) til Íslands eða annarra landa, we drift to Iceland or other countries;
    þá (acc.) bar suðr í haf, they were carried out southwards;
    Skarpheðin (acc.) bar nú at þeim, S. came suddenly upon them;
    ef hann (acc.) skyldi bera þar at, if he should happen to come there;
    e-n berr yfir, one is borne onwards, of a bird flying, a man riding;
    hann (acc.) bar skjótt yfir, it passed quickly (of a flying meteor);
    2) followed by preps.:
    Gunnar sér, at rauðan kyrtil bar við glugginn, that a red kirtle passed before the window;
    hvergi bar skugga (acc.) á, there was nowhere a shadow;
    e-t berr fram (hátt), is prominent;
    Ólafr konungr stóð í lyptingu ok bar hann (acc.) hátt mjök, stood out conspicuously;
    e-t berr á milli, comes between;
    leiti (acc.) bar á milli, a hill hid the prospect;
    fig. e-m berr e-t á milli, they are at variance about a thing;
    mart (acc.) berr nú fyrir augu mér, many things come now before my eyes;
    veiði (acc.) berr í hendr e-m, game falls to one’s lot;
    e-t berr undan, goes amiss, fails;
    bera saman, to coincide;
    bar nöfn þeirra saman, they had the same name;
    fig., with dat.; bar öllum sögum vel saman, all the stories agreed well together;
    fund várn bar saman, we met;
    3) bera at, til, við, at hendi, til handa, to befall, happen, with dat. of the person;
    svá bar at einn vetr, it happened one winter;
    þó at þetta vandræði (acc.) hafi nú borit oss (dat.) at hendi, has befallen us;
    bar honum svá til, it so befell him;
    þat bar við (it so happened), at Högni kom;
    raun (acc.) berr á, it is proved by fact;
    4) of time, to fall upon;
    ef þing (acc.) berr á hina helgu viku, if the parliament falls in the holy week;
    bera í móti, to coincide, happen exactly at the same time;
    5) denoting cause;
    e-t berr til, causes a thing;
    konungr spurði, hvat til bæri úgleði hans, what was the cause of his grief;
    ætluðu þat þá allir, at þat mundi til bera, that that was the reason;
    berr e-m nauðsyn til e-s, one is obliged to do a thing;
    6) e-t berr undir e-n, falls to a person’s lot;
    hon á arf at taka, þegar er undir hana berr, in her turn;
    e-t berr frá, is surpassing;
    er sagt, at þat (acc.) bæri frá, hvé vel þeir mæltu, it was extraordinary how well they spoke;
    7) e-t berr bráðum, happens of a sudden;
    e-t berr stóru, stórum (stœrrum), it amounts to much (more), it matters a great deal (more), it is of great (greater) importance;
    8) absol. or with an adv., vel, illa, with infin.;
    e-m berr (vel, illa) at gera e-t, it becomes, beseems one (well, ill) to do a thing (berr yðr vel, herra, at sjá sannindi á þessu máli);
    used absol., berr vel, illa, it is beseeming, proper, fit, or unbeseeming, improper, unfit (þat þykkir eigi illa bera, at).
    (að), v. to make bare (hon beraði likam sinn).
    * * *
    að, [berr, nudus], to make bare, Lat. nudare; hon beraði líkam sinn, Bret. 22: impers., berar hálsinn (acc.), the neck became bare, Bs. i. 624.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > bera

  • 15 LEIKA

    * * *
    (leik; lék, lékum; leikinn), v.
    1) to play (við skulum nú leika fyrst);
    leika leik, to play a play;
    leika tveim skjöldum, to play a double game;
    leika at e-u, to play (amuse oneself) with (Katla sat ok lék at hafri sínum);
    leika at tafli, to play at chess;
    leika sér, to play (hann lék sér þá enn á gólfi með öðrum börnum);
    2) to perform, of a feat or act of prowess (en ek hygg, at engi annarr fái þat leikit);
    3) to move, swing, wave to and fro, hang loosely (leika á lopti);
    landit skalf sem á þræði léki, as if balanced on a string;
    4) of flame, fire, water, waves, to play lightly about or over, lick (eldr tók at leika húsin);
    eldrinn lék skjótt, the fire spread fast;
    leikr hár hiti við himin sjálfan, the lofty blaze plays against the very heavens;
    fig., e-m leikr e-t í skapi (í mun), one feels inclined to, has a mind to (þat leikr mér í skapi at kaupa Íslandsfar);
    5) to deal (hardly) with, to (ill-)treat (leika e-n illa, hart, sárt, sárliga);
    6) to play a trick upon, delude, = leika á e-n (djöfullinn leikr þá alla);
    7) to bewitch, esp. in pp. (maðr sá var leikinn af flagði einu);
    8) with preps.:
    leika á e-n, to play a trick upon (mjök hefir þú á oss leikit);
    fig., lék þat orð á, at, it was rumoured, that;
    e-m leikr öfund á, to envy;
    e-m leikr hugr á, to have a mind to;
    þar leikr minn hugr á, my mind is bent upon that;
    hón segir föður sínum um hvat at leika er, she told her father how things stood;
    leika e-n út, esp. in pp., to ill-treat (konungr sér nú Áka, hversu hann er út leikinn);
    leika við e-n, to play with one;
    leika við, to continue (meinit hafð lengi við leikit);
    9) refl., leikast, to be performed, done;
    ef þat má leikast, if this can be done;
    leikst á e-n, it goes against one, he gets the worst of it (mjök hefir leikizt á minn hluta);
    leikast við, to play one against the other, play a match;
    höfðu þeir leikizt við barna leikum, meðan þeir vóru ungir, they had been playmates.
    (pl. leiku), n. plaything, doll.
    1) = leika, n.;
    2) play-sister (vér vórum leikur vetr níu).
    * * *
    pres. leik; pret. lék, léku; part. leikinn; [Ulf. laikan = σκιρταν; A. S. lâcan; mid. H. G. leiche; Dan. lege; Swed. leka; North. E. to lake]:—to play, sport, Vsp. 42, Am. 76; hann leikr nú eptir magni, Lv. 28; leika leik, 68; hann lék fyrir honum marga fimleika, Fær. 66; leika at skáktafli, to play at chess, Fms. iv. 366; en er þeir léku at taflinu, þá lék konungr fingrbrjót mikinn, ok sagði hann skyldi annat leika, id.; leika hörpu, to play the harp, Stj. 458; leika sungfæri, 631:—leika sér, to play, esp. of children, passim; as also, leika sér at e-u, to play at a thing, passim.
    2. to delude, play a trick on; Djöfullinn leikr þá alla, Andr. 66: esp. with prepp., leika á e-n, to play a trick on a person, Nj. 155; mjök hefir þú á oss leikit, nær sem vér fáum þess hefnt, Grett. 149; ef aðrir leita á oss, þá má vera at vér leikim þá enn nokkut í mot, to make a counter move, Boll. 346; lék hón feðr sinn af sér, she played him off, Stj. 181; svá at eins leikr þú við flesta vini þína, Fms. ii. 181.
    3. ef svá ílla er, at um þat sé at leika, if that is on the cards, Fms. viii. 102, Al. 132, 134; hón segir föður sínum um hvat at leika er, she told her father how things stood, Ld. 206, Fms. viii. 93.
    4. to perform, of a feat or act of prowess, of a play; þú fékt eigi leikit þat er mjúkleikr var í, Fms. vii. 119; þeir kváðu hann verðan vera at hafa, ef hann léki þat, Finnb. 220; en ek hygg at engi annarr fái þat leikit, Fms. i. 152; hann lék þat optliga, er hann barðisk, er fáir gátu við séð, ii. 106; þat má leikask, Fas. i. 88; þessa þrjá hluti lék hann senn, Eb. 240.
    5. the phrases, leika lauss við, to be free, at large, disengaged (cp. ‘to play fast and lose with’); láti þér hann nú eigi lausan við leika lengi, Fms. xi. 154; en Hákon sjálfr skal leika lauss við svá, H. shall not be engaged in the battle, i. e. be in reserve, 127; leika lausum hala (see hali); leika tveim skjöldum, to play a double game, Hkr. i. (in a verse).
    II. to move, swing, wave to and fro, hang loosely; leika á lopti, Hm. 156; leika á mars baki, Hðm. 12; lék þar grind á járnum, Fms. v. 331; landið skalf sem á þræði léki, Fas. i. 424; skjálfa þótti húsit sem á als oddi léki, 87; lét hann leika laust knéit í brókinni, Fms. vii. 170; árar léku lausar í höndum honum, vi. 446; þeir steypðo golli nýteknu ór afli leikanda ( melted gold) í munn honum, Hom. (St.) 69.
    2. to lick, of flame, to catch, of fire = Lat. lambere; þeir vöknuðu eigi fyrr en logi lék um þá, Fms. i. 292; hiti leikr við himin, Vsp. 57; varð eldr lauss í miðjum bænum, eldrinn lék skjótt, ætluðu þeir at verja eldinum, en þá var þar svá mjök leikit (so much burnt) at þeir máttu ekki við festask, Fb. iii. 175; eldr tók at leika húsin, Gullþ. 28; eldrinn tók at leika vatns-keröldin ok viðinn, Fms. xi. 35; heldr en þar léki eldr yfir, viii. 341; lék eldrinn skjótt tjörgaða spónu í keröldunum, i. 128.
    3. of water, waves, stream, to play, wash; unnir léku, Hkv. 2. 11, Lex. Poët.; þótti honum þat helzt frói at hafa höndina niðri í læknum, ok láta strauminn leika um sárit, Fas. iii. 388; vatnit var djúpt at landinu, ok hafði leikit undan bakkanum, svá at holt var með, the water had washed the earth away, and made the bank hollow, Grett. 131 A:—of wind, veðr var kalt ok lék á nordan, 113 new Ed.: allir ketill lék utan ok innan sem ein sía, Bs. ii. 9.
    4. metaph., lék þat orð á, it was rumoured, Fms. i. 288, Fs. 75; var þá vinátta þeirra kær, þótt þat léki nökkut á ýmsu, though there were ups and downs in their friendship, Fms. vi. 369; leika á tvennu, id., Mag. 33; lék á hinu sama, it went all one way, Fms. v. 252; leika á tveim tungum, ‘to swing on two tongues,’ of various reports of the same thing, ix. 255; leikr þat sízt á tvímæli, hverr fræði-maðr sem frá þeim hefir sagt, Edda (pref.) 147; ef tortrygð leikr á, if there is any suspicion, Js. 26; þar leikr þó minn hugr á, have a mind for a thing, Eg. 520; þat leikr mér í skapi ( I have a mind) at kaupa Íslands-far, Fms. ii. 4; ok ef þér leikr aptr munr at, Ld. 318, v. l.; leika í mun, id., Skv. 3. 39; leika landmunir, to feel homesick, Bjarn.; e-m leikr öfund á e-u, to envy, Fms. vi. 342; leika hugr á, to have a mind to, love; hón er svá af konum, at mér leikr helzt hugr á, vii. 103.
    III. esp. in the part. hag-ridden, bewitched, as madmen or people bedridden or taken by a strange illness were thought to be ‘ridden’ by trolls; syndisk mönnum þann veg helzt sem hann mundi leikinn, þvíat hann fór hjá sér ok talaði við sjálfan sik, Eb. 270; maðr sá er Snorri hét var leikinn af flagði einu, Bs. i. 464.
    2. metaph. to ill-treat, vex; hví ertú svá ílla leikin? Nj. 18, Sd. 169; sárt ertú leikinn, Sámr fóstri, Nj. 114; sagði þeim engan frama at drepa fá menn ok þó áðr ílla leikna, Fms. ix. 47; börðu þeir mik ok léku sárliga, Fb. i. 547; þeir tóku hann ok léku hart ok börðu, Andr. 64; Loka mær hefir leikinn allvald, Loki’s maid (Death) has laid hands on the king, Ýt.:—to vex, annoy, cp. at þjófar né leiki, that the thieves shall not take it, Hm.; þau á vági vindr of lék, the wind swamped them, Gkv. 1; meinit hafði lengi við leikit, the illness had vexed him a long time, Bs. i. 190.
    IV. reflex. to be performed, done; ef þat má leikask, if this can be done, Fas. i. 88; sögðu at þat mætti þá vel leikask, at vinda segl á Orminum ok sigla á haf út, Fms. ii. 326:—leikask á e-n, to get the worst of it; mjök hefir á leikisk minn hluta, I have been utterly worsted, Ísl. ii. 269; ok léksk mjök á mönnum Agða jarls, Fms. iii. 187; ok þótti nú opt á leikask í viðskiptum þeirra Grettis, Grett. 151.
    2. recipr., leikask við, to play a match, to play one against another; ok er þat bezt at vit sjálfir leikimk við, Grett. 99 new Ed., Sturl. i. 23, Fms. ii. 269, Þórð. 15 new Ed.; ok höfðu þeir leikisk við barnleikum allir þrír meðan þeir vóru ungir, they had been playmates, Fms. vi. 343; ef þeir skyldi tveir við leikask, Glúm. 370:—at þér komizt undan með lausafé yðart, en þá leikisk um lönd sem auðit er, escape with the movable property and leave the land to its fate, and let them quarrel about the land as best they can, Eb. 98.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > LEIKA

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